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Mayor Jay Gillian: Town Hall Meeting on Bayside Dredging Aug. 25

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A lagoon without water: Snug Harbor (between Eighth and Ninth street in Ocean City, NJ) at low tide on Friday, June 26. The following is Ocean City Mayor Jay Gillian’s 
weekly update to citizens posted on Friday, August 14.
Dear Friends: At last night’s council meeting, the administration announced a town hall meeting on dredging for Tuesday, August 25 at 7 p.m. at the Senior Center. Representatives from ACT Engineers will be present to provide an update on the dredging plan. ACT Engineers will be able to provide full-time attention to our dredging issues, such as permit applications, survey of the materials in the lagoons, project oversight and long- term planning. I am very optimistic for successful dredging progress in the upcoming year. Additionally last night, City Council and the administration received a presentation on the audit of the city’s financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2014. I am pleased to report there were no “findings” in the report and the auditor spoke very highly of our practices and policies. I would like to thank all of the team members who conscientiously work to ensure the financial integrity of the city. Recently, I have received some questions and concerns about the city website and other websites with similar addresses. Please know that the official tourism website for topics such as vacations and special events is and the official city website for city business is Websites with similar names are private businesses not associated with the city. On the south end beach replenishment project, the dredge “Liberty Island” has returned and is pumping near 54th Street between the pipe and the ocean, and from approximately 52nd to mid block of 50th-51st Streets. Work will continue north to 47th Street. The contractor will then work from 54th to 59th Street working north to south. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Warm regards, Jay A. Gillian Mayor







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