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Top 5 Star Wars Books For Fans

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Have you ever wondered what inspired and fueled the epic success behind the Star Wars movies? 

Yes, the producers, directors, and the transitioning media have a lot to be credited for. 

Yet, the amazing story, the intricate politics, and the vast galactic terrains, that has the fans gripped, cannot be overlooked. This is a result of many minds and pens grouped by impressive science fiction authors. 

If you think the Star Wars franchise is never-ending then hold your thoughts. Star Wars novelization is even more extensive. There are two Han Solo trilogies although the S.C. Crispin is rather well known. 

For the galaxy fans that are bored of the movies and want to explore a particular plotline or rather, prefer divulging into adventures of the main Skywalker saga. 

You can pick up one of the books mentioned below!


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Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn 

If you are a lifelong Star Wars bookworm then the popularity of the Thrawn series must have already reached you. Timothy Zahn has done a great deed for Star Wars fans by exploring the main Thrawn trilogy in detail. The trilogy consists of ‘Heir to the Empire’, ‘Dark Force Rising’, and ‘The Last Command’. Zahn has since then put out many novels on Grand Admiral Thrawn including the Ascendency Trilogy.  

However, nothing beats the originality and character-building of the 1990’s book version. Characters like Lia Organa, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker carry the book series fantastically, continuing the story that takes place five years after the Return of the Jedi. New characters like Mara Jade and the first clone in the form of a corrupted Jedi called Joruus C’baoth are a surprise element. The whole series is a sensation and ends with a shocking reveal!

Darth Bane Trilogy by Drew Karpyshyn

Drew Karpyshyn is often compared to Timothy Zahn and Claudia Grey because of his state-of-the-art writing style. He showed near-perfect writing and story-building skills in the Darth Bane trilogy. Even the twisting points on this one are better than his other works. 

Darth Bane's Trilogy consists of ‘Path of Destruction’, ‘Rule of Two’, and ‘Dynasty of Evil’. For the dark side fans, Bane Trilogy is a guide to all Sith Order customs. The story of Darth Bane is followed as he revolutionizes and strengthens the Sith ways. Additionally, the history behind the working and traditions of the Sith fighting style is discussed in detail. 

Lost Stars by Claudia Grey 

Claudia Grey’s work is most beloved among the Force fans because of its unique turns and engaging language. Grey has put out some banger series and Lost Stars easily tops it all. It has the highs and lows that engage the reader to the last word. Besides, the concept of the book is interesting and outlandish enough to continue reading. 

Lost Stars is a nontraditional story of two childhood friends Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree as they navigate the great Galactic Civil War. The main protagonists are stretched between the two force sides. Grey fans are gripped by the emotional uptake and harsh realities discovered in the series. Lost Stars is easily a novel readable in one sitting. 

Kenobi by John Jackson Miller 

Kenobi is a 2013 Legends release that inspired the DisneyPlus Obi-Wan Kenobi series. However, unlike the TV series, the book explores Obi Wan’s character in detail. Usually, on-screen Obi-Wan is related to Luke Skywalker and only itty bitty details are shown from Kenobi’s past. 

Now fans have the chance to discover what leads to Obi-Wan being a noble yet witty and a remarkable Jedi. Keobi by Jackson Miller shows Obi-Wan amid a dispute between the farmers and the Tusken Raiders at Tatooine. 

The novel’s timeline takes place years before the ‘A New Hope’ -Original series. After Luke is dropped by his uncle and aunt. Obi-Wan's story begins, with him rivaling the dispute and showering his charisma in placating the local battles. 

Master and Apprentice by Claudia Grey 

Master and Apprentice is a Cannon standalone continuation and a recent release, in 2019. For readers that want nothing to do with the complexities of the galaxy and the Empire. They can pick up a lightweight and peaceful Jedi book Master and apprentice. 

Because of the immersive writing, fans have come to love the dynamics of the Jedi world. The book explains the principles of padawan lightsaber training and how a Jedi master must take one padawan at a time. The highlight of the novel is Qui Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi’s interactions. Their growing closeness over time and twining passion for eliminating the disputes in the royal court. Qui Gon Jinn fans can now absorb all the extra information about their favorite character from this book!


Star Wars books are a captivating way of engaging the diverse storyline. Check out more galaxy books and other amazing works from the authors. The vast book releases over the years cover numerous aspects of the galaxy from the pivoting battles, and evil characters to the downfall of the Empire. 

Start with the best lore works mentioned above. It will highlight your space fantasy experience through the lens of futuristic and compelling books. 


Chris Bates