Ocean City will celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at two different events on Monday, Jan. 21, 2019:
the Day of Service and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ceremony and Soul Food Dinner.
The ceremony, a long tradition in Ocean City, moves this year from its customary date on the Saturday before to the Monday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Jan. 21. It will be held at noon at the Hughes Performing Arts Center of Ocean City High School.
The event includes the honoring of Ocean City residents with the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Services Award. The city is currently seeking nominations from the public for this year’s honorees. The awards are given to citizens who exemplify the philosophy and ideas of the late Dr. King.
Anybody interested in making a nomination can learn more and find online and printable forms at
First Night Buttons Discount Ends Friday:
All-inclusive admission buttons for Ocean City’s popular and family-friendly
First Night New Year’s Eve celebration are on sale now, and a $5 discount on the purchase price ends on Nov. 30. The price is $15 through Friday and goes up to $20 on Saturday, Dec. 1. The buttons are good for more than 70 shows and activities at venues throughout Ocean City. If you’re planning to attend with your whole family, you can save big by acting this week.
They can be purchased online at
www.firstnightocnj.com or by calling 609-399-6111. They’re also available at the Roy Gillian Welcome Center on the Ninth Street causeway, City Hall’s Welcome Center at 861 Asbury Avenue or the Welcome Center at 46th Street and West Avenue.

The Spinners will be the headliner at the Music Pier during the First Night New Year's Eve celebration
Some of the new entertainment for this year’s lineup includes The Spinners (with six Grammy nominations for hits like “Then Came You,” “Working My Way Back to You” and “The Rubberband Man”), Disney Junior’s Choo-Choo Soul with Genevieve, an interactive science show from the Franklin Institute, a slapstick comedy dog show called “Johnny Peers & the Muttville Comix,” and Vocal Trash, which is described as “Glee Meets Stomp.” A Choo-Choo Train will run between Sixth Street and Eighth Street on the boardwalk between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m.
Traditional favorites including ice-skating, a “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve with the Ocean City Pops,” the Fabulous Greaseband and midnight fireworks will return.
Train Show Set for Saturday and Sunday:
Model trains will be on display 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 1 and 2 at the Ocean City Music Pier. One of the city’s most popular holiday attractions, the show features trains, train parts, holiday decorations for home displays and memorabilia for sale. Large running displays by the Garden Railroad Club and S-Gaugers will entertain visitors and provide photo ops. Admission is $3 for adults and $1 for children. For more information, call 609-399-6111.
Also Coming Up:
Horse & Carriage Rides: Free horse-drawn carriage rides will be available noon to 3 p.m. on downtown Asbury Avenue on Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 23.
Breakfast With Santa: Santa will travel to different Ocean City restaurants to visit with children 8 a.m. Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 23. See
www.oceancityvacation.com for the full schedule and locations.
Photos With Santa: Santa will be available for photos in an Ocean City Beach Patrol lifeguard boat noon to 3 p.m. at the Ocean City Music Pier on Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 23. Cost is $10 per photo.

Morgan Potts, 2, left, and her sister Madison, 7, of Mullica Hill, prepare to tell Santa Claus what is on their Christmas wish list during photos with the jolly guy in an Ocean City Beach Patrol lifeboat.
Trim-A-Tree With Santa: The Ocean City Gardens Civic Association will welcome Santa on Dec. 1 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Ocean City-Longport Bridge flag area. Attendees will decorate a new Christmas tree, and Santa will be available for pictures with the little ones. The OCGCA is inviting children of veterans and those currently serving, and the event is open to all. Refreshments will be served and Santa will have a small gift for each child. Registration is required. To register, please send an email to LJWATTS4@aol.com and please include child’s name and age. Rain date is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 2. For more information, call 609 485-5043.
Christmas Tree Lighting and Holiday Festival: The Ocean City Free Public Library and Community Center will host a free party on Dec. 2 with refreshments, crafts, games, a balloon sculptor, a holiday movie and a visit from Santa himself. Children can visit Mrs. Claus at the Ocean City Historical Museum for a holiday craft. The Garden Club of Ocean City will light the Christmas tree it decorated. Visitors also can browse the Ocean City Arts Center’s gift shop stocked with hand-made pottery, jewelry, paintings and more. All events are in the Community Center at 1735 Simpson Avenue.
Cape Shore Chorale Concert: The Cape Shore Chorale, under the direction of Scott J. Breiner, will perform an old-fashioned Christmas show of seasonal music. The show is 3 p.m. Dec. 2 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (2998 Bay Ave. in Ocean City). The concert will include a free will offering and refreshments.
Christmas Parade: Ocean City’s annual Christmas Parade on Dec. 7 starts at 6 p.m. and travels downtown Asbury Avenue from Sixth Street to 11
th Street.

Cast members of the Greater Ocean City Theatre Company's production of "A Christmas Carol" performed on a float during the 2017 Christmas Parade.
Book Sale at Ocean City Free Public Library: Shop for used books, audio items and more for holiday gifts. Hours are 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday. Dec. 7, and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8, in the atrium outside the Ocean City Free Public Library (1735 Simpson Avenue). Hosted by Friends and Volunteers of Ocean City Free Public Library. For information, visit
Christmas Concert: A traditional Christmas concert on Dec. 8 starts at 4 p.m. and features the 60-voice Angelus Chorus with tenor John Taylor and the Tapestry String Quartet, directed by Richard Stanislaw. The concert is at St. Peter's United Methodist Church (501 East 8th Street). For more information, please call 609-399-2988.
“Annie:” The Ocean City Theatre Company will proudly present the beloved musical in five shows on the Ocean City Music Pier. “Annie” has become a worldwide phenomenon and was the winner of seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical. Show times are 7:30 p.m. Dec. 8, 2 p.m. Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m. Dec. 14, and 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Dec. 15. Tickets are $18 to $20. Call 609-399-6111 or visit
“A Joyful Christmas” Concert: The Ocean City Free Public Library will present a free event at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 16, featuring Pamela Whitman and her award-winning Peace Concert. Flutes for Peace promote peace and understanding through flute choir music. The ensemble performs classical, pop, inspirational, sacred and holiday music.
First Night: All-inclusive admission buttons for Ocean City’s family-friendly New Year’s Eve celebration are on sale now. For complete information, visit
First Day: New Year’s Day events include the
First Day Shopping Extravaganza in downtown Ocean City on Asbury Avenue from Sixth Street to 14th Street. Registration for
a 5-kilometer Boardwalk run starts at 11 a.m. at the Music Pier, and the run starts at 1 p.m. (Pre-register at
runsignup.com). The traditional
First Dip in the ocean starts at 2 p.m. adjacent to the Music Pier.

The traditional First Dip plunge in the chilly ocean is a wacky way to celebrate New Year's Day.