Home What to do Have ‘Coffee With Cops’ Tuesday Morning at Sunrise Cafe

Have ‘Coffee With Cops’ Tuesday Morning at Sunrise Cafe

R.J. Idell, Jill Noon, Bob Idell, Sharon Idell, Councilman Mike DeVlieger, landlord Marvin Goldstein, Mayor Jay Gillian and Ocean City Regional Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Michele Gillian mark the opening of Sunrise Cafe in 2014.

The next “Coffee with Cops” event will be held 8 to 10 a.m. Tuesday (Oct. 27) at the Sunrise Cafe (12th Street and Asbury Avenue).

Sunrise Cafe provides complimentary coffee and treats, and citizens are invited to meet with officers and discuss concerns and ask questions related to police work in Ocean City.

Contact Officer Michael Gray (609-525-9108 or mgray@ocnj.us) with any questions.