Home Beaches, Boardwalk, Bay OCBP Then and Now: O.C. Rules the Jerseys

OCBP Then and Now: O.C. Rules the Jerseys



Captain George T. Lafferty and Mayor B. Thomas Waldman accept the 1971 South Jersey Lifeguard Championship trophy from rowers Hans and Karsten Giesecke and swimmer Bill Dorney. It was the 11th year in a row the OCBP won the championship.

The OCBP reunion weekend will be held August 14, 15 and 16. The 76th annual South Jersey Lifeguard Championship (“The Jerseys”) will be held on Friday, August 14 on the Decatur Avenue beach in Margate. The three-event tournament will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Karsten Giesecke, rookie 1969, Jim Sullivan, rookie 1973, and Paul Mangen, rookie 2000, will be inducted into the OCBP Hall of Fame at the 77th annual Lifeguard Reunion, Saturday, August 15 at Sandi Pointe Coastal Bistro, 908 Shore Road in Somers Point. For more information, go to the Ocean City Rowing & Athletic Association’s website OCRAA.com.

The 3rd annual OCBP Alumni Races will be held on Sunday, August 16 beginning at 9 a.m. on the Seaview Harbor beach, off the road between Ocean City and Longport.

— By Fred Miller, historian and former OCBP lieutenant