RU58841: Does This SARM Really Work For Hair Loss?

Unlike most other traditional treatments for hair loss and baldness, RU58841 offers a unique and more specialized approach.

RU58841 interacts with the androgen receptors in the scalp, which has the potential to stop the miniaturization of the hair follicles.

One of the biggest reasons behind its popularity is the mechanism of action and the potential benefits put it well ahead of other well-known options like minoxidil and finasteride.

In this article, we are going to do a deep dive into RU58841, from what it is, its benefits, clinical studies / research, usage & dosage, side effects, comparison to other SARMS, and more.

In the end, we’ll even go over a few places with a trustworthy and reliable reputation where you can get your RU58841 with minimal hassle.

What is RU58841?

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RU58841 is a non-steroidal anti-androgen agent that was specifically designed for topical use.

The main function of this research chemical is to stop other androgens from binding to the androgen receptors in the scalp, by blocking them.1

As a result, dihydrotestosterone is significantly inhibited, inhibiting its contribution to hair loss.


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RU58841 was originally developed in the 1990s and was intended to help treat acne and hirsutism before its true potential as an androgenetic alopecia treatment was discovered.2

The unique molecular structure of this research chemical allows it to bind with androgen receptors without interfering with other essential hormonal functions in the body.3

This specificity is what makes RU58841 different from other common treatments, like finasteride, which has a much broader systemic effect.

Since RU58841 is administered topically, it directly acts on the scalp, in the tissues where it is needed the most.

The topical application is one of the biggest reasons that this chemical lowers the chance of systemic effects.

Also, in addition to the highly targeted action, RU58841 is known to have a relatively rapid transdermal absorption.4

Once it has been applied to the skin, it quickly reaches the follicles and receptors where it is needed, beginning the anti-androgenic effects.

Overall this makes it a very convenient option for anyone looking for an effective but still manageable treatment for their hair loss.

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Benefits of RU58841

The primary benefit and function of RU58841 is to combat hair loss by blocking natural hormones from binding with androgen receptors in the scalp tissue.5

This blocking action helps prevent the miniaturization of hair follicles, one of the key factors of androgenetic alopecia.

The inhibition of DHT can help slow down or even reverse hair loss while helping new hair grow thicker and healthier.

Undoubtedly, one of the most significant advantages of this research chemical is how highly targeted and specific the action is.

Systemic treatments like finasteride impact hormone levels throughout the body, frequently causing side effects like mood swings, acne, and more.

Since RU58841 is applied directly to localized areas where treatment is needed most, it could be a safer option for many users.

Another notable benefit is how rapidly the effects can begin to change the body.

Some users report improvements in hair density and perceived thickness within just a few months of consistent use.

The quick response can be particularly encouraging for those who have used other more conventional treatments and not seen the results they want.

Additionally, the mechanism of action used by RU58841 lets it be used simultaneously with other treatments without the risk of adverse interactions.

This synergistic approach can help boost the overall efficacy of the compounds used, and give a more comprehensive hair loss solution for the user.

Finally, RU58841 is frequently lauded for the minimal maintenance involved.

Application is typically once daily, which is easy to fit into even the busiest daily routine.

Clinical Studies and Research

ru-58841 sarm benefits

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With the development of RU58841 dating back to the 1990s, it has been studied rather extensively.

Early research has highlighted its effectiveness in blocking androgen receptors without substantial hormonal impact.

This was the initial spark behind the interest in treating androgenetic alopecia, given the central role of DHT when it comes to hair loss.6 7

One of the most essential studies on RU58841 was focused on animal models, hamsters in particular, which have similar androgen receptors to humans.

This research showed indications that this research chemical can reduce the effects of DHT on follicles, significantly.

These results formed the foundation for a compelling case for further exploration in human applications, opening the doors for subsequent studies.

These studies focused on human scalp tissues in vitro and reinforced the findings that this research chemical binds effectively to androgen receptors in aging hair follicles.8

The data also showed that RU58841 has the potential to help maintain hair density while promoting general growth.

Most of the available data was gathered from smaller studies focused on animal models, or anecdotal reports from users using RU58841 as an experimental research chemical.

That said, the research did, in most cases, generate positive outcomes with many users reporting a stop in hair loss and subsequent regrowth with consistent RU58841 use.

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Usage and Dosage Recommendations

The general effectiveness of RU58841 as a hair loss remedy largely depends on the dosage and proper usage.

Typically, this research chemical will be found as a topical solution that is applied directly to the scalp where hair thinning or loss is the greatest.

The recommended concentration for RU58841 is between 5% and 10%.

Most users should start with the 5% solution to gauge their body’s response and lower the chances of any adverse side effects.

A concentration of 10% should only be used by those who have used lower concentrations without seeing satisfactory results.

The application is generally done with a dropper, with a typical dose being about 1 ml each, which should be enough to reach all needed areas of the scalp.

The best time to apply RU58841 is usually right after showering and drying the scalp, so the RU58841 has a maximal chance for absorption.

Even if not done after a shower, the scalp should still be clean and dry to help facilitate absorption.

The biggest key to seeing RU58841 be effective is consistency.

Users should ensure they use daily applications without skipping or missing doses, to keep the levels of RU58841 steady.

Most users will need 3 to 6 months of consistent use before seeing improvements in their hair loss or hair density.

Storing this research chemical properly is another one of the keys to effectiveness, and keeping it in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight or intense heat.

Keeping it in the refrigerator can help users extend the shelf life as much as possible.

Potential Side Effects and Safety

Even though all indications show RU58841 is well-tolerated, there is still a solid need to understand the potential side effects clearly.

Since it is a topical treatment, RU58841 typically only interacts with the receptors in the area where it is applied, so systemic interactions are rare.

The most common side effects are mild irritation, redness, or dryness at the application site.

In almost all situations, these symptoms are generally temporary and can be significantly reduced by adjusting the solution’s concentration.

If there are adverse reactions, stop use immediately and consult a medical professional.

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Comparisons with Other SARMs

RU58841 is difficult to compare to any other SARMs because while it does act exclusively on androgen receptors, it operates differently than other SARMs.

SARMs like Ostarine and RAD140 are created to selectively stimulate androgen receptors in muscle and bone, while RU58841 targets androgen receptors in the scalp only.

While this targeting is due in no small part to the topical application, the high specificity helps nonetheless, making it highly effective for treating hair loss without other androgen-sensitive side effects.

This research chemical directly inhibits the impact of DHT, which addresses the root cause of androgenetic alopecia.

On the other hand, finasteride works systematically by inhibiting the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, which changes testosterone into DHT.

While this is effective, finasteride’s wider systemic action can lead to side effects like sexual dysfunction and hormonal imbalances.

RU58841’s far more localized action allows users to more easily avoid these side effects.

Where to Buy RU58841

Since RU58841 is still designated as a research chemical, it cannot be obtained through conventional pharmaceutical channels.

However, it can be found in various online vendors specializing in these compounds.

A big hurdle when buying research chemicals online though, is finding a reputable source to buy from.

We highly recommend that you buy from the source we’ve linked below to ensure you’re getting the real thing.

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RU58841 Review Summary

Overall, RU58841 presents a promising solution for anyone struggling with androgenetic alopecia.

The highly targeted and specific androgen receptor action can set it apart from many other treatments, creating a more localized approach to hair loss management.

This research chemical boasts benefits like minimal systemic impact, as well as compatibility with other treatments like minoxidil.

While the compound is gaining substantial traction, it’s essential to approach use with caution.

If you are considering using RU58841 to combat hair loss, be sure to consult with a qualified healthcare provider and always purchase from a reputable vendor.

Click Here Now to pick up RU58841 from our top rated source.


  1. Battmann T, Bonfils A, Branche C, Humbert J, Goubet F, Teutsch G, Philibert D. RU 58841, a new specific topical antiandrogen: a candidate of choice for the treatment of acne, androgenetic alopecia and hirsutism. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 1994 Jan;48(1):55-60. doi: 10.1016/0960-0760(94)90250-x. PMID: 8136306.

  2. Münster U, Nakamura C, Haberland A, Jores K, Mehnert W, Rummel S, Schaller M, Korting HC, Zouboulis ChC, Blume-Peytavi U, Schäfer-Korting M. RU 58841-myristate--prodrug development for topical treatment of acne and androgenetic alopecia. Pharmazie. 2005 Jan;60(1):8-12. PMID: 15700772.

  3. Pan HJ, Wilding G, Uno H, Inui S, Goldsmith L, Messing E, Chang C. Evaluation of RU58841 as an anti-androgen in prostate PC3 cells and a topical anti-alopecia agent in the bald scalp of stumptailed macaques. Endocrine. 1998 Aug;9(1):39-43. doi: 10.1385/ENDO:9:1:39. PMID: 9798729.

  4. Miyamoto H, Yeh S, Wilding G, Chang C. Promotion of agonist activity of antiandrogens by the androgen receptor coactivator, ARA70, in human prostate cancer DU145 cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1998 Jun 23;95(13):7379-84. doi: 10.1073/pnas.95.13.7379. PMID: 9636157; PMCID: PMC22623.

  5. Matias JR, Gaillard M. Local inhibition of sebaceous gland growth by topically applied RU 58841. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1995 Jun 12;761:56-65. doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1995.tb31369.x. PMID: 7625751.

  6. Ustuner ET. Cause of androgenic alopecia: crux of the matter. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2013 Nov 7;1(7):e64. doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000000005. PMID: 25289259; PMCID: PMC4174066.

  7. Gao W, Kim J, Dalton JT. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of nonsteroidal androgen receptor ligands. Pharm Res. 2006 Aug;23(8):1641-58. doi: 10.1007/s11095-006-9024-3. PMID: 16841196; PMCID: PMC2072875.

  8. De Brouwer B, Tételin C, Leroy T, Bonfils A, Van Neste D. A controlled study of the effects of RU58841, a non-steroidal antiandrogen, on human hair production by balding scalp grafts maintained on testosterone-conditioned nude mice. Br J Dermatol. 1997 Nov;137(5):699-702. PMID: 9415227.


Chris Bates






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