Clubhouse Bold is a sexual health supplement marketed to men who want to optimize levels of DHT, the body’s most potent form of testosterone.
By taking two capsules daily, you can purportedly reverse ED, boost sexual performance, and solve virtually every other problem in bed.
Keep reading to learn if it is a legitimate formula today in our review.
What is Clubhouse Bold?
Advertised as a nutritional supplement made by UK-based Clubhouse Supplements.
Each serving of contains a proprietary blend of Tribulus Terrestris, L-theanine, and other active ingredients to promote sexual function, confidence, calmness, and anxiety relief, among other benefits.
The primary goal is to optimize levels of dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT is the body’s most potent form of testosterone. Studies show men with low DHT tend to have low confidence, high stress, and weaker physical energy than men with high DHT.
Men will find it is priced at $59 per bottle and backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee. You have 180 days to try the supplement, decide if it works, and request a refund if you’re unhappy.
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Clubhouse Bold Benefits
Some of the benefits include:
- Boost DHT, the most potent form of testosterone
- Optimize sexual performance
- Natural ingredients with no side effects
- Block the conversion of DHT into testosterone
- Eliminate performance anxiety and boost confidence
- Backed by a 180-day satisfaction guarantee
How Does Clubhouse Bold Work?
It's a blend of natural ingredients, including amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts, that optimizes levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
DHT is one of the most important sex hormones in the male body. Like testosterone, it is an androgen that stimulates the development of male characteristics. It helps form genitalia and body hair, for example.
Too much DHT can lead to hair loss and health issues. Too little DHT, on the other hand, can lead to physical weakness, sexual dysfunction, and excess estrogen levels.
By taking Clubhouse Bold daily, you can purportedly promote
optimal DHT levels, solving the root cause of male sexual dysfunction.
Raising Testosterone Isn’t Enough
Many men have high testosterone levels. They’ve checked their bloodwork, and there’s nothing wrong: they feel they shouldn’t have ED or other sexual health problems because of their high testosterone levels.
In many cases, these men have normal testosterone levels but low DHT levels. The low DHT levels make it challenging to perform in bed.
Even if testosterone levels are high, DHT levels could be low, leading to sexual dysfunction. Some men also convert more DHT and testosterone into estrogen, giving them higher-than-normal levels of the primary female sex hormone.
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Clubhouse Bold Tracks Its Roots in the Adult Film Industry
Stirling Cooper, founder of Clubhouse Supplements and creator of the formula, theorized raising DHT levels could improve sexual function in men.
To test his theory, Stirling checked his DHT levels and found they were at the upper end of the range. That made sense because Stirling spent most of his career having sex with women in high-stress environments – like on the set of adult films. He never had problems getting hard or staying hard for hours.
Stirling repeated the bloodwork test with other male stars, finding they also had high DHT levels.
Many guys, meanwhile, tend to have
low DHT levels. They have trouble performing in bed and staying hard. They’re susceptible to stress and become nervous around women or other people.
To solve this problem, Stirling created the ultimate supplement for raising DHT levels. Today, anyone can take Clubhouse Bold to promote healthy DHT levels and boost sexual performance.
How DHT Impacts Sexual Health
We’ve established the connection between DHT and sexual performance. But
why is DHT connected to sexual performance? How does DHT make you have harder, longer-lasting erections?
Here’s how Stirling describes the connection between DHT and sexual performance:
- DHT is the most potent GABA agonist in the body.
- As a GABA agonist, DHT stimulates the release of GABA in the brain.
GABA is your body’s natural sedating neurotransmitter. It makes you feel calm and relaxed. You may be familiar with another popular GABA agonist: alcohol. It’s one reason some people feel more comfortable after a few drinks.
You could drink alcohol to optimize GABA levels. However, alcohol has apparent downsides. It makes you less coherent. It makes it harder to have an orgasm or get hard. It can give you beer goggles, causing you to lose inhibitions and choose an unsuitable partner.
Instead of drinking alcohol to raise DHT and stimulate the release of GABA, you can take Clubhouse Bold. Raising DHT provides “
all the calmness of GABA without being sedated,” according to the manufacturer.
DHT doesn’t just act as a GABA agonist. It’s also a dopamine agonist. Dopamine is your brain’s natural chemical for “desire.” It’s also linked to motivation, energy, passion, and focus.
For all these reasons and more, raising DHT can help you feel cool, calm, and collected in any situation – inside and outside the bedroom.
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Do You Need Clubhouse Bold? 7 Reasons for Low DHT
Your low DHT levels may not be your fault. Clubhouse Supplements lists seven reasons you may have lower-than-optimal DHT levels.
Some of the reasons include:
Reason #1: Genetics: Genetics impact DHT levels, and some men have naturally higher DHT levels than others. If many members of your family are bald, for example, then you could have higher-than-normal levels of DHT.
Reason #2: Diet: According to Clubhouse Supplements, some people eat an “
anti-DHT diet.” Diets full of processed foods, refined sugars, trans fats, and genetically modified ingredients can cause DHT levels to plummet.
Reason #3: Excess Estrogen Intake: Many men have higher-than-normal estrogen levels for various reasons, causing testosterone and DHT levels to plummet. Clubhouse Supplements blames plastic water bottles, processed foods, soy, stress, and heavy metals in body care products (like deodorant) for raising estrogen in men.
Reason #4: Bad Sleep: If you’re not getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night, your body may not produce enough testosterone or DHT. Your body produces 90% of its hormones at night, and poor sleep can disrupt hormone production.
Reason #5: Subconscious Pushback Against Toxic Masculinity: Clubhouse Supplements warns men against buying into “the ‘toxic masculinity narrative’,” claiming many men have been subconsciously trained to suppress male characteristics like strength and confidence. This subconscious belief lowers DHT levels.
Reason #6: Weight Gain: Fat tissues contain enzymes that break DHT into less potent hormones. If you’re overweight, you tend to have lower DHT and testosterone levels than someone who is an average weight.
Reason #7: Taking 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitors: Many male health medications and supplements act as 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Clubhouse Supplements describes these formulas as “DHT blockers.” They block DHT to prevent hair loss, leading to lower DHT levels overall. You might fight back against baldness, only to decrease other male characteristics.
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3 Easy Ways to Naturally Increase DHT Levels
Low DHT isn’t permanent. There are ways to solve low DHT problems – from adding nutrients to your diet to changing lifestyle habits.
Here are three easy ways to naturally increase DHT levels, according to Clubhouse Supplements:
Step 1) Take the Right Nutrients: If you’re not taking in the proper nutrients, your body won’t produce enough DHT. Studies show men who are deficient in nutrients like zinc, for example, tend to have lower testosterone levels than men who get their daily recommended intake of zinc. The makers of Clubhouse Bold describe other nutrients as the “building blocks” of DHT. To help, it contains ingredients like tribulus terrestris, which has nutrients like selenium to promote testosterone production.
Step 2) Prevent Excessive DHT Breakdown: Your body breaks down some DHT into estrogen. It’s a natural process. However, some men lose more DHT to estrogen conversion than others, leading to higher estrogen levels and lower DHT levels. The product aims to help by providing ingredients like apigenin, a bioflavonoid found in certain plants. According to Clubhouse Supplements, the apigenin in the formula “prevents the breakdown of DHT into estrogen.”
Step 3) Increase Calming Neurotransmitters:
Stress lowers DHT levels, making it harder to perform inside and outside the bedroom. Clubhouse Bold promotes relaxation, calmness, and confidence using ingredients like theanine. Theanine is an amino acid naturally present in certain types of plants, including green tea. Studies show it nullifies many of the unwanted side effects of caffeine – like jitters and anxiety. Clubhouse Supplements added it to the formula to reduce stress and performance anxiety, helping you perform at your best.
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Clubhouse Bold Ingredients
This is a blend of seven ingredients specifically chosen for their ability to boost DHT production while also helping with performance anxiety and overall stress.
Here are all of the active ingredients and how they work:
- Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus Terrestris is one of the most essential ingredients. It grows naturally worldwide and has been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese and Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Today, it’s best known as a male testosterone booster supplement. According to studies, Tribulus Terrestris in studies using rats and rabbits can optimize levels of DHT, GABA, estrogen, dopamine, and prolactin, promoting male sexual performance.
- Selenium: Each serving contains roughly two times your daily recommended dose of selenium. Selenium is crucial for producing DHT, and studies show men deficient in selenium tend to have lower testosterone and DHT levels than men who get their recommended intake of selenium. According to studies, selenium optimizes DHT and estrogen levels while promoting healthy thyroid function.
- Thiamine: The formula contains thiamine in the form of thiamine hydrochloride. Each serving contains a considerable dose of thiamine: 8,333% of your daily recommended value (% DV). Thiamine hydrochloride helps to manage anxiety and ATP.
- Niacinamide: Studies have shown that niacinamide, a B vitamin, acts as a DHT booster. Each formula serving contains 313% of your daily value of niacinamide, helping boost cellular energy.
- L-Theanine: According to the Cleveland Clinic, L-Theanine is an amino acid known to reduce stress and anxiety. Clubhouse Supplements added it to the formula specifically to minimize performance anxiety, a major cause of sexual dysfunction. The L-theanine in Clubhouse Bold can also increase mental focus, support the immune system, and support healthy blood pressure.
- Apigenin: Apigenin is a bioflavonoid found in certain plants. Like other flavonoids, apigenin has antioxidant effects, which help neutralize inflammation-causing free radicals throughout the body. Apigenin also has effects on testosterone. NIH studies show that Apigenin prevents the breakdown of DHT into estrogen while also supporting sexual performance, confidence, and other desirable characteristics. Apigenin also explicitly inhibits an enzyme called AKR1C9, which is known to break down DHT.
- Lithium: The final ingredient is lithium orotate. Lithium is a mineral linked to stress response. It’s naturally present in mineral water, but some take lithium daily as a supplement. According to Clubhouse Supplements, the ingredient helps reduce your body's adrenaline (stress) levels.
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How to Take It
Clubhouse Supplements recommends taking two capsules daily to promote DHT production. You can take capsules at any time of day, with or without food:
What to Expect After Taking Clubhouse Bold
According to Clubhouse Supplements, you could experience the following effects:
- Become Resilient to Stress: Many of the formula's ingredients act as natural adaptogens, which means they help the body adapt to and respond to stress.
- Boost Confidence Inside & Outside the Bedroom: Gives you “sky-high confidence,” according to the manufacturer, helping to promote better performance inside and outside the bedroom.
- Get Hard Anytime, Anywhere: Clubhouse Bold will help you get “rock hard boners, anytime, anyplace,” according to the manufacturer, while making performance anxiety a thing of the past.
- Solve Performance Anxiety: Men with high DHT don’t get performance anxiety. They see a hot woman and want to have sex with that woman. They don’t worry about how well they’ll perform: they just know they want to have sex. Raising DHT means “no more worrying about performance anxiety,” according to the official website.
- Deeper Voice: As an androgen, DHT promotes masculine traits – like a deep voice.
- Higher Sex Drive: Clubhouse Bold can boost libido and sexual performance, giving you a higher sex drive.
- Fuller Beard: Studies show men with high DHT levels tend to have a fuller beard than men with low DHT levels. Because DHT is androgenic, it promotes masculine traits like a full beard.
- Increased Physical Strength: It can help you “be physically stronger,” according to Clubhouse Supplements. Men with high DHT and testosterone levels tend to have greater physical strength.
- More Lean Muscle & Less Fat: According to Clubhouse Supplements, when you workout, you can expect more lean muscle gains and greater body fat burning. Studies show men with high DHT and testosterone tend to get better gains more easily.
- Reduced Estrogen: Some of the ingredients in Clubhouse Bold work by inhibiting the conversion of DHT into estrogen. Some men have higher-than-normal estrogen levels, which could lead to worse sexual performance.
- Penis Size: Clubhouse Supplements doesn’t advertise using their formula as a way to increase the size of your penis permanently; however, the company cites research showing higher DHT levels during puberty tend to lead to a higher penis. Low DHT during puberty can lead to a “lack of penile and testicular growth,” according to the manufacturer.
Buy Clubhouse Bold today and start enjoying the benefits!
Works Without Making You Bald
DHT is believed to be one of the root causes of baldness. So why won’t Clubhouse Bold make you bald?
Clubhouse Supplements acknowledges DHT could play a role in hair loss. However, it’s just one of several reasons why men lose hair, including:
- Genetic predisposition
- Too much stress
- Toxins in shampoos and other personal hygiene products
- A poor diet lacking in essential nutrients
For all of these reasons, men can go bald regardless of their high or low DHT levels.
Some men also take 5-alpha reductase inhibitors to reduce baldness. These 5-alpha reductase inhibitors work by lowering DHT levels. This can stop you from becoming bald. However, it also lowers DHT and blocks male characteristics. You might avoid going bald for a few months – only to have higher estrogen levels and worse sexual performance.
Scientific Evidence for Clubhouse Bold
The formula contains ingredients linked to confidence, calmness, sexual performance, and more. We’ll review the science behind the formula below.
The most prominent ingredient is Tribulus terrestris. The plant extract has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and is best known for its effects on libido, sexual health, and overall wellness. Some NCBI
studies have shown no conclusive evidence connecting Tribulus Terrestris to any significant impact on male performance, confidence, or testosterone. Other MDPI
studies, however, have demonstrated that tribulus terrestris can significantly boost confidence and improve bench press performance in men.
Many of the ingredients are adaptogens, which means they help the body respond to stress. L-theanine, for example, is one of the most popular relaxation aids in the world of supplements. A 2019
study published in
Nutrients found L-theanine could help with stress-related symptoms and cognitive function in healthy adults, with adults performing better on cognitive tests after taking L-theanine and being exposed to stress.
Selenium is another essential ingredient in Clubhouse Bold. Some PubMed
studies have connected selenium to reduced inflammation and improved hormone balance in men. Men deficient in selenium may have lower testosterone than men who get their recommended daily intake of the mineral.
Apigenin is a unique ingredient not typically found in testosterone booster supplements. Growing evidence, however, has connected apigenin, a bioflavonoid, to testosterone and DHT-related effects. A 2017 study, for example, found apigenin inhibited AKR1C9, an enzyme linked to testosterone breakdown. The study was on rats—not humans—but it suggests apigenin could play a role in testosterone and DHT balance.
Overall, it contains various nutrients and plant extracts linked to male sexual health and performance in multiple ways – from stress response to DHT production.
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Supplement Facts Label
Clubhouse Supplements discloses all ingredients and most dosages upfront. Although some ingredients are found within a proprietary blend, we know the blend's overall dose and all active and inactive ingredients within Clubhouse Bold.

Each two-capsule serving contains the following ingredients:
- 505mg of the Proprietary Blend with Tribulus terrestris extract (10:1 ratio), L-theanine, apigenin (98%), and lithium orotate
- 100mg of thiamine (8,333% DV)
- 50mg NE of niacin (313% DV)
- 100mcg of selenium (182% DV)
Other (inactive) ingredients, including cellulose (to form the vegetable capsule), brown rice flour, magnesium stearate, olive oil, and silicon dioxide
The formula is also free of GMOs, refined sugar, added salt, trans fats, artificial sweeteners and colors, wheat, dairy, and soy.
Clubhouse Bold Pricing
Bold is priced at $59 per bottle or less as part of a 2024 promotion. The ordinary retail price is $99 per bottle. Plus, the more bottles you order, the more you can save.
Here’s how pricing works when ordering from the
Clubhouse Supplements online store today:
- 1 Bottle: $59 + $19.95 Shipping
- 1 Bottle (Subscribe & Save): $55 Per Month + $19.95 Shipping
- 3 Bottles: $147 ($49 Per Bottle) + Free Shipping
- 3 Bottles (Subscribe & Save): $135 Per Quarter + Free Shipping
- 6 Bottles: $234 ($39 Per Month) + Free Shipping
Refund Policy
Clubhouse Supplements offers a 180-day satisfaction guarantee. You have six whole months to try the formula, assess its effects, and decide if you like it before requesting a refund if unsatisfied.
About Clubhouse Supplements
Clubhouse Supplements is a UK-based supplement company founded by Stirling Cooper. The company is best known for making sexual health supplements for men – including formulas to reverse ED, improve bedroom performance, and boost testosterone.
Stirling Cooper is an award-winning adult entertainment star. After a successful career in adult entertainment, he decided to start a supplement company. Today, many of Clubhouse Supplements’ formulas trace their history to the adult entertainment industry, where some stars have used similar ingredients for centuries to enhance performance.
You can contact the Clubhouse Supplements customer service team via the following:
- Email:
- Phone: +1 (559) 608-3071
Final Word
Clubhouse Bold is the latest formula from Clubhouse Supplements, a UK-based supplement company launched by adult film star Stirling Cooper.
By taking two capsules daily, you can purportedly optimize sexual performance and confidence by targeting dihydrotestosterone (DHT), the most important male sex hormone and the most potent form of testosterone. The formula also promotes calmness, stress response, and overall anxiety relief.
Visit the official website to learn more about Clubhouse Bold and how it works, or buy the sexual health supplement online today.