Home Latest Stories Sunny And Dry Weekend, Warmer Temps Ahead

Sunny And Dry Weekend, Warmer Temps Ahead


This weekend marks the beginning of a long stretch of mainly dry weather as a large high pressure system will dominate the East Coast. As a result, warmer temperatures will settle in by early next week.

Sunshine returns for the weekend, however it will be breezy on Saturday with highs in the mid 50s. Brisk northwest winds around 20 mph with gusts to 30mph will make it feel cooler.

maxt2_phixxxxForecast Highs for Saturday

Milder temperatures begin on Sunday as winds switch more in the southerly direction pushing temperatures into the 60s inland but will keep the coast in the 50s to near 60 degrees.

maxt3_phixxxForecast Highs for Sunday

As the high pressure moves offshore, southwesterly winds will allow temperatures to soar into the 70s for early next week. Temperatures along the coast will be in the 60s will plenty of sunshine.

gfs_t2m_neus_15Computer models show temperatures early next week climbing into the 70s along the East Coast (60s Coast). (Courtesy:tropicaltibits.com)

The next chance of rain won’t be until later next week as a front will move through with the chance of a showers.


Other than that, it will be a beautiful, mild stretch of weather. Enjoy!