Top 7 Benefits of tongue scraping

Ever wondered why your morning breath isn't as fresh as you'd like, despite regular brushing and flossing? The culprit could be lurking right on your tongue. Yes, you've heard it right. Your tongue plays a crucial role in oral hygiene, and it's time we talked about it.

Recent studies show that using a tongue scraper can be a game-changer in your oral care routine. It's not just about fresh breath; it's about overall oral health. A tongue scraper can help reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth, potentially preventing dental problems down the line.

So, are you ready to level up your oral hygiene game? Let's dive in and explore the world of tongue scrapers, their benefits, and how to use them effectively. Your journey towards a healthier, fresher mouth starts here.

What is Tongue Scraping?

Tongue scraping is a hygiene practice that involves cleaning the surface of your tongue with a tool called a tongue scraper. A tongue scraper, such as the ones by Koppen, works by peeling off the layer of bacteria, food debris, and dead cells that coat your tongue's surface. 

This process isn't simply replicating your usual brushing routine – it's a separate procedure. While brushing the tongue may remove some of the superficial debris, tongue scraping digs deeper, efficiently removing the coating that your toothbrush leaves behind.

How to Use a Tongue Scraper

For optimum results, here are some clear instructions to guide you in your tongue scraping journey.

  1. Choose an appropriate time. Ideally, tongue scraping is best performed in the early morning, prior to eating or drinking anything.
  2. Begin at the back. Place your tongue scraper at the far back of your tongue, making sure you do not gag yourself.
  3. Apply gentle pressure. Ensure to strike a balance – you don't want to apply too much force as it can hurt your tongue, and too little wouldn't be efficient in removing the plaque build-up.
  4. Slowly pull forward. Start dragging the scraper to the tip of your tongue. Make sure to maintain a relatively consistent pressure throughout the stroke.
  5. Clean the scraper. After each stroke, rinse the scraper thoroughly to remove the waste. Reposition at the back of the tongue and start your next stroke.
  6. Repeat process. Continue this motion around five to ten times, or until you feel confident that your tongue is thoroughly cleaned.

There you have it! A tongue scraper, such as those from Koppen, is a nifty tool. When used properly, optimises oral health by not just keeping your breath fresh but by also contributing towards the overall health of your mouth. Remember, a clean tongue is an essential part of a thorough oral hygiene routine.

Top 7 Benefits of Tongue Scraping

1. Reduces Bad Breath

Tongue scraping, done right, eradicates bacteria, food debris, and dead cells that reside on your tongue's surface. This throng of unwelcome guests is commonly responsible for bad breath. Using a competent tool like a Koppen tongue scraper, you take an active role in maintaining your oral freshness.


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2. Improves Taste Perception

Bagging a coating-free tongue isn't just about appearances; it's about taste too. By scraping off your tongue's coating, you can enhance your taste buds' sensitivity. That means savouring your favourite dishes in a new light—the spicy kick of curry, the rich zing of chocolate—it all becomes more vivid, more delightful.

3. Promotes Better Oral Hygiene

When you include tongue scraping in your oral routine, you're setting the stage for a holistic approach to oral hygiene. Scraping off the bacteria prowling on your tongue's surface could lower your prospects of encountering cavities and gum disease. And that, in our books, is a big win!

4. Supports Digestive Health

Here's an unexpected but welcome benefit: better digestion. By leveraging a tongue scraper to show toxins and bacteria the door before they reach your digestive tract, you help lighten the load on your body's detox systems. The result: a digestion process that's smoother and more effective than ever.

5. Enhances Appearance of the Tongue

When you commit to tongue scraping, you can proudly say goodbye to the unsightly white or yellowish coating that often signals bacterial buildup or other health problems. With regular use of a well-designed tongue scraper like Koppen, you're rewarding yourself with a healthier and more natural-looking tongue.

6. Removes Toxins and Bacteria

Think of tongue scraping as a quick, everyday detox routine. With each scrape, you're physically evicting harmful microorganisms from your oral cavity. It's no less than a full-on blitz against potential threats to your health, all delivered in a matter of minutes.

7. Boosts Immune System

Not many realise that good oral health and vigorous immune function go hand in hand. When you reduce the bacterial load in your mouth, you may also reduce inflammation. Now, that's something your immune system is likely to appreciate. So, if you haven't already, adding tongue scraping to your routine deserves serious consideration.

Tips for Choosing and Maintaining a Tongue Scraper

Types of Tongue Scrapers

Tongue scrapers vary in the material they're made from. There are three primary types: plastic, stainless steel, and copper. Each holds distinct advantages and choosing the right one depends on your individual preference.

  1. Plastic Tongue Scrapers: Plastic scrapers are a popular pick, mainly because they're lightweight and affordable. But, they're not as durable or as effective in removing the bacteria layer from the tongue.
  2. Stainless Steel Tongue Scrapers: Stainless steel scrapers tend to last longer and are generally considered more effective at removing bacteria. It's important to note, however, that some users find them a little harder to use due to their solid structure.
  3. Copper Tongue Scrapers: Finally, you have copper tongue scrapers. Largely favoured in Ayurvedic health practices due to copper's antimicrobial properties, these scrapers are believed to help reduce the bacterial load on the tongue.

Remember, brands like Koppen offer a wide variety of choices when it comes to materials, making it easier for you to find a tongue scraper that suits your individual needs.

How to Clean a Tongue Scraper

Take extra care in cleaning and storing your tongue scraper. Proper hygiene and storage not only keep your scraper clean, but it also elongates its lifespan. Follow these steps regularly:

  1. Rinse After Use: Ensure to rinse your tongue scraper under running water after each use. This action removes any leftover bacteria or debris.
  2. Soap Wash: Once a week, wash your scraper with a mild soap to deep clean it. Rinse thoroughly to ensure no soap residues.
  3. Dry and Store: After washing, dry it completely before storage. Moist environments facilitate bacterial growth, making this an essential step.
  4. Replace Periodically: Despite cleaning, it's crucial to replace your scraper regularly. Different materials have different lifespans, with plastic needing replacement more frequently than metals.

Remember, proper tongue scraper hygiene adds to the actual benefits of using it, leading to a healthier mouth and fresh breath.


So you've learnt the ins and outs of tongue scraping. It's clear that this simple addition to your oral hygiene routine can make a world of difference. From reducing bad breath to boosting your immune system, the benefits are hard to ignore.

Choosing the right scraper isn't a daunting task. Whether it's plastic, stainless steel or copper, each has its perks. Just remember to clean and store it properly to keep your scraper in top-notch condition and your mouth in optimal health.

With the right tongue scraper, like those from Koppen, you're on your way to a healthier mouth and fresher breath. It's time to take the plunge and make tongue scraping a part of your daily routine. You'll be surprised at the difference it can make.


Chris Bates






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