Best Blood Circulation Pills to Support Healthy Blood Flow that Work

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Proper functioning of the circulatory system is vital to leading a healthy life. The cardiovascular system must function well to ensure oxygen and blood flow throughout the body to properly work the cells, tissues, and organs. These can't happen when there is poor circulation. Proper blood flow keeps the brain sharp, maintains heart health, and improves optimal health.

How Does the Circulatory System Work?

The circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, comprises a complicated network of blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and capillaries. The blood vessels carry oxygenated blood from the heart to different organs and tissues and transport the deoxygenated blood from various body parts back to the heart. The blood vessels are also responsible for carrying blood from the heart to the lungs, where it is oxygenated and "purified," the oxygen-poor blood received from different body parts. While the arteries carry nutrients, oxygen, and hormones to our cells, the veins help remove carbon dioxide and other waste products.

The Role of Blood Vessels

The primary function of arteries, veins, and capillaries is to transport blood to and from the body's heart, organs, and tissues. Arteries carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the body parts, supplying the organs and tissues with nutrients and oxygen to maintain their normal functioning and improve blood circulation. On the other hand, veins are responsible for carrying away carbon dioxide and waste materials from these organs and tissues. This deoxygenated blood is transported to the heart and the lungs for "purification." This oxygenated blood is returned to the heart, and the next circulatory cycle begins.

Signs of Health Blood Flow

Proper blood circulation is necessary for promoting one's optimal health and well-being. Healthy blood flow ensures that blood, vital nutrients, and oxygen are transported to various body organs and tissues through the blood vessels. Our organs and tissues need oxygenated blood and nutrients to gain energy for proper functioning and daily clinical blood circulation. When your circulatory system works smoothly, your wounds heal faster, and your heart is happy. Proper blood flow keeps the brain sharp and enhances your complexion by giving it a natural flush. Poor circulation can cause significant heart issues. Another sign that your blood flow is normal is when your toes and fingers are warm, which is our average body temperature. You can also compare the temperature of your right and left hands or feet. If an individual experiences coldness in these peripherals, they will likely have blood circulation issues. In that case, the person should be covered with a blanket. After 1 hour, recheck the temperature of their fingers and toes. If the problem persists, consult a doctor. People can normalize their blood flow through healthy lifestyle habits, such as eating a nutritious diet, exercising daily, avoiding nicotine and alcohol, and getting adequate sleep. You can also improve the function of your circulatory system by taking supplements or diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Another best way to boost blood flow is by consuming beetroot powder or beet juice in raw form or through beetroot supplementation.

The Top 4 Best Circulation Supplements to Boost Blood Flow

If you are looking for the best blood flow supplement to improve your cardiovascular health, here are our recommended products:
  • Heart Sheild - Best Overall
  • Nature's Bounty Fish Oil - Best Omega-3
  • Heart Beets
  • Red Tonik

Heart Sheild - The Best Blood Circulation Pills

Heart Sheild is a tried and tested blood flow supplement that is an all-comprehensive product for boosting one blood flow and lowering blood pressure. The blood circulation supplement comes in a capsule format; its efficacy is included in just three capsules. Furthermore, this beetroot supplement helps relax the blood, supports healthy blood flow, and promotes healthy cardiovascular system functioning. Even though it is a relatively new product in this segment, Heart Sheild is showing promising results. It includes all-natural ingredients, each clinically proven and rightly dosed. Apart from regulating one's BP levels, the product is also known for maintaining healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is popular among patients with high blood pressure and diabetes. This guard against poor blood flow.


The most impressive fact about Heart Sheild is its unique formulation of beetroot extract in a 4:1 ratio. The blood circulation supplement also includes garlic powder in the same 4:1 ratio, positively impacting vascular health. Moreover, beetroot extract is a rich source of dietary nitrates, which ensure the natural production of nitric oxide in the body. Proper NO production is crucial for vasodilation, which relaxes the blood vessels, helps in healthy circulation, encourages better blood flow, guards against poor blood circulation, and supports overall well-being. On the other hand, garlic powder is another critical component of Heart Sheild as it contains allicin, a potent component that again boosts nitric oxide production. Therefore, this powder, too, helps reduce blood pressure and support healthy blood circulation. By improving blood flow, these components ensure that nutrients and oxygen are delivered efficiently throughout all the body's tissues and organs. Among the other critical components of Heart Sheild are 500 mg of hibiscus, 250 mg of green tea, and 30 mg of Coenzyme Q10, further improving blood circulation. Hibiscus has diuretic properties and is regarded as a natural Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, which helps manage hypertension and lower the risks of heart failure, coronary disease, stroke, poor blood circulation, etc. Green tea is another vital ingredient rich in catechins, which support healthy endothelial function, further regulate blood vessel health, and support vasodilation. As a result, it lowers blood pressure levels, which is why green tea is a boon for people with hypertension. Besides, Heart Sheild includes another vital component of CoQ10, which can significantly reduce systolic blood pressure. The product is also rich in magnesium (from magnesium glycinate), another vital mineral that helps improve the nervous system, support blood vessel relaxation, and regularize blood pressure. That's why medical professionals often link magnesium deficiency with high blood pressure.


  • 100% natural ingredients in appropriate doses to ensure highest potency
  • Great value for money
  • Enhances nitric oxide production
  • Reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction
  • Supports blood vessel health
  • Maintains a healthy cardiovascular system in the long term
  • Regulates blood pressure levels
  • Lowers hypertension
  • Minimizes the risk of CVDs (cardiovascular diseases)



Heart Sheild's unique and effective formulation offers a balanced approach to improving blood circulation, lowering BP levels, keeping the heart healthy, improving brain function, and boosting energy levels. Looking at the blood circulation supplements comprehensive and promising outcomes; we have enlisted Heart Sheild as the number 1 beetroot supplement on our list. Besides reducing the risk of CVDs, this all-in-one dietary supplement can improve leg circulation, reduce coldness or temperature drops in the extremities, such as the hands and feet, and minimize circulatory problems. It can be your perfect heart companion, and its 13 science-backed ingredients ensure maximum effectiveness with no side effects. However, Heart Sheild can be more expensive if bought in small purchases. But you can get a good deal and save extra bucks for bulk orders. Since blood flow supplements should be consumed daily, you can consider purchasing the product in bulk to maintain continuity in your beetroot consumption.

Nature's Bounty Fish Oil

Let's shift towards another active ingredient supporting blood flow and heart health—omega-3 fatty acids. Most omega-3 supplements come in the form of softgels. Similarly, one pack of Nature's Bounty Fish Oil includes 120 rapid-release softgels. Each softgel comprises 1200 mg of fish oil, which contains 360 mg of omega-3 fatty acids. Every softgel is loaded with EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), active components responsible for proper fetal development, such as immune, neuronal, and retinal function. Apart from the fetus, EPA and DHA help improve the body's overall function and growth in every life stage. Furthermore, the supplement is easy to consume: The user must take three softgels daily. Unlike hardened capsules, softgels are easy to swallow. The best time to consume these EPA and DHA softgels is with meals.


Nature's Bounty Fish Oil is loaded with the goodness of vegetable glycerin, gelatin, and natural tocopherols. The product's active ingredient is omega-3 fatty acid, sourced from fish like herring, mackerel, anchovy, and sardine. These fish varieties have the richest sources of Omega-3. It's not always feasible to consume these fish, as people on vegan diets would be unable to eat fish.


  • 300 mg of Omega-3, which is quite effective
  • Lab tested
  • Non-GMO and gluten-free
  • No sugar, lactose, artificial flavors, or sweeteners added
  • May minimize the risk of coronary heart disease
  • Easily available on Amazon


  • Could have included more active blood flow ingredients to support cardiovascular health
  • Even though it says cholesterol-free, 10mg of cholesterol is mentioned on the product label.


Nature's Bounty Fish Oil is a lab-tested product that provides an excellent daily dosage of Omega-3 fatty acids with multiple benefits. These good fats can boost brain and eye function, keep the heart happy, lower blood pressure, and minimize joint inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids are also great in preventing asthma, dementia, depression, migraine, and diabetes. Besides, the product can also prevent heart disease and stroke. However, they could have included more vital ingredients to improve the product's effectiveness in promoting healthy blood flow.

Heart Beets

Heart Beets is another magical product that is a close competitor of Heart Sheild. This product is also power-packed with 13 vital ingredients, each serving a specific purpose toward improving the cardiovascular system and leg circulation, supporting heart health, and reducing blood pressure. Heart Beets also comes in the capsule format, and its unique formula combines multiple heart and blood vessel health benefits. Like Heart Sheild, Heart Beets is also excellent for promoting natural vasodilation and enhancing endothelial function. It supports healthy cholesterol levels while reducing blood pressure. It can significantly reduce heart health risks, such as heart attacks, stroke, heart failure, etc.


Heart Beets comprises 13 natural ingredients, including plant extracts and essential vitamins and minerals. All the ingredients are science-backed and proven to support heart health. It is a non-GMO product with no preservatives or synthetic additives, thus causing no side effects. Heart Beets has a 4:1 beetroot extract formula that enhances nitric oxide production and supports healthy blood flow. Beetroot extract can efficiently improve endothelial function, support healthy circulation, and lower blood pressure readings in a potent dosage. The other critical components of HeartBeets include garlic, folic acid, olive leaf extract, magnesium, hawthorn, and more. All these ingredients are thoughtfully blended to help support optimal cardiovascular health. Besides, vitamin C present in Heart Beets acts as a potent antioxidant that prevents cell damage due to oxidative stress. It also helps to prevent oxidative stress in blood vessels and improves circulation. Thus, vitamin C also helps maintain their health and proper functioning in the long run. Heart Beets is a vein support supplement that comprises another vital component of magnesium glycinate, which helps to relax the blood vessels, promotes smooth blood circulation, and decreases vascular resistance. Furthermore, this beetroot supplement includes essential B vitamins, such as B2 and B6, and horny goat weed, which work together to reduce homocysteine levels. It is one of those blood circulation supplements that further lowers the risk of hypertension and arterial damage. The B vitamins also improve the genetics involved in regulating blood flow. Apart from the above, Heart Beets also contains hawthorn, which, together with garlic, helps dilate the blood vessels, thus boosting blood flow. It can also enhance energy levels and stamina, making the product a good choice for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.


  • Improves blood circulation and blood flow
  • Boosts nitric oxide production and healthy circulation
  • It helps to boost nitric oxide levels
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Diminishes muscle cramps
  • Reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction, varicose veins, etc
  • Reduces the risk of CVDs
  • Relaxes the blood vessels and improves vein health
  • All-natural ingredients


  • Lack of many customer reviews
  • Available through their official website only


Heart Beets is another excellent beetroot supplement that helps improve cardiovascular health and blood flow. It does a great job of lowering blood pressure and preventing health issues caused by poor circulation. The product is an excellent choice for individuals willing to replace their blood flow or hypertension medications with a more natural and better alternative. Heart Beets includes a comprehensive formula of 100% natural ingredients that effectively support heart and cardiovascular health. However, speaking of the downsides, the developer could have included a few other efficient ingredients, such as Omega-3 fatty acids, though that would have increased the per-day capsule doses. However, that would have increased the value-for-money factor of Heart Beets.

Red Tonik

Red Tonik is the best supplement for improving blood vessel health. Human Tonik, a renowned brand of dietary supplements, has developed a powder-based supplement that helps improve blood vessel health and circulatory function. It is good value for money. Red Tonik is often the first choice among many users because of its transparency policy. That means you will know exactly what ingredients you are consuming and in what quantities, thus remaining sure about the product's safety and potency.


Red Tonik curcumin supplementation comprises 4 grams of beetroot extract, which is not concentrated. It is rich in nitrates, which helps the body to release nitric oxide naturally. Proper NO production ensures vasodilation and good blood vessel health. The other critical components of Red Tonik include ginger root extract, grape seed extract, turmeric, cordyceps, ginger root extract, cranberry, etc. The turmeric present in Red Tonik offers an excellent alternative to curcumin supplements. Curcumin is the main component of turmeric, and it can fight inflammation to support proper circulation.


  • 100% vegan, natural, and gluten-free
  • Supports blood circulation and improves blood flow
  • Lab tested
  • Transparent with ingredients doses
  • It comes in a convenient powder format


  • It may not be the best product for maintaining healthy blood pressure
  • It could have included more active ingredients, like essential vitamins


Since Red Tonik is a powder-based supplement, you can have it conveniently with your morning or evening drink. Alternatively, you can mix the powder with your favorite baked savories or soups to get your daily dose of beetroot supplement in a fun way. Red Tonik improves circulation and blood flow. Although the product's efficacy in regulating blood pressure has yet to be proven, it is an excellent choice for supporting overall heart health and the cardiovascular system. Another shortcoming of Red Tonik is that it may seem slightly expensive compared to the lesser variety of ingredients present, but that is also true in relatively lower doses. For instance, the amount of turmeric that Red Tonik is packed with is not high enough to enjoy the benefits of curcumin. So, the value-for-money factor could have been improved here.

7 Natural Ingredients that Boost Blood Flow and Circulation

Try including these seven natural ingredients in your daily diet to significantly boost your blood flow:

Beetroot Powder or Beet Juice

Beet juice or beetroot powder is popular among athletes and fitness enthusiasts, as it helps to improve energy levels, stamina, muscle endurance, and performance. Beets are rich sources of nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide as they enter the body. Furthermore, nitric oxide levels can boost blood flow, relax blood vessels, and reduce inflammation, thus ensuring blood reaches all the body organs and muscle tissues efficiently.


Garlic has been famous for its excellent medicinal benefits for ages. It is known for supporting heart health and promoting healthy blood circulation. According to studies, the sulfur components present in garlic, including allicin, help lower blood pressure and boost tissue blood flow and better circulation. It also helps to relax one's blood vessels, thus supporting the circulatory system and eliminating problems like cold hands.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids play a vital role in promoting vasodilation by relaxing the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel walls and reducing wall stiffening. They also have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to prevent free radical damage, problems such as cold hands, and inflammation. These "good" fats also help slow down plaque development within the blood vessels while increasing stability. Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, etc., are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats promote nitric oxide production inside the body, which enhances blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels. Omega-3 fatty acids also prevent blood clots by inhibiting the accumulation of platelets in the blood.


Turmeric has innumerable health benefits, which makes it a popular ingredient in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicines. It helps improve circulation by opening up the blood vessels. Turmeric contains a vital component called curcumin, which is known for promoting proper blood circulation.


Ginger has been a critical ingredient in many traditional Indian and Chinese medicines for centuries. Studies have proven its efficacy in reducing blood pressure levels, thus regulating blood flow. As a result, it ensures that proper oxygen and nutrients are delivered to our body organs and tissues. Apart from nourishing the cells, ginger helps to maintain a balance in our optimal cardiovascular health.

Leafy Greens

Leafy green vegetables, such as collard greens, lettuce, and spinach, are excellent sources of nitrates, which can boost the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a mighty vasodilator that helps dilate blood vessels. Vasodilators are known to improve the walls of arteries and veins, which carry blood throughout our body. They work by dilating or widening the blood vessels, allowing more blood flow and reducing the pressure on the vessel walls. This can be beneficial in treating various conditions like high blood pressure, heart failure, and peripheral vascular disease. They also prevent muscle tightening and blood vessel narrowing.


Pomegranates are sweet and juicy fruits rich in nitrates and polyphenol antioxidants, which are again potent vasodilators. Try consuming them in raw form, as a supplement, or as juice to enhance your blood circulation and muscle tissue oxygenation. You can drink pomegranate juice before or during your workout sessions, especially if you are in weight training. It helps to prevent muscle damage, soreness, and inflammation among weightlifters.

Final Words on The Top 4 Best Circulation Supplements

We hope the article helped you better select your dietary supplements. Based on the issue you wish to address and your convenience factor, make your most suitable selection and experience a better quality of life. When trying to improve blood flow, we had one clear winner: Heart Sheild. It's the most well-rounded supplement that will enhance blood flow and help you with BP, protect your heart, increase red blood cells, boost nutrient delivery, and prevent circulation problems. Their science-backed formula is much better than all other vitamins and supplements or just taking l-arginine or beetroot alone. However, other supplements, like Red Tonik, can support healthy blood flow, even if they are not as effective for blood pressure and tackling more significant circulation problems.





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