Ocean City Community Joins for Prayer Breakfast

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By LEE MARTIN Community members gathered Tuesday morning at the Ocean City Tabernacle to give thanks and seek God’s blessing at the Ocean City Community Prayer Breakfast. Organized by a Community Relations Committee made up of Tabernacle board members and community leaders, the event joined 100 attendees for fellowship during breakfast. There was also an inspirational message by Philadelphia Phillies Chaplain Jeff Boettcher and a time of prayer for the community led by several local ministers. Ocean City Tabernacle President Jay Reimer, reciting a brief history of Ocean City’s origins, noted that the ground where the Tabernacle stands was “set aside by our founders to be a place of prayer.” The audience applauded when he said, “That’s how God wants us to use this piece of land, getting together and praying.” Ocean City Mayor Jay Gillian added, “This is an important day because Ocean City was built on faith, and I think now, more than ever, we need that.”
Ocean City Tabernacle President Jay Reimer gives a brief history of Ocean City’s origins. In his message to the audience, which Boettcher said he would also share with the Phillies a few hours later, he encouraged listeners to pray boldly in times of adversity. “Adversity is a reminder that we are not in control,” he said. “But there is One who is in control, and no matter what adversity comes against us, we are always able to turn to the God who is for us.” Brian Roberts, former Pastor of St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, thanked God for the “faith values that formed this island” and asked God to grant the mayor and City Council “wise and discerning hearts to skillfully govern the people of Ocean City.” In his time of prayer for local businesses, Father Tom Newton of St. Damien’s Parish, said, “As a resident of Ocean City, I offer gratitude and praise to God for the gift of the businesses of Ocean City … for their courage, creativity, charm, and value in making Ocean City all that it has been, all that it is, and all that it will continue to be.” Pastor of Central Union Chapel and Chaplain of the Ocean City Fire Department John Jamieson, thanked God for “those who serve the public safety” and prayed for protection over local police, firefighters, EMS, and “all those who wear the uniform.” Reimer asked for God’s blessing on the faculty, staff, administrators, and board members of the Ocean City school district as they “build into these students [so they] have hope and encouragement and believe that they have a purpose and place here in this world.” He also prayed for Ocean City families, noting the importance of parents demonstrating love. Reimer then closed the service by inviting those in attendance to join him in reciting the Lord’s Prayer. Before departing, dozens enjoyed more fellowship in the Tabernacle lobby and visited with representatives from local chapters of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and FCA Surf. Several commented they’re hopeful that Tuesday’s gathering was the first of many and that the Ocean City Community Prayer Breakfast would become an annual event. Chaplain of the Ocean City Fire Department John Jamieson prays for protection over emergency personnel.





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