Christmas in the Downtown drew huge crowds. They clearly enjoyed the carolers, a string band quartet, appearances by the Phillie Phanatic, Martin Z. Mollusk, and performers from the Ocean City Theatre Company. Michael Hartman served as the emcee. The climax of the evening came when Santa Claus emerged from the rooftop of City Hall, climbed down an Ocean City Fire Truck's ladder and then joined Mayor Gillian in the lighting of the City’s Christmas Tree.

Santa descended the roof with the help of an Ocean City Fire Department ladder truck. Photo Credit: Melissa Wilson
The annual event is sponsored by the Downtown Merchants Association, and it brought crowds of shoppers and visitors to Ocean City on what turned out to be a beautiful Friday evening in November.

Some lucky children had up-close access to some of Ocean City's most popular friends.
Holiday events in Ocean City continue with:
(Nov. 26)
SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY: The City and Chamber of Commerce are again celebrating this national event to promote the city’s outstanding, independent small businesses. It will be an ideal day to visit our shops and restaurants.
(Nov. 26)
th Street Beach. No Wave Date, Nov. 27. Divisions include 13 and Under, Junior Men 14-18, Men 19-30, Masters 31 and Over, Longboard and a Women’s Open. Awards 1
st, 2nd, 3
rd in each category. Wave of the Day Trophy. Fee $10 per person. Sign up online until Nov. 23, 4 p.m. at
www.ocnj.us/recreation under recreation activities. Day of event registration begins 8:30 a.m. on beach.
(Dec. 2)
DOWNTOWN HOLIDAY DASH: A one mile race on Asbury Ave. starting at 12
th St. Day of registration is 4:30 p.m. at the 12
th St. parking lot. Sponsored by the Ocean City Track and Field Boosters. Proceeds benefit the boosters and the Food Cupboard. For more information on pre-registering and other questions please call (609) 398-8277.
(Dec. 2)
CHRISTMAS PARADE: 6:30 p.m. on Asbury Ave from 6
th to 11
th Streets. Register to participate at
www.ocnj.us/christmas-parade. The parade will include: the Ocean City High School Marching Band, Pitman High School Marching Band, Pennsport String Band, Absegami High School Marching Band, The Original Hobo Band, Collegiate Miss Majorette of NJ and Featured Rutgers University Twirler Erica Reichert and an array of other entries, including, of course, Santa Claus. For more information call, (609) 399-6111.
(Dec. 3-4)
TRAIN SHOW: One of the City’s most popular holiday attractions. NEW LOCATION: Sports and Civic Center, 6
th and Boardwalk, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. Features include trains, train parts, holiday train decorations for home displays and memorabilia for sale. Large running displays by the Garden Railroad Club and S-Gaugers will entertain visitors and offer photo ops. Train repairs will be available from technician Dick Yard. Event is dedicated to Jay Eggly, founder of the show. Admission: $3 for adults, $1 for children (10 and under). For more information, call (609) 399-6111.
ACT NOW AND SAVE! FIRST NIGHT ADMISSION BUTTONS are now available for $15 at City Hall Welcome Center, 9
th and Asbury Ave. and the Roy Gillian Information Center on the Causeway. The event offers 70 family entertainment programs from 4 p.m. until midnight on New Year’s Eve plus an impressive fireworks display at midnight. On December 15 the price for buttons will be raised to $20. This is the best holiday entertainment value on the Jersey Shore. Welcome 2017 in a safe, non alcoholic environment. For more information call 1-800-BEACH-NJ or access
www.firstnightocnj.com where you will be able to find the entire entertainment schedule and order buttons online.
(Now through Nov. 23)
WINTER CLOTHES DRIVE by the Ocean City Board of Realtors. They are collecting coats, sweaters, blankets, snow boots, hats, scarves and more. The Winter Drive will gather new or gently used items to be donated to the Ecumenical Clothes Closet for needy families. Of special need are children’s coats, children’s snow boots, and ladies and men’s sweatshirts and pants. Funds will be accepted to purchase items – we will shop for you! Donations may be dropped off at the Board of Realtors Office, 405 22
nd St. (Office Hours, Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.) For pick up please call the office (609) 399-0128 or Vicki Heebner,
Vicki@ocbor.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
(Dec. 10)
POSTAL SERVICE FOOD DRIVE to benefit the Food Cupboard.
(Dec. 10)
LIVE NATIVITY AND CONCERT at the Ocean City Tabernacle, 550 Wesley Ave. Nativity is outside from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The concert features the Angelus Chorus with John Taylor as soloist at 4 p.m. A free-will offering will be taken.

The OCTC led the enthusiastic crowd in a variety of classics.
(Dec. 16-17)
2016 HOLIDAY SHOW: The Ocean City Pops and Ocean City Theatre Company will present “A Very Ocean City Christmas” at the Ocean City Tabernacle, 550 Wesley Ave. This will be a high-energy, family-oriented song and dance tribute to Christmas. The Holiday will come to life with a brand new journey through seasonal favorites. Dec.16 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 17 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 for children (12 and under), $18 for seniors, $20 for adults. All tickets are general admission. Available at City Hall Welcome Center or visit
FREE HORSE AND CARRIAGE RIDES are set for noon to 3 p.m. starting in front of City Hall on the following dates: Dec. 3-4, 10-11, 17-18. Call 1-800-BEACH-NJ for information.
PHOTOS WITH SANTA will be available between 5
th and 6
th Streets on the Boardwalk from noon to 3 p.m. for $10. on the following dates: Dec. 3-4, 10-11, 17-18. Call 1-800-BEACH-NJ for more information.
(Dec. 31)
FIRST NIGHT CELEBRATION – Get your button now !
(Jan. 1)
5K BOARDWALK RUN, 1 p.m. Pre-register at
www.jbsportstiming.com. For more information, call 1-800-BEACH-NJ.
(Jan. 1)
FIRST DAY AT THE BEACH featuring first dip in the ocean at 2 p.m. at Music Pier, Boardwalk and Moorlyn Terrace. Registration starts at noon. For more information, call 1-800-BEACH-NJ.
SHOP THE AWARD-WINNING Ocean City Downtown for the Holidays for value and outstanding personal service. Enjoy the many fine restaurants in the downtown and elsewhere in the City.
NOTE: The Ocean City Arts Center, 17th and Simpson Ave. (609) 399-7628 and the Ocean City Fine Arts League, 608 Asbury Ave. (609) 814-0308 both offer on-going free exhibits, artwork for sale and an array of interesting and helpful art classes.

The crowds came out to see Santa, but the Phanatic did a great job warming them up.