The playground at 15th Street and Bay Avenue in Ocean City has been closed for reconstruction and the project is now substantially complete.
Dear Friends,
I would like to provide an update on several capital improvement projects.
The road and
drainage project in Merion Park is ongoing and progressing on time. I would like to thank all of the residents of the neighborhood as they endure the construction project through the summer months. Some paving may be scheduled as early as within a few weeks, with completion expected this fall.
reconstruction of the playground at 15th Street is complete with the exception of a few minor accessories. I apologize for the delay in the completion, but the final project is certainly worth the wait. I hope all our families enjoy the new playground, and I am sure the neighborhood is happy to see the completion.
next stage of the boardwalk project has been awarded and the contractor is beginning to construct sections of the boardwalk offsite. Demolition will begin immediately following Indian Summer Weekend and we are optimistic that the job will be finished by the end of March.
The North End Pump Station project continues to move forward. This project is partially grant funded, and we are in the permitting stage at this time. The location of the pump station may now require additional permitting, which affects the storm drainage design and outfall location.
We are also expecting the 11th Street drainage and road paving and Bay Avenue drainage and road paving projects to resume after Labor Day.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Warm regards,
Jay A. Gillian