Home What to do Stations of the Cross on Friday Moved Off the Boardwalk

Stations of the Cross on Friday Moved Off the Boardwalk

Credit: St. John Lutheran Church

Update: Due to a forecast for inclement weather, the observance of the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday has been moved from the Boardwalk to inside St. John Lutheran, located at 10th and Central Avenue, in Ocean City.  The event will still start at noon.

The following news release is from St. John Lutheran Church:

The congregation of St. John Lutheran Church in Ocean City invites the public to join them as they follow the stations of the cross this Good Friday on the Ocean City Boardwalk to re-enact the path Christ took from the upper room to the tomb.

In what has become an annual tradition, this will be the fourth time St. John Lutheran Church will portray the stations of the cross on the Ocean City Boardwalk.

Those who wish to take part in the Ocean City Stations should gather at 14th Street and the Boardwalk at noon on Good Friday, April 18. Participants will wend their way through the stations as they continue down the Boardwalk to 6th Street. All are welcome.

Stations of the Cross, or Way of Sorrows, refers to the depiction of the final hours and Passion of Jesus.

The object of the Stations is to help the faithful to make a spiritual pilgrimage of prayer, through meditating upon the scenes of Christ’s sufferings.