Cellphones were tucked inside nap sacks during the day of "unplugging."(Photos courtesy Ocean City School District)
Some Ocean City High School students “unplugged” Friday by putting all technology away for the day in celebration of “Global Day of Unplugging.”
The day, sponsored by the OC Minds Matter Club, is geared toward an awareness campaign to promote mental health. Students forego their cellphones and other technology for 24 hours.
Last year, more than 100 OCHS students participated in the day, which was then called “National Day of Unplugging,” with the focus of promoting a balance between life and technology.
“This is the second year that my club, OC Minds Matter, sponsored the event. The club focuses on student mental health,” club advisor Kara Uhrich said. “The day is meant to encourage everyone, not just students, to take some steps to improve their digital wellbeing.”
Even though the event was only one day, the goal, according to Uhrich, is to change the mindset. Students could put aside their cellphones for 20 minutes, a day, or as long as they wish, all with the idea that they are doing something healthy.
“With the absence of technology, students are encouraged to spend time focusing on acts of kindness, lifting others, community engagement, reconnecting, acts of service and supporting loved ones,” she said.

OC Minds Matter Club Advisor Kara Uhrich displays her "unplugged" nap sack.
A school flyer advertising the event detailed the focus, “With so many addicted to technology, the goal of the national day of 'unplugging' is to help modify habits,” it read.
The flyer also noted, “Whether you commit to 'unplugging' for an hour or the entire school day, use the time to take an honest look at your technology use and start to make a change.”
Students who participated in the “Ultimate Challenge” left their cellphones in the library for the entire school day, Uhrich said.
“We had 60 students leave their phones in the library for the entire day and I raffled off 17 different prizes,” she noted.
Cellphone “nap” sacks were provided to help keep cellphones “out of sight,” and were available for students in the Wellness Center, library and nurse’s office, to decorate and use, not only on Friday, but for future use, Uhrich said.
Some students participated by turning their cellphones off or just placing them out of sight in their nap sacks.
Friday’s event was another successful day of unplugging for high school students, school officials said.
For more information, visit www.nationaldayofunplugging.com

These were some of the ways students could participate. (Image courtesy Ocean City School District)