Home Latest Stories Drop Box for Unused Medications Available at Police Station

Drop Box for Unused Medications Available at Police Station


The Ocean City Police Department has joined the New Jersey Attorney General’s “Project Medicine Drop” initiative, and has installed a Project Medicine Drop Box at police headquarters at 835 Central Avenue.

The box makes it easier and more convenient than ever for Ocean City residents to take an active role in the fight against the nationwide epidemic of opiate and heroin abuse, which often is fueled by the abuse of prescription painkillers.

The department’s Project Medicine Drop Box is located just inside the Police Department doorway.

Residents may visit the Ocean City Police Department at any time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, to dispose of their unused medications.

Project Medicine Drop is an important component of the New Jersey Attorney General’s effort to stop the diversion and abuse of prescription drugs, including highly addictive opiate pain killers.