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Andarine (S4) SARM Review: Benefits, Side Effects, & More

Do you want to lose weight and build new lean muscle?

Andarine (S4) is a popular SARM for burning fat, muscle growth, and improved athletic performance.

More importantly, the Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) generates new muscle growth without producing many of the same symptoms associated with anabolic steroids.

Andarine is closely linked with other SARMs, such as Ostarine, LGD 4033, and RAD 140.

Generally, most experts agree that Andarine is more potent than Ostarine yet not as strong as RAD 140.

Learn more about the purpose, mechanism of action, benefits, and side effects of Andarine (S4), below:

What is Andarine (S4) SARM?

andarine s4 sarm review

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Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) have become a popular option for losing weight, gaining lean muscle, and increasing energy.1

These compounds have been used in gyms for years as a method of cutting fat and bulking up.


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Nevertheless, it hasn't been until recently that SARMs have generated more mainstream appeal.

SARMs assist with weight loss and muscle growth without causing the dangerous side effects of anabolic steroids.

Andarine (S4) is one of the many SARMs receiving more attention as a weight loss and muscle growth supplement.2

The SARM was originally developed to treat muscle-wasting diseases.3

However, it's also been administered underground for decades by bodybuilders seeking to cut weight and bulk up.

Andarine is comparable to other popular muscle growth SARMs, such as Ostarine, LGD 4033, and RAD 140.4 5

In general, most experts agree that Andarine is stronger than Ostarine yet not as potent or long-lasting as LGD 4033 and RAD 140.

Notwithstanding, Andarine can help users gain lean muscle, improve performance, and speed up recovery time between workouts.

The top online suppliers of SARMs avoid misleading customers and are 100% transparent about the products available for sale.

Thus, you can rely on the SARMs being very potent and shipped from a reliable source.

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How Andarine Works

Andarine (S4) is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM).6

SARMs are different from anabolic steroids in that they selectively bind to androgen receptors in muscle and bone cells.

Consequently, SARMs avoid binding to other receptors that cause unwanted side effects.

It explains why users of SARMs have not reported the same dangerous side effects as steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs).

For this reason, SARMs like Andarine and RAD 140 have become preferred by weightlifters seeking to cut weight and gain lean muscle.7 8

Andarine (S4) stimulates new muscle growth by increasing testosterone levels and other growth hormones.

However, unlike steroids, the SARM avoids suppressing the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).9

Andarine does not increase estrogen levels, avoiding many of the worst side effects of steroids.

Furthermore, the SARM promotes weight loss by reducing water retention and decreasing lipoprotein lipase (LPL) levels.10

The clinical research, user reviews, and personal testimonials shared online reveal that Andarine is changing bodies in unimaginable ways.

Nevertheless, the discussion continues as research is ongoing and more continues to be investigated about the compound.

Benefits of Andarine

andarine s4 sarm benefits

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Andarine (S4) is a great SARM for cutting weight and gaining lean muscle.

The SARM is popular among fitness experts and bodybuilders for various reasons.

For starters, men and women have both found success using the SARM.

Andarine promotes weight loss and muscle growth without causing the side effects associated with steroids and PEDs.

Furthermore, the SARM helps users recover faster from a hard, intense workout.

Accordingly, many acknowledge the benefits of Andarine as follows:

  • Weight Loss

  • Muscle Growth

  • Improved Strength

  • Improved Energy / Stamina

  • Faster Recovery Post-Workout

Andarine (S4) builds lean muscle and increases muscle mass in many users, according to online reviews.

Generally, most users notice muscle mass increases of 5 lbs. or more with Andarine.

Moreover, following the proper diet and exercise program, Andarine has helped users lose 4% - 5% of body fat.

Be that as it may, results vary depending on many factors.

Andarine (S4) is not currently regulated by the FDA making it difficult to find clinical research on the subject.

Thus, most of these benefits are based on user reviews and online testimonials.

Andarine Side Effects

There are always concerns about how any new substance or compound will interact with the body.

Consequently, it explains why many governments have been hesitant to examine SARMs.

It's especially true since other muscle growth supplements (i.e., steroids) have developed a bad reputation.

However, SARMs, when administered at recommended dosages, do not appear to produce the same dangerous side effects.

In the past, users have documented their experience on an Andarine cycle with many having a positive experience.

In general, most users did not report any serious side effects when taking less than 50 mg.

Nonetheless, some side effects are possible, including impaired vision.

Some users have noticed a yellowing of vision, while others have reported that their eyes are more sensitive to the dark.

Regardless, most with impaired vision report the problem manifesting itself halfway through a cycle and becoming less severe toward the end.

Despite this, those with vision impairment did not find the symptoms permanent.

SARMs are not classified as dietary supplements by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

Moreover, Andarine is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which prevents many athletes from being able to use it.

Those with questions or concerns should speak with a licensed physician before using SARMs.

SARMs may interfere with preexisting health conditions or other types of medications.

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How to Use

First and foremost, there are no official guidelines for using Andarine (S4).

The SARM is not currently approved or regulated by the FDA.

Accordingly, those new to Andarine have relied on previous users to learn more about the SARM.

The web has various positive reviews from past users, both men and women, who administered Andarine for weight loss and muscle growth.

As a result, some trends have emerged among previous users:

  • Andarine cycles last between 8 to 12 weeks.

  • Recommended dosage for beginners: 5mg - 30mg (p/ day)

  • Recommended dosage for advanced users: 30mg - 50mg (p/ day)

The dosage should be closely monitored, with most beginners starting at a lower rate to avoid unwanted side effects.

Generally, most users avoid impaired vision using levels below 30mg per day.

Meanwhile, those more experienced with the SARM may experiment with doses between 30mg - 50mg.

Nevertheless, users should never exceed a daily limit of 50mg to avoid negative, long-term consequences.

Additionally, a cycle should never last longer than 12 weeks, and most beginners are advised to start with 8 weeks.

Be that as it may, Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is not considered necessary using Andarine, unlike with many other SARMs.

Andarine (S4) has a short half-life of approximately 4 hours.

For this reason, many users prefer to divide the daily amount into 2 - 3 separate portions administered throughout the day.

Increased Muscle Mass

Click Here Now to pick up Andarine (S4) from our top rated source.

Andarine (S4) is popular among weightlifters and bodybuilders because of its rapid results.

The SARM is effective at cutting weight while also stimulating new muscle growth.

Moreover, the SARM improves the time spent recovering between workouts.

Accordingly, those using the SARM for muscle growth may want to adjust the fitness plan based on personal needs.

Often, many beginners start with an 8-week cycle before progressing to 10 and 12-week cycles.

Andarine is also paired with other peptides and SARMs into a weight stack.

The benefits of a weight stack are quicker and improved results.

Notwithstanding, the dosage is usually adjusted based on how many other compounds are combined into a weight stack.

Andarine is often stacked with other SARMs, including Ostarine and Cardarine.

The top online suppliers of SARMs have categories dedicated to weight stacks, blends, and combos to find exactly what you need.

Weight Loss

Andarine is also noteworthy for helping people lose weight.

In the past, bodybuilders have praised the SARM for helping them bulk up while also cutting weight.

For this reason, the SARM can transform your body.

Once again, while there is no universal standard for a recommended dosage, certain trends have emerged over time.

Many users have reported weight loss results by administering 20mg—30mg per day over an 8-week cycle.

The daily amount should be divided and administered 3 - 4x throughout the day.

Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) is not necessary following a cycle since the SARM is not considered suppressive.

Andarine has also produced remarkable weight loss results in women, unlike other SARMs.

Generally, women reported the best results administering between 15mg - 25mg per day over 8 weeks.

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Andarine (S4) Review Summary

Andarine (S4) is trending in the right direction.

The Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) is getting more attention for weight loss and muscle growth.

Andarine, unlike anabolic steroids, selectively binds to androgen receptors in muscle and bone cells.

For this reason, the SARM generates new muscle tissue and strengthens bones, contributing to impressive results in the mirror.

Andarine helps men and women cut weight while bulking up with new lean muscle.

Moreover, individuals who use the SARM notice a faster recovery time post-workout.

As a result, many find Andarine a great addition to the gym.

Andarine combines with regular exercise and a healthy diet to change your appearance for the better.

Click Here Now to pick up Andarine (S4) from our top rated source.


  1. Solomon ZJ, Mirabal JR, Mazur DJ, Kohn TP, Lipshultz LI, Pastuszak AW. Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators: Current Knowledge and Clinical Applications. Sex Med Rev. 2019 Jan;7(1):84-94. doi: 10.1016/j.sxmr.2018.09.006. Epub 2018 Nov 30. PMID: 30503797; PMCID: PMC6326857.

  2. National Center for Biotechnology Information. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 9824562, Andarine.

  3. Girgis CM, Mokbel N, Digirolamo DJ. Therapies for musculoskeletal disease: can we treat two birds with one stone? Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2014 Jun;12(2):142-53. doi: 10.1007/s11914-014-0204-5. PMID: 24633910; PMCID: PMC4083371.

  4. Leciejewska N, Kołodziejski PA, Sassek M, Nogowski L, Małek E, Pruszyńska-Oszmałek E. Ostarine-Induced Myogenic Differentiation in C2C12, L6, and Rat Muscles. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Apr 15;23(8):4404. doi: 10.3390/ijms23084404. PMID: 35457222; PMCID: PMC9031805.

  5. Basaria S, Collins L, Dillon EL, Orwoll K, Storer TW, Miciek R, Ulloor J, Zhang A, Eder R, Zientek H, Gordon G, Kazmi S, Sheffield-Moore M, Bhasin S. The safety, pharmacokinetics, and effects of LGD-4033, a novel nonsteroidal oral, selective androgen receptor modulator, in healthy young men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013 Jan;68(1):87-95. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gls078. Epub 2012 Mar 28. PMID: 22459616; PMCID: PMC4111291.

  6. Christiansen AR, Lipshultz LI, Hotaling JM, Pastuszak AW. Selective androgen receptor modulators: the future of androgen therapy? Transl Androl Urol. 2020 Mar;9(Suppl 2):S135-S148. doi: 10.21037/tau.2019.11.02. PMID: 32257854; PMCID: PMC7108998.

  7. Chen J, Kim J, Dalton JT. Discovery and therapeutic promise of selective androgen receptor modulators. Mol Interv. 2005 Jun;5(3):173-88. doi: 10.1124/mi.5.3.7. PMID: 15994457; PMCID: PMC2072877.

  8. Jayaraman A, Christensen A, Moser VA, Vest RS, Miller CP, Hattersley G, Pike CJ. Selective androgen receptor modulator RAD140 is neuroprotective in cultured neurons and kainate-lesioned male rats. Endocrinology. 2014 Apr;155(4):1398-406. doi: 10.1210/en.2013-1725. Epub 2014 Jan 15. PMID: 24428527; PMCID: PMC3959610.

  9. Mey M, Bhatta S, Casadesus G. Luteinizing hormone and the aging brain. Vitam Horm. 2021;115:89-104. doi: 10.1016/bs.vh.2020.12.005. PMID: 33706966; PMCID: PMC9853463.

  10. Wu SA, Kersten S, Qi L. Lipoprotein Lipase and Its Regulators: An Unfolding Story. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Jan;32(1):48-61. doi: 10.1016/j.tem.2020.11.005. Epub 2020 Dec 1. PMID: 33277156; PMCID: PMC8627828.


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