One of the colorful flower boxes created last year during the early stages of the pandemic features a seagull wearing a medical-style mask. (Photo courtesy of Ocean City)

A 48-year-old tradition will continue virtually this year as the annual
Ocean City Flower Show presented by the Garden Club of Ocean City will highlight floral creations and garden displays via photographs submitted by enthusiasts of all ages and levels.
Here is your chance to show off your home gardens and flower arrangements. Individual flowers, container gardening, flower gardens, vegetable gardens, house plants, and door wreaths are all welcome. As long the plants are living, they will be accepted.
Submit your photos to and the city will feature a few of the favorite submissions via the Ocean City Music Pier Facebook Page
@MusicPier. The submission deadline is June 1 and the featured selections will be posted on June 3 and 4.
There is no theme, but provide your name, contact information, and a description and any special information about your entry.
Typically held inside the Music Pier, the Ocean City Flower Show Committee decided to hold the 2020 and 2021 events online due to COVID-19.
With the governor announcing that vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks outdoors and lifting capacity limits on outdoor gatherings, Ocean City’s
Unlocking of the Ocean ceremony will take on new meaning this year. Everybody is anxious to get back to the ocean, beach and Boardwalk this year, and city officials will turn the key at noon on Friday, May 28 on the beach next to the Music Pier.
Once the ocean is ceremonially opened for the season, the first bathers will be fully clothed local business owners and employees. The annual
Business Person’s Plunge is taking all comers willing to take a chilly dip in their business attire.
Organizers are encouraging folks to sign up at The Plunge immediately follows the Unlocking of the Ocean on May 28.