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"Thrivers" Author to Talk About Raising Kids for Success

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Best-selling author and expert in child development, Dr. Michele Borba, will discuss her book Thrivers: Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine, during an online presentation hosted by the Ocean City library Sept. 8 at 2 p.m
. Data shows that today’s youth are the loneliest, most stressed, and risk-averse on record, according to a library news release. Borba's presentation will go over points to help teach young people to be mentally strong and more successful. Through her research, Borba found the difference between those who struggle and those who succeed comes down to the personal traits that set thrivers apart and set them up for happiness and a greater potential later in life. She offers practical, actionable ways to develop these thrivers traits for kids and shows you how to teach them to cope today so that they can flourish tomorrow in school and life. For more information and to register, please click here.