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See 'The Living Last Supper' Tonight and Friday

Seth Grossman

  • Things To Do
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The Living Last Supper

Thursday, April 17, 7 p.m. Friday, April 18,7 p.m. Ocean City Tabernacle 550 Wesley Avenue

In the year 1498, when Leonardo da Vinci painted the Last Supper on the wall of a monastery, each figure was posed in such a way that the twelve disciples and Jesus practically come to life. St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, in conjunction with the Ocean City Tabernacle, presents a live dramatization duplicating the painting, at the Ocean City Tabernacle, 550 Wesley Avenue, in Ocean City. You are invited to experience the Living Last Supper once again, as each disciple depicted in the painting will break their “freeze” and speak his mind in light of the words he has just heard Jesus speak....”One of you will betray me”, drawing you into that incredible moment on Jesus’ journey to the cross. The tension continues to build throughout the drama to Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. Cast includes members of St. Peter’s United Methodist Church, Ocean City Tabernacle, Coastal Christian Ocean City, First Presbyterian Church and Second Cape May Baptist Church portraying the disciples and Jesus. The Living Last Supper is the perfect preparation for your own spiritual journey this Lenten Season. Come and experience an evening of drama, music and worship in the intimacy of the Upper Room as Jesus shares his last meal with His disciples; followed by a unique communion service on April 17  & 18 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ocean City Tabernacle.  Admission is free (offering received). — News release from the Ocean City Tabernacle