Agents, shooting and survival in Apex Legends to increase your rank

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Apex is one of the most dynamic and active projects in the battle royale genre, which has its own agent system, weapon progression and various accessories that can help your survival and provide stable Apex legends boosting.

Landing and survival

An important task in Apex is to survive in the location and kill enemies, because your rank boost in Apex is formed from these two parameters. To do this, you need to think about the correct and optimal landing point, calculate where you will collect weapons and all related equipment and be able to give battle to your opponents, or wait out this moment until the first wave of narrowing the playing area weeds out some of the players naturally. Gradually, there will not be so many enemies in the location, but they will be more prepared, which will complicate your survival on the game map, but at least the chaos will disappear from the match and the test of shooting and using skills will begin. Choose a landing point because the start of the match and where to get weapons is key to a successful start to survival on the game map. Do not choose large locations, because although they have a lot of weapons, there is also a lot of competition among the players, which will lead to a random outcome of your battles and skirmishes, and if your goal is to maintain your safety, then avoid such landings, or treat them with fun - Don’t set the goal for Apex boosting, but just have fun and learn to shoot, and survive as long as you can. You should not land on the edge of the map, because there may not be a good weapon there, and if you are unlucky and the game map starts to shrink from the opposite side, then you will run there without a weapon, which will minimize your chances of survival. Choose locations where there are several houses, because they will always have a choice of weapons, armor and grenades, medicines and armor modules that will help you prepare for a new stage of gameplay and wait until the game map is outlined with new borders, and you can go to it edge so as not to lose health and attack your enemies.

Shooting and weapons

You'll pick up a variety of weapons, from pistols to a sniper rifle, and constantly look for Mythic and Legendary weapons, which will have higher damage and fire rate depending on their type. It is advisable to look for assault and sniper rifles. An assault rifle has good damage when fired at any distance while maintaining accuracy, and can even act as a sniper rifle if you understand the principle of shooting and recoil. A sniper rifle is needed for safely shooting enemies and conducting reconnaissance in special cases, and it is often used as a secondary weapon rather than the main one, because it will not help you in close combat, or rather, you will only have one chance to shoot. There are three shooting techniques in total and they are suitable for any game:
  1. Single - targeted type of shooting, which is suitable only at long distances and at the beginning of a battle, because if a firefight starts, you need to crush enemies with the speed of shots.
  2. Three rounds each - a targeted and lethal type of shooting, which allows you to shoot quite hard and have a chance to hit the enemy with each bullet, which gives a high chance of destruction. Typically used in close combat and mid-range shooting.
  3. Automatic fire - You simply shoot a large number of cartridges and suppress enemies with your fire - only works in close combat, or in the panic of a collision with an enemy, but remember, if you quickly run out of cartridges and do not destroy the enemy, then you will most likely die - try to control the flight of bullets even with such chaotic shooting.


In Apex there are agents
who have a set of different skills that determine your class. Heroes can be complex or simple, which are suitable for beginners, and you need to be able to play them and gradually expand your pool.


A support hero, an orderly who can generate first aid kits and constantly restore your health if you play alone, or help your allies. The second feature will be the ability to call on drones to help lift allies without the help of the shooter himself, while maintaining combat potential.


The second simple character for beginners, who has the ability to generate ammo and always restore your health when you are not in battle.


A hero who is considered the best tracker and hunter, who can sense enemies around and be able to figure out from their tracks who recently walked through the location and in what direction. You can even find enemies who use camouflage, or stealth.


A hero who uses communication between worlds and stealth. You will be able to install two portals on different places on the game map and move between them at any time. You will be able to move out of sight of enemies and leave the world for a while, losing the ability to attack for this time.


The safest hero of all in Apex Legends. You will be able to use a shield while aiming for your safety and damage reduction. Use a circular shield to protect against different types of damage and reflect attacks from enemies at different distances. You will be able to direct artillery strikes at a selected target to deal damage to enemies behind cover, or in an open field.


This is an attacking hero that is ideal in terms of damage for boosting in Apex Legends. You will be able to speed up your movements and release smoke for a quick attack, or retreat under the cover of a smoke screen. You will be able to direct artillery at your enemies and mask this point with smoke if desired.


A hero who uses different types of drones to attack and scout enemies. You need to constantly watch and switch between them and at the same time be aware of the character's defenselessness, so this is a useful hero, but more suitable for group play rather than alone.





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