Kathleen Edwardi speaks to City Council during Tuesday's meeting.
Classic Film Night
Monday, September 24 at 6 p.m.
Chris Maloney Lecture Room
Game Night for Grown-Ups
Wednesday, October 17
5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
We've got a variety of board and card games. Bring your friends and your favorite game to share, or try something new.
Refreshments provided.
Learn Spanish with a Free Class
Children’s Activity Room
Fridays, September 21-November 30
*No class on 11/9 and 11/23
Beginning Spanish 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Intermediate Spanish 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m
Beginning Spanish: You will learn to read, speak and write Spanish at a beginning level using a communicative response approach. Materials are included. Bring a sense of humor and a pencil.
Intermediate Spanish: We will read and discuss stories from graded Spanish readers comparing our lives to those of the characters. Sense of humor is optional but helpful. Bring a writing utensil or a photographic memory — whichever works best for you.
Instructor Jeff Forney has taught Spanish in the New Jersey public schools for 29 years and at Stockton University for two years. He did his student teaching in Quito, Ecuador, and half of his master’s degree at the Universidad de Costa Rica. He holds a B.S.Ed. in Spanish and an MA in Spanish Language and Literature. He scored Advanced High on the ACTFL scale of proficiency.
Registration is not required. Questions about the class? Email instructor at jefe.forney@gmail.com
Free Concert by The Fiddle Club
Sunday, September 23 at 2 p.m.
Everyone loves the theme songs from the great movies of the past and present. During this performance, the audience will get to guess the movie and the name of each song. It’s a fun program for all ages.
The Fiddle Club, under the direction of Dr. May Strange of the Music Studio in Linwood, will bring her talented students and professional musicians to perform once again at the Library. The group consists of violins, cello, guitar, flutes, and clarinets.
This concert is free. No tickets required.
For more information, please contact the library at (609) 399-2434.
Computer Workshops
Internet Basics
Tuesday, September 25
9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Beginner level course. No experience needed.
Learn the fundamentals of the internet: vocabulary, navigation and searching.
The skills learned in this class will give you a strong foundation on which to build future computer experiences. This is a true beginner course.
Fundamentals of Email using Gmail
Tuesday, October 2
9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Beginner level course — No experience needed but participants should be proficient with the mouse.
Learn E-Mail basics: create a Gmail account, compose mail, create contacts and groups; manage your mail, delete emails, create and move mail to folders; add, open, and save attachments.
These workshops are free to attend, and registration is not required.
For more information, please click here or call (609) 399-2434 ext. 5240.
Fall Children's Programs
For more information, contact the Children's Department at (609) 399-2434 ext. 5241.