Home Beaches, Boardwalk, Bay OCBP History: National Lifeguard Day on Sat. Before Labor Day

OCBP History: National Lifeguard Day on Sat. Before Labor Day



On Sept. 1, 1990, Assemblyman Edward H. Salmon presented the Ocean City Beach Patrol a framed resolution designating the Saturday before Labor Day as New Jersey Lifeguard Day.

The resolution announced, “These lifeguards regularly subject themselves to life-threatening situations in their efforts to save the lives of others.”

Pictured on the Ninth Street beach, from left: Lt. Fred Miller, Lifeguard Chuck Dunn, Captain Oliver Muzslay, Assemblyman Salmon, Mayor Nickolas Trofa, Police Chief Dominick Longo, Lt. Angelo Psaltis and Lifeguard Darren Hickman.

— By Fred Miller, historian and former OCBP lieutenant