Best Natural Estrogen Supplements Over The Counter

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Estrogen is a crucial hormone that regulates our health, from sexual and reproductive function to bone density and cognitive well-being. While estrogen levels naturally fluctuate, during menopause, they fall pretty drastically, causing a range of symptoms, from hot flashes and mood swings to problems sleeping. It's noteworthy that conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure can also throw things out of whack. While prescription estrogen medications are available, there is a growing interest in exploring over-the-counter (OTC) natural estrogen supplements as an alternative solution. Unfortunately, most of these aren't very good, and that's where we come in. After consulting with doctors and going through the clinical trials, we found a couple of supplements for menopausal women that are worth your time. However, most well-known brands didn't make our list: all marketing budget and no actual substance.

About Estrogen Supplements and Menopause Symptoms

Now, there's a wide range of OTC options available that claim to help manage menopause symptoms and balance estrogen levels. These supplements often come in creams, tablets, or capsules and may contain ingredients like isoflavones, flaxseed, or black cohosh. There's some evidence to support a few of these ingredients. However, unfortunately, the vast majority of these supplements don't contain the doses or, in some cases, even the proper extracts that have been shown to improve menopausal symptoms in clinical trials. So, we will review which ingredients have solid backing and which supplements have these in the proper doses.

Editors Note

As a general rule of thumb, we recommend EstroCare as the best supplement for menopause symptoms; it's a 3-capsule-a-day supplement that contains the optimal doses of 20 ingredients, including almost everything in the most well-known brands combined. It's also got a money-back guarantee which we've verified with mystery shoppers; good bulk buy deals, and covers the best ingredients for hot flashes, sleep issues, and mood swings, as well as containing ingredients to help protect bone and vaginal health. Most of the competitor products contain the optimal doses of one or two ingredients, followed by the underdose of the rest. As such, they won our top menopause supplement award in 2024.

Looking At Ingredients You Want In OTC Estrogen Supplements

Soy Isoflavones

Isoflavones are a class of phytoestrogens, plant-derived compounds that mimic the structure and function of estrogen in the body. Supplements containing soy-derived isoflavones, such as genistein and daidzein, have been studied for their potential to alleviate menopausal symptoms. A few other herbal remedies contain isoflavones on the list, and they're regularly examined for their positive effects on female hormones. The studies lean toward the positive.

Black Cohosh

Black cohosh is an herb traditionally used to manage menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes. It is believed to have a mild estrogenic effect, although the exact mechanisms of action are still being investigated. Most studies show that it does seem to reduce hot flashes in women with low estrogen.


While the research on probiotics and menopause is still relatively limited, the existing evidence is quite promising. Some studies suggest that certain probiotic strains, particularly those containing lactic acid-producing bacteria like Lactobacillus, may help alleviate hot flashes, improve bone density, and even support vaginal health during the menopausal transition. The vaginal benefits are where it looks most likely to have notable health benefits; the reason is that during menopause, women produce less of the probiotic that protects vaginal health, and this can result in vaginal dryness and even atrophy. Supplementing these probiotics has been shown to reduce these issues. And, of course, they have a benefit on gut health.


Flaxseed is a rich source of lignans, another type of phytoestrogen. Flaxseed supplements have been explored for their potential to alleviate hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms.

B Vitamins

B vitamins play critical roles in mental health and energy production. Vitamin B6 supports hormonal balance and neurotransmitter synthesis, while B12 is essential for energy metabolism and maintaining healthy nerve cells. Menopausal women tend to need extra B vitamins.


Zinc is essential for hormone balance and immune function. It plays a role in producing and signaling hormones like estrogen and progesterone. During menopause, maintaining adequate zinc levels can help support hormonal balance, reduce mood swings, and enhance immune function, which is crucial as the body adjusts to changes in hormone levels.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays a vital role in maintaining the health of epithelial tissues, including the skin and the mucous membranes found in the vaginal area. During menopause, decreased estrogen levels can lead to the thinning and drying these tissues, resulting in discomfort and increased susceptibility to infections. Supplementing with Vitamin A can help maintain the integrity and function of these tissues, promoting healthy skin and vaginal health.

St John's Wort

The evidence for St. John's wort's effectiveness in alleviating menopausal symptoms is mixed, but it is trending toward the positive, particularly in mood and sleep. Some studies have suggested that this herbal supplement may be effective in alleviating symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes associated with the menopausal transition.

Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation

While the theory behind supplementing with calcium and vitamin D to offset the risk of osteoporosis during menopause is sound, the studies are relatively limited. That said, women do lose more calcium during urination during menopause, and vitamin D deficiency does result in worse mood swings, meaning that supplementing them is a positive all around.


DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone that serves as a precursor to sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Supplementing with DHEA can help your body produce more estrogen and alleviate menopause symptoms by boosting hormone levels and improving mood, energy, and sexual function. The studies are very positive; however, in some countries, it is classified as a controlled substance.

Red Clover

Red Clover contains isoflavones, similar to soy and cohosh. Although the studies on Red Clover are more mixed, during menopause, when estrogen levels decrease, taking Red Clover can help moderate the impact of estrogen loss. It seems to reduce hot flashes in most trials.


5-HTP is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and sleep. Menopause can disrupt serotonin levels, leading to mood swings and sleep disturbances. By supplementing with 5-HTP, menopausal women may be able to enhance their serotonin production, improve mood, reduce anxiety, and promote better sleep patterns.

Siberian Rhubarb Extract

Siberian Rhubard is crucial in many of the most popular menopause supplements. Studies have shown that the extract effectively reduces menopausal symptoms, hot flashes, and sleep disturbances. Siberian Rhubarb works by mimicking some of the functions of estrogen, providing relief from the most challenging aspects of menopause without the risks associated with hormone replacement therapy.

Common Ingredients to Avoid

Wild Yam

While wild yam does contain a compound called diosgenin, which can be converted into hormones in a laboratory setting, this conversion does not occur naturally within the human body. This means that wild yam supplements or creams do not increase progesterone or other hormone levels in the body, contrary to the claims made by some manufacturers. Several studies have found no significant benefits of wild yam in reducing hot flashes, night sweats, or other common menopausal concerns.

Dong Quai

The scientific evidence on the effectiveness of dong quai for managing hot flashes and other menopausal discomforts is limited and inconclusive. Most studies that specifically examined the effects of dong quai on hot flashes during menopause found no significant benefits. There are some concerns about the potential risks associated with the long-term use of dong quai.

Ingredients With Mixed Results

Omega 3

The research on omega-3 supplements and menopausal symptoms is mixed. Some studies suggest that omega-3s may help alleviate night sweats, but the evidence regarding their effectiveness in reducing hot flashes or improving bone density is unclear.


While the research on melatonin and menopausal sleep disturbances is still limited, studies show that melatonin supplements may help individuals fall asleep faster.


The research on L-theanine and menopause is still a little new. Still, some studies have suggested that this compound may help promote relaxation and improve cognitive performance, which could be beneficial for menopausal women experiencing stress, anxiety, or difficulty concentrating.

The Best Supplements to Raise Estrogen Levels Naturally

  • EstroCare
  • Bonafide
  • Kittie

EstroCare - The Best Menopause Supplement

As we mentioned, EstroCare has good reviews and a money-back guarantee, which is a great start, but the ingredients list is nothing short of fantastic compared to anything else on the market. One of the standout features of EstroCare is its inclusion of DHEA, which can boost declining hormone levels naturally, enhancing mood, energy, and libido—a trio of concerns for many during menopause. Adding B vitamins, particularly B6 and B12, further supports energy and psychological health, ensuring that mood swings and fatigue don't disrupt daily life. EstroCare also contains a robust array of antioxidants, like Vitamins C and E, which are crucial for combating oxidative stress and supporting immune function during this transitional period. The herbal components, such as Black Cohosh, Red Clover, and Maca, provide symptomatic relief from hot flashes, sleep disturbances, and hormonal imbalances. They mimic the effects of estrogen to give a natural, safer alternative to hormone replacement therapy. With the inclusion of bone-supporting nutrients like Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin D, EstroCare also addresses the increased risk of osteoporosis during menopause, ensuring that women can maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. EstroCare is a top choice for those seeking a natural approach to managing menopause. Its comprehensive formula addresses the most common symptoms of estrogen deficiency, making it an excellent all-in-one solution for hormonal balance and symptom relief. Now, it's not exactly going to beat hormone replacement therapy in terms of its effectiveness. But if you're looking for natural estrogen supplements, there's nothing better.

Bonafide - An Alternative Approach

Bonafide is a little cheaper, but it's also not great. EstroCare has every effective ingredient in any other brand, so we included Bonafide's Relizen because it contains bee pollen. And while it's not the most well-backed ingredient, nothing else will offer as many health benefits or contain as much to boost estrogen levels naturally, so here we are. Some studies show that Swedish bee pollen can help with menopause symptoms, and Bonafide also contains magnesium and vitamin E, which are excellent inclusions. It's also about $15 a month cheaper than EstroCare, so there's that. Of course, the brand has a good reputation, which is also a positive.

Kittie - The Best Hormone Balancer for Menstrual Cycle

While most people suffering from estrogen imbalance are going to be menopausal women, low estrogen can also be an issue for younger women. Kittie can be of great help when balancing hormones and regulating estrogen levels. Although it's primarily designed to support PMS issues, it contains many ingredients that can help with estrogen balance. To start with, Kittie contains Chasteberry, a key ingredient renowned for its efficacy in balancing hormones. By acting directly on the pituitary gland, Chasteberry helps regulate estrogen and progesterone levels, mitigating symptoms such as mood swings and breast tenderness. This herb sets the foundation for more stable hormonal levels throughout the menstrual cycle. In addition, it contains Evening Primrose Oil, which contains gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), essential for producing prostaglandins, which are pivotal in managing hormonal fluctuations. This contributes to a smoother menstrual cycle and less pronounced PMS symptoms. Ginseng enhances this effect by boosting energy and reducing fatigue through its adrenal support, indirectly assisting in maintaining consistent hormonal levels. Vitamin B6 in Kittie aids in neurotransmitter synthesis, which is crucial for hormone regulation and mood stabilization. Magnesium Glycinate further supports this by aiding muscle relaxation and reducing menstrual cramps, improving the quality of life for women around that age while also playing a role in hormonal balance through its influence on other cellular processes. Moreover, Vitamin E's antioxidant properties protect the body's cells, including those of the endocrine system responsible for hormone production. This support is crucial for the metabolic processes that regulate estrogen levels. Now, it's not going to be as good for most people as DHEA supplements, EstroCare, or hormone therapy if you're dealing with menopause symptoms, but if you're looking to balance female hormones and you're not at that point in life, it can help with low estrogen.

Benefits of Estrogen Supplements

  • Alleviation of Menopausal Symptoms: Many OTC natural estrogen supplements are marketed for their ability to help alleviate common menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood changes.
  • Bone Health Support: Estrogen plays a crucial role in maintaining bone health, and some natural estrogen supplements may help support bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Cardiovascular Health Promotion: Emerging research suggests that certain natural estrogen supplements, such as those containing isoflavones, may positively impact cardiovascular health by improving cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Cognitive Function Enhancement: Some studies have indicated that natural estrogen supplements may have a positive impact on cognitive function, potentially helping to improve memory, concentration, and mood.

Incorporating OTC Natural Estrogen Supplements Into Your Regimen

If, after consulting with your healthcare provider, you decide to incorporate OTC natural estrogen supplements into your health regimen, it is essential to follow these guidelines:
  • Start with a Low Dose: If necessary, begin with the lowest recommended dose and gradually increase it to assess your tolerance and response.
  • Be Patient and Consistent: It may take several weeks or even months to notice the full effects of OTC natural estrogen supplements. Stick to your regimen and be patient as your body adjusts.
  • Monitor for Side Effects: Closely monitor for adverse reactions, such as headaches, nausea, or breast tenderness, and report them to your healthcare provider immediately.
  • Communicate with Your Provider: Regularly update your healthcare provider on your progress, any changes in symptoms, and any other supplements or medications you may be taking.
Prioritize a Balanced Lifestyle: While OTC natural estrogen supplements can be a valuable addition to your health regimen, it is essential to maintain a balanced lifestyle, including a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and stress management practices.





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