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Storm Puts on Sky Show Over Ocean City

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Sky Show2.4 Sunset looking east towards the bay. Sky Show3.4 Looking south The predicted all-day storm and 60 MPH winds did not materialize for most of the day Sunday, giving way to brilliant sunshine and scattered clouds. Around 4 p.m. all that changed and the late-arriving storm clouds finally materialized, as did several brief but intense showers. Mother Nature put on a spectacular show in the sky at dusk and sunset. A faint rainbow could be seen through the overcast skies, and the view changed minute-by-minute. At times, it looked as if the sky couldn’t make up its own mind with an ominous curtain of dark clouds in one direction, brilliant reds, purples and blue hues in the other. All in all, it was a spectacular way to cap off the weekend in America’s Best Family Resort.
Sky Show4.4 Sky Show1.4 Sky Show5.4