My Picks for the Best Anti-Aging Supplements to Support Longevity

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Anti Ageing Supplements

How to promote healthy aging and slow the aging process

Aging is something that creeps up on us, often feeling like it happens overnight. One day we're running up and down the stairs and the next we're checking the prices of bungalows, and for many of us this is a source of extreme anxiety. This is what leads many of us to look at our lifestyle in order to try and maximise our health and immune system, hopefully off-setting the approach of age related diseases with a healthy diet and regular exercise. The thing is, it's not easy to keep on top of everything, as we hear new reports everyday claiming that what was yesterdays superfood is todays junk food, and no-one can decide if running is good for you or will be hell on your knees. What can you do? Realistically there's two actually effective options here. There's the Hollywood approach, which can essentially be boiled down to hiring people to do the heavy lifting for you. There's plenty of well trained professional fitness coaches and dieticians that can take the pressure off you having to keep up with it all yourself, allowing you to simply focus on eating the healthy food they suggest and following that exercise regime. Then there's anti aging supplements, which definitely sounds too good to be true, right? Well yes and no. Yes in that there's plenty of clinical data out there for various potential ingredients that can help with age related issues such as skin elasticity, offsetting the onset of cardiovascular diseases and age related cognitive decline, and much more. The catch? There's just as many lower quality products that claim to be just as great as the best of them. So how do you know what to buy? Well thats exactly why we've brought this article to you today, combining expert industry knowledge with our top research team in order to determine which products are really worth your time. Now unfortunately we weren't able to find any miracles, but we got pretty close with some surprisingly capable formula's. Let's now waste anymore time and get stuck into it.

Our Choices for The Best Anti Aging Supplements

Prime Male Life - The Best Anti Aging Supplement

We've been aware of Prime Male for some time thanks to their fantastic array of testosterone focused dietary supplements. They've always been top of the game in that field, with their most recent offering being the brilliant T-Vitamins, a multivitamin blend created to help men with overall health, as well as offering a boost to testosterone production. Since then we now have their newest product with Prime Male Life, an anti aging supplement that, despite our raised expectations, has surpassed them and then some. With just a glance at the formula you can see they know what they're doing here, combining fantastic clinically proven ingredients to tackle age related symptoms for a variety of different angles. This includes everything from skin care, maintaining joint mobility and bone health, brain function and many more in order to keep you young. What showcases their brilliance more than anything however is the relationships between the ingredients, creating a more dynamic and potent formula overall with great synergy.


  • Fantastic formula
  • Highly dosed ingredients
  • 100% natural
  • Transparent labelling
  • Clinically proven to be effective
  • High quality sources
  • Made in FDA approved facilities
  • Best Overall anti aging supplement


  • New product means low consumer feedback at present

Ingredients Breakdown

Hyaluronic Acid (As Sodium Hyaluronate) - 200mg When it comes to reducing the effects of a natural aging process, one of the first things people tend to reach for are the anti aging skin care products, and in fact in most large phramacies you can see entire aisle's dedicated to the stuff. There's also the large industry of beauty cosmetic surgeries, with everything from botox injections and lip filler to full on face lifts being available. When it's all said and done however, what really makes skin look so youthful is skin hydration, as younger skin is able to retain water far more efficiently than older adults, and that's all thanks to a high concentration of this ingredient right here: Hyaluronic acid. The well-documented anti-aging benefits of topical application on skin are also achieved through oral supplementation with sodium hyaluronate. Czech researchers in 2017 discovered that sodium hyaluronate could be vital in both preventing skin damage and aiding in its treatment, due to its hydrating, regenerative, and defensive properties. Another study in 2023 revealed that the use of SH supplements could potentially prolong life. Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) - 700mg Some people write off Nicotinamide Riboside as simply a source of vitamin B3, and though it certainly is a great source for that, it's been observed to have an increased scope of health benefits that elevate it to a category in and of itself. Clinical trials show that Nicotinamide Riboside offers health benefits by protecting against diabetes, Alzheimer's, endothelial dysfunction, and inflammation. It's also great for gut health, as this same trial found it was able to reverse gut dysbiosis and promoted all around intenstinal and extraintestinal well-being. Trimethylglycine / Betaine Anhydrous - 800mg This versatile nutrients has a hand in many important bodily processes, being involved in everything from cellular reproduction, liver function and the synthesis of carnitine, as well as helping the body metabolise important amino acids such as homocysteine. This alone qualifies it as an important nutrient for the body, and a fantastic choice for anti aging supplements thanks to how it can support healthy aging in so many different ways. We found a comprehensive review that found Betaine Anhydrous offers offers diverse health benefits, including liver protection, prevention of fatty liver disease, promoting brain health, pancreatic health, preventing cancer development and mitigation of oxidative stress inflammation Resveratrol - 500mg This is a flavinoid found in high quantities within grapes, though is most closely associated with red wine. If you spend a lot of time with people of the older generation, you'll eventually end up discussing how it is that they've enjoyed such a long life. Though honest answers of course vary, it's quite likely you'll have heard that their secret is regular consumption of red wine. This is definitely a "no smoke without fire" situation, as it just so happens the abundance of resveratrol present in red wine is where the majority of it's supposed health benefits originate as it has powerful antioxidant properties that can be a great defence against aging related diseases. This potent antioxidant activity provides potent anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, cardio-protective, anti-obesity, and neuroprotective effects, and clinical trials have shown it's positive impact on cognitive health, menopause, bone health, cardiovascular health, glucose metabolism, sport nutrition, and skin health. Berberine - 500mg Involved in many metabolic processes, Berberine offers a wide variety of health benefits, even offering protection against oxidative stress and inflammation. The way in which our metabolism slows with age can cause many issues, with some people reporting the development of intolerances happening later in life. Berberine helps to regulate metabolic processes such as insulin secretion and can help to balance the gut microbiome, a key component to good digestive health. Clinical studies have shown Berberine can significantly improve health thanks to it's large impact on blood glucose levels, insulin sensitivity and resistance, blood pressure, body composition and inflammatory markers without a sign of any form of human intolerance, with surprisingly not a single unintended effect being reported by the researchers Quercetin - 400mg Sometimes thought of as a kind of twin to resveratrol as they have many similarities. First of all, Quercetin is found in similarly high quantities within grapes and red wine, though quercetin boasts higher levels in green tea as well as some fruits and vegatables. Secondly are it's effects, as it also has a potent antioxidant and anti inflammatory effects, and as the years go on and more studies are completed, it's becoming more and more clear how fantastic this flavinoid is at maintaining proper health. It's evn been found to have potent anti-cancer properties owing to how effectively it deals with free radicals, as well reducing the effects of brain aging thanks to it's neuroprotective effects resulting in a great preventative measure to those worried about Alzheimer's disease and dementia. On top of all of this it's been found to help with wound healing as well as providing great cardiovascular support. Alpha Lipoic Acid -500mg When you hear something like "alpha lipoic acid is present within every single cell in your body" it's common that the sheer magnitude of such a statement will go in one ear and straight out of the other. That being said it's absolutely the truth, and this important acid is responsible for the most crucial stages of metabolism, as it helps to convert energy from food sources into energy our cells can actually use. Ofcourse with such a precious and important function our bodies are well equipped to create alpha lipoic acid by themselves, but as does everything this deteriorates with age, severely impacting energy metabolism. You can find it in food sources but the issue there is keeping track of it, as it's seldom listed on nutritional labels. That leaves us with one final option and that's to get our fill in supplement form, and though it's mainly thought of as an antioxidant when you look at the role it plays in our bodies it's clear there's quite a bit more behind the curtain, and luckily there is quite a lot of promising research coming to the forefront about alpha lipoic acids anti aging effects. A clinical review we found highlights this, with the researchers finding that Alpha Lipoic Acid not only supports antioxidant functions, but also aids in vision health, protects cellular health from free radicals, helps to ensure the liver can function properly, and helps to dissolve toxins within the body. Fisetin - 100mg When it comes to the idea of genuinely extending your life it's more likely you're imagining genies and wishes or fairy godmothers than plant pigments, but Fisetin is determined to show you the folly in such a presumption. To explain why you first need to understand the free radical theory of aging, which simply suggests that the accumulation of oxidative damage is a major cause of aging and as such, reduced risk of oxidative damage can somewhat slow down the rate we age. Fisetin seems to be proving this theory as correct, as although UV irradiation was not affected by fisetin, it significantly reduced the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in cells, as well as a notable increased resistance to oxidative stress, improving cellular health. Age related decline in motility was also delayed by supplementation with Fisetin. Not stopping there it was also found to inhibit the decline of neurons, with it being found to significantly slow the degeneration brought on by degenerative diseases such as parkinsons. Vegan Collagen - 200mg One thing everyone who enjoys long life have in common is that they stayed mobile, which means having healthy joints and better maintained muscles later into life. It's very important to remain active into the later stages of life then, but not everyone is quite so lucky and can become afflicted with arthritis or other such debilitating afflictions. Luckily this can be avoided by supplements such as collagen supplements. It's well known that collagen is present within bones and joint cartilage, and research has found that collagen aids help with joint health by slowing cartilage degradation, reducing inflammation and pain, and improving joint function.


So that's Prime Male Life, and we wouldn't be surprised if the people who made this had been making anti aging supplements for their entire lives. It's just so surprising that they'd get things this good on the first pass, and shows how much research and time went into developing this product. Every ingredient in here serves a clinically defined purpose in helping you make the most of your later life, with no gimmicks and no wasted space present. We can't recommend this enough, and we can't wait to see what else is in store from this exceptional brand. Browse Prime Male Life Deals Here >>>

Hunter Focus - The Best Nootropic Anti Aging Supplement

HunterEvolve have long held a place in the pantheon of best dietary supplements brands. This is mainly down to their unique approach to the development of nutritional supplements, as they do things quite a bit differently than most. See, where most would distribute budget evenly between R&D and marketing, Hunter allocates almost all of their resources into the research and development stages of a product, allowing them to boat incredibly high doses of the very best ingredients around, sometimes even offering premium ingredients seldom found elsewhere. The downside to this is that they're a premium product with a premium price, and though they're still well worth the cost when looking at value alone, this upfront expense can price some people out. That said, for those who value simply getting the best and most reliable supplements, HunterEvolve are what you're looking for. Not deviating from the norm here we have Hunter Focus, their foray into premium nootropics and during our research we found nothing better to slow the effects of aging in the brain. There's many ingredients here that focus on neuroprotection to help protect against cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.


  • Fantastic formula
  • Highly dosed ingredients
  • 100% natural
  • Transparent labelling
  • Clinically proven to be effective
  • High quality sources
  • Made in FDA approved facilities
  • Great consumer feedback
  • The best nootropic anti aging supplement


  • Serving size requires 6 capsules

Ingredients Breakdown

2.5mg of Vitamin B6 When it comes to essential vitamins they're categorised by their roles in the body, and B vitamins all have crucial functions in metabolism and energy production. Vitamin B6 for example is an essential component of other 70 different enzyme reactions from amino acid metabolism, folate metabolism, protein synthesis and immune function. Clinically Vitamin B6 has been shown to so much as reduce anxiety and strengthen visual surround suppression, as well as inducing a trend towards reduced depression. 100mcg of Vitamin B9 Being of the B vitamin family, Vitamin B9 primarily also plays a part in our bodies metabolism. This time B9 works to maintain proper functionality of the metabolism with it being used in the creation of DNA and RNA, the deterioration of which is responsible for the natural aging process. A review we found analysing the efficacy of vitamin B9 to manage neurocognitive disorders look at 36 total articles, and the research suggests Vitamin B9 supplementation improves cognitive function, vascular car, inflammatory status and antioxidant responses. 7.5mcg of Vitamin B12 One of the more well known of the B vitamins as vitamin B12 is vital for good brain health, DNA synthesis, healthy red blood cell formation and the function of the central nervous system. The studies are that show vitamin B12 is an effective nootropic are plentiful, and most telling are the studies into vitamin B12's interaction with homocysteine, in which high levels in the brain are linked to an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. B12 deficiency is linked to higher than normal levels of homocysteine in the body, and the researchers in this paper stated that awareness should be raised among clinicians in order to accurately diagnose and treat early vitamin B12 deficiency to prevent irreversible brain damage. 75mcg of Vitamin D3 While we get most of our essential vitamins and minerals from dietary sources, and while we can find Vitamin D through dietary means, we mostly synthesise this one by converting energy from sun rays when our skin is exposed to them. As culture has shifted to more indoor focused lives deficiency of vitamin D has increased dramatically, with it being estimated over 40% of Americans have sub optimal levels. Sitting by the window in the office doesn't help either, as the particular sun rays required for vitamin D synthesis can't penetrate the glass. As this review we found points out, the main reason it's so important for brain health is because it has so many important roles within the brain, such as calcium signalling, neuroprotective actions, neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity, and the researcher points out that an increasing number of studies indicate that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a wide range of psychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. 100mcg of Vitamin K2 Another one to buck the trend of dietary sources of vitamins is vitamin K2, though again it is present in many food sources. Curiously vitamin K2 is created in the body by gut bacteria, and though it's not quite enough deficiency is very rare as it's easily made up from the food we eat. What's interesting here is that recent scientific studies have revealed some benefits to getting more than what you need. Vitamin K supplementation has been commonly found to enhance energy levels, cognitive function and overall brain health. This is because it's been found to active a protein known as Gas6 which supports brain function and inhibits neurodegenerative diseases, as well as it's ability to seemingly reverse the calcification of blood vessels, helping to counteract cardiovascular disorders which are associated with conditions such as hypertension and stroke. Vitamin C 200mg One of the most widely known vitamins out there, vitamin C is abundant in many popular citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, and is vital to many important processes in the body, including the creation of collagen and other connective tissues. It's functions as a nootropic are less well known, but there's been mounting evidence for it over the years making it a much more common sight in brain health supplements in recent years. One such study found that vitamin C reduced oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and cognitive impairment thanks to the attenuation of isoflurance-induced caspase-3 activation which is known to cause cognitive impairments. Acetyl-L-Carnitine 800mg One of the few nootropic supplement ingredients out there that can actually pass through the blood brain barrier, and it plays important roles such as maintaining the proper functioning of mitochondria in the brain. It's largely considered an effective nootropic within scientific circles, with studies finding that is has multifacted benefits on cognitive function. It has antioxidant and neuroprotective traits to help slow cognitive decline thanks to its ability to reduce the amount of oxygen consumed for the energy supply needs of the nervous system. This has been found to enhance synaptic transmission and mood regulating effects, with the scientists proposing it's use in the treatment of depression. L-Tyrosine 500mg One of the most abundant amino acids in dairy products, L-tyrosine is known for regulating stress, something that effects us all and can seriously negatively impact our health. Stress is also known to increase the rate that we age significantly, diminishing catecholamine levels. This is actually how L-tyrosine is able to regulate stress, as it's been observed to increase catecholamine levels, significantly reducing the impact stress has on aging, and even possibly reversing it to a certain extent. It's been clinically proven to have various advantages for overall well-being, including enhancing sleep quality which is incredibly important to health and longevity. This is thought to be because L-Tyrosine is a precursor to dopamine and norepinephrine which both play a role in stress response to help ensure we get a good nights rest 200mg of L-Theanine Everyone at some point in their lives will run into someone who absolutely loves green tea, raving about it's numerous health benefits to the point that you question if there's any truth to it. Well as it turns out, green tea is abundant in many nutrients that have been clinically tested and observed to improve health, such as the amino acid L-Theanine being responsible for a lot of the calming effects associated with green tea. It's so effective that it's often found in sleep aids, though you don't have to worry about feeling drowsy taking Hunter Focus. One of the best synergistic relationships in Hunter Focus exists between L-theanine and caffeine, as at the doses included here, when taken together they're known to invoke a sense of tranquil and sustained vigor. Citicoline 250mg Found in high quantities within the brain, Citicoline has been clinically observed to have regenerative effects, as well as enhancing overall cognition, increased energy, and improved memory thanks to it's ability to improve blood flow to the brain. The evidence and information backing its utilization are currently in the early stages, but there is an increasing amount of data indicating that it is a valuable addition. Based on the available knowledge, a dosage of 250mg appears to be ideal. Lion's Mane Extract 500mg Mushrooms have recently under gone a lot of testing revealing some very promising results for human health. This has led to many mushroom extracts being found in nootropics, such as Lion's Mane Extract thanks to it's abundance of biocative ompounds such as herinones, erinacines. These compounds are known to stimulate nerve growth factor synthesis, potentially aiding in conditions that cause cognitive decline such as dementia and parkinsons disease. There is some contradicting evidence but this comes from low quality studies for the most part, and none have successfully dismissed Lions Mane Extracts ability to stimulate nerve growth factor, which is a mechanism that would in theory support the claims made by clinical studies that claim Lions Mane is effective. Bacopa Monnieri 300mg Bacopa is famous for it's use by vedic scholars, where they used it to help them memorise lengthy and sacred hymns and scriptures. Nowadays we've found there's definitely no smoke without fire here, as it's mostly known for an acute increase in memory and focus, as well as possessing some anti-depression effects. We found a 12 week study aiming to elucidate the effects of bacopa on attention, cognitive processing, and working memory in elderly volunteers, and by the end of the study they found significant improvements in all three areas without a single side effect being observed throughout the entire experiment. Ashwagandha 300mg Ashwagandha root has a long history of use in ancient African and Asian cultures, with records of it being used as an aphrodisiac, tonic, stimulant, narcotic and diuretic. Clinical testing has revealed that it's use may have been a bit too wide spread, though it has been found to induce a calmer and more relaxed state in human studies. It's safely regarded as effective by the highest quality research papers, such as this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study that provided the intervention group with the 300mg dose you see in Hunter Focus over 90 days. Of the 125 subjects to have completed this long study, it was found that there was a significant difference between placebo and intervention groups in everything from improved memory recall, lower cortisol levels, improved sleep quality and higher scores on a happiness questionnaire, suggesting significantly lower stress levels and better psychological well being in those taking 300mg of Ashwagandha. Across the whole 90 days not a single adverse effect was reported. Caffeine 100mg Being mainly consumed in the form of coffee, caffeine quickly grew to international culture significance since it's first recorded use in the 15th century. That said, some people can be quite sensitive to it's effects, but that's where the clever dosing hunter focus has used here comes into play as there's really not all that much (a regular cup of coffee would average 180mg). This means, unless you really are particularly sensitive, it's likely you'll avoid a negative reaction, and you could even stagger out the dosage throughout the day in order to further limit the chances. This also means coffee enjoyers can rejoice, as often nootropics can have so much caffeine that you have to forego your daily coffee, which can genuinely disrupt your day if it's become a bit of a ritual. A study we found took forty five healthy adults and in those provided caffeine an improvement was found in many different aspects of their visits to the clinic, including improved cognitive flexibility, executive function, sustained attention, motor speed, psychomotor speed compared with placebo. Further than that, researchers also found and increase in overall acitivity and even friendliness in the caffeine group Ginko Biloba 120mg This incredibly old tree has evidence that it predates even the dinosaurs, making it one of the oldest living species on earth. It's long been used as traditional Chinese medicine for everything from asthma, bronchitis, as well as kindey and bladder disorders. Modern science has revealed promising results for ginko as a cognitive enhancer, making it perfect for any nootropic. A 2008 review we found described the plentiful positive effects ginko has on cognition, all in the absence of adverse effects. They describe that the neuroprotector effect of these drugs is based on the antioxidant properties, as well as the ability to normalise energy transfer mechanisms in cerebral neurons. Phosphatidylserine 100mg Phosphatidylserine is a well documented nootropic ingredient, being observed as a crucial element for optimising cognitive performance. This has made it quite a common ingredient in nootropic supplements, but where most go wrong is the dosing. 100mg might not seem like a lot but it's far more than you'll find elsewhere. In recent years, the nootropic ingredient known as phosphatidylserine has gained significant attention due to research studies showcasing its potential to enhance mood, decrease stress, and potentially enhance focus and concentration such as a review we found observed. Maritime Pine Bark 75mg One thing you may have noticed at this point is that the best anti aging supplements are made of of many potent antioxidants. This is exactly what makes maritime pine bark such a great inclusion as not only does it effectively tackle oxidative stress, it can cross the blood brain barrier. It works by producing nitric oxide in the brain, which in turn increase blood flow, providing more oxygen to the brain, increasing cognitive performance. Studies show that incorporating Maritime Pine Bark into your daily routine will result in increased concentration, improved mental clarity, enhanced brain function, better memory, and can even slow the aging process within the brain. Rhodiola Rosea 50mg A common tonic in Western European traditional medicine used for everything from fatigue, depression, nervous system disorders, as well as promoting extended physical endurence, longevity and work productivity. While there have been various studies indicating its potential for promoting overall health, its use as a nootropic is primarily focused on enhancing mood and decreasing stress due to its adaptogenic properties. It's been clinical observed to counteract depression and provide neuroprotective and pro-cognitive effects thanks for the regulation of reactive oxygen species and increase brain-dervied neurotrophic factor levels, which are essential for cognitive function Panax Ginseng 40mg (10:1) Ginseng has long been a staple of asian traditional medicine, to the degree that it's often referred to as "king of the herbs". Though it was once thought to treat most, if not all ailments, it's more commonly known for it's stimulant properties nowadays. What's most notable here however is the dosing, as it can easily be misinterpreted as HunterEvolve drastically underdosing this nootropic with a measly 40mg. The (10:1) seen on the ingredients label is referring to concentration levels, which means that the 40mg dose here will have the effect of 400mg. Panax Ginseng is known for its numerous physical and cognitive enhancing advantages, making it a popular ingredient in a wide variety of health supplements, including those for nootropic purposes. With that being mentioned, this substance is recognized for its ability to enhance cognition. While it does provide physical benefits, it is recommended to aim for a daily intake of approximately 300mg (and possibly up to 1000mg for treating certain conditions). However, studies have shown that a dosage of 40mg can still provide cognitive benefits if the bioavailability is high. Spanish Sage 25mg (4:1) Limited evidence exists for our last ingredient, however Spanish Sage has been utilized in the past few decades to enhance memory and recollection. There are several intriguing studies that demonstrate a significant correlation between its usage and a notable advancement in these aspects. By using a 4:1 extract, the dosage of Spanish Sage is equivalent to 100mg and while it may not be a common ingredient in most nootropics, it is a valuable addition to the blend.


It's clear to see why HunterEvolve are such a favourite of ours, as yet again they've provided one of the best and most widely applicable supplements around. Hunter Focus contains only the best ingredients at the highest doses, and the plethora of essential vitamins and potent antioxidants serve to elevate the formula beyond that of a simple nootropic, as the protections against neurodegenerative diseases and boost to focus, energy and mood make it a valuable anti brain aging supplement. If your focus is protecting your brain age then Hunter focus is the best you could ask for. Browse Hunter Focus Deals Here >>>

GenuinePurity Liposomal NMN - The Best Single Ingredients Anti Aging Supplement

Whilst it may seem a little underwhelming at first to go from Hunter Focus's whopping 20 ingredient formula to just a single ingredient supplement, remember that it's not the size of the boat that counts, but the motion in the ocean. With that in mind GenuinePurity sure know how to make a splash and after 24 years in business they've proven to be a reliable source for simple but effective supplement choices. This focus on single ingredients means they can focus their resources on procuring only the very best, highest quality sources to ensure maximal impact, as well as incorporating the very latest technology in nutrient delivery, such as the supplement we've chosen for today Liposomal NMN.


  • Simple formula
  • Highly dosed ingredient
  • 100% natural
  • Transparent labelling
  • Clinically proven to be effective
  • High quality sources
  • Made in FDA approved facilities
  • Great consumer feedback
  • Best single ingredient Anti Aging supplement


  • Single focused design
  • High price point for a single ingredient

Ingredients Breakdown

Liposomal NMN 250mg When we were discussing B vitamins previously we mentioned how essential they are to metabolic health and function. Though it's true they're very important, there's nothing more impactful than the metabolite known as Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+). Vitamin B6 may have sounded impressive with it's involvement in over 70 metabolic processes, but NAD+ trumps that number by being involved in over 500, as well as playing similarly important roles as B12 and B9 in the creation and repair of DNA, as well as cell signalling. It's somewhat of a super B vitamin, ad recent studies have shown that maintaining optimal levels of NAD+ is crucial for cellular health, though it's known to reduce as we age. That's not all however, as we mentioned they've used the latest technology here. What they've done here is found a way to mimic the bodies own molecule transport system by using a technique that involves encapsulating Nicotinamide Monoucleotide (NMN) in what's are known as liposomal nanoparticles, which were discovered to mimic the bodies own molecule transport system. As a precursor to NAD+, supplementing with Liposomal NMN has been observed to be a great way to ensure you maintain optimal levels, helping to effectively slow the aging process.


Though we definitely recognise it's a bit less flashy than the other options we've chosen for you today, it's anti aging effects are undisputed, and with such an efficient transport system thanks to NMN it's going to be even more effective. Where we imagine most might hesitate is the price, but again it's going to help slow your aging process and is at the very frontier of technology, which is why we thought it's worth a recommendation. Browse Liposomal NMN Deals Here >>>

Nootrum - The Best Mushroom Anti Aging Supplement

We mentioned briefly about how mushrooms have seen a rise in popularity lately for their health benefits, and nootrum is one of the best brands out there for a high quality and clinically proven collection of mushroom extracts. They have many options on their website, such as a fantastic coffee which is a favourite of ours, but in terms of most direct and immediate anti aging impact, their capsules are second to none, containing unmatched concentrations of the most rigorously tested mushrooms available. Some are still skeptical that mushrooms can really be so good for us, but in other cultures such as eastern Asia, they've long been known as superfoods, and in terms of graceful aging there's no culture more closely associated than east Asia.


  • Fantastic formula
  • Highly dosed ingredients
  • 100% natural
  • Clinically proven to be effective
  • High quality sources
  • Made in FDA approved facilities
  • Great consumer feedback
  • Best Mushroom Anti Aging supplement


  • Partial proprietary blend

Ingredients Breakdown

Vitamin D 15mcg As we mentioned previously this Vitamin is essential to our health, having many important roles within the brain, such as calcium signalling, neuroprotective actions, neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity Lions Mane Extract 266mg (20:1) Lions Mane extract is rich in bioactive compounds such as hericenones, erinacines and many more (with much more difficult to spell names) which are known to stimulate nerve growth factor synthesis, potentially aiding in conditions that cause cognitive decline such as dementia and parkinsons disease. What's notable here is the incredibly high dose, providing much more than you'd receive elsewhere. Reishi Extract 266mg (20:1) Impressively Reishi extract is commonly referred to as the "immortality mushroom" thanks to it's significant ability to support the immune system and general cognitive health. It's most general use is simply to enhance overall health and wellbeing. Recent studies show how Reishi extract demonstrates antiaging properties, cognitive enhancement, neuroprotection, and even the potential to prevent or reverse memory disorders. It's known to have antioxidant, anti inflammatory and immune boosting effects, to the degree that in vitro studies suggested it was effective at preventing corona virus infection. Coryceps Militaris 266mg (20:1) The earliest recorded use of cordyceps refer to it as a medicinal fungus, with it's most famous use being healers in Sikkim whom commonly offered the mushroom as a sort of catch all treatment for any ailment. Ofcourse it's no miracle as modern science shows, but what has been found are it's ability to improve energy, libido, appetite and endurance. The benefits of Cordyceps are far-reaching and they have a profound effect on longevity, as they are packed with antioxidants that fight free radicals and slow down the ageing process. The mushroom's properties also aid in maintaining a healthy heart by reducing cholesterol levels and preventing atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by the hardening of arteries and improving blood flow of the heart and brain. Shiitake Extract 266mg (20:1) When discussing mushrooms and eastern cultures the first name to pop up will likely be the shiitake mushroom, as it is regularly consumed as a healthy option in Eastern diets. It's also been used for generations in traditional asian medicine, which has lead to many researchers testing the mushrooms effects in order to unlock the secrets of it's health benefits, which are known to help reduce risk of cancer and other diseases. The unique compounds found in this fungi, such as eritadenine and b-glucan, have been scientifically proven to reduce cholesterol levels and boost heart health. Moreover, the high concentration of B vitamins in shiitakes supports cognitive function by aiding neurotransmitter processes and reducing oxidative stress in the brain. This not only enhances mental clarity but also helps to ward off neurological diseases . The anti-inflammatory properties of shiitake mushrooms are also worth mention, aiding in overall health and wellbeing but also providing extra benefits for individuals suffering from chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease. Proprietary Blend 266mg We make it a point here to point out the ways proprietary blends harm the industry as a whole, in how they sow mistrust and confusion in consumers by obscuring dosing. Whilst this could be the case here and we don't want to dismiss it, looking at the formula as a whole reveals this proprietary blend isn't really why you buy the product, instead serving as a cherry on top of an already fantastic formula. As is standard with all proprietary blends, they ingredients are listed in descending order of what's most plentiful in the blend, meaning what's first is the highest volume, and what's last has the lowest. In order then, the ingredients present here are Maitake Mushroom Extract, Turkey Tail Extract, Chaga Mushroom Extract, Royal Sun Agaricus Extract, White Button Mushroom Extract, and Black Fungus Extract. These are all known to have over-arching health benefits, such as Maitake having an abundance of antioxidants, beta-glucan, vitamins and minerals making it excellent for overall health. There's also Turkey Tail which is similar in it's high antioxidant and beta-glucan levels. This is why it's less worrisome here than other supplements that employ a proprietary blend, as its mainly just a bit of support for the main body of the supplement. It comes across less of a way to hide poor dosing decisions and instead more of a sake of convenient sourcing or efficient cost, as it's likely this blend came as is for nootrum and they added it for the small benefits it can provide without affecting the overall price of the supplement.


It's plain to see why we're seeing such a rise in popularity for mushrooms as the data just keeps piling in showcasing various health benefits and anti aging effects. There's plenty of competition out there, making it all the more impressive that Nootrum have been able to stay at the top since their first product was put on market. They're not necessarily using better ingredients as many of these supplements are essentially the same, but it's that they've dosed them with such a high 20:1 concentration. This is difficult to do when extracting from mushrooms, showing that Nootrum are focused entirely on providing a high quality product. We wouldn't have anything to complain about if not for the use of a proprietary blend, and such complaints are definitely nitpicky when he formula is this air tight. Browse Nootrum Deals Here >>>





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