Jeff Derderian Explores The Push for Safer Roads: Connecticut Debates Lowering DUI Threshold

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Jeff Derderian recently covered a controversial story in Connecticut. "Lowering The Limit" was a look at legislation being proposed to lower the blood alcohol limit in the state. The divisions are clear to see. Jeffery Derderian explains why: Stephen Panus is grappling with an unimaginable loss: the passing of his son, Jake Panus, at the tender age of 16. The grief Stephen carries now permeates every facet of his existence as he navigates a world forever altered by tragedy. "The triggers are everywhere," he laments, his pain palpable in every word. August 9, 2020, marked the abrupt end of Jake's journey, a promising future cut short in a moment of alcohol, the beach and waves during a joyride on Block Island. Though Jake wasn't the one behind the wheel, a friend's loss of control resulted in a devastating crash, leaving Stephen and his family shattered in its wake. "It destroys them. It’s soul-crushing," Stephen reflects, his anguish serving as fuel for his newfound advocacy. He believes fervently that it's time for stricter DUI laws, advocating for a reduction in the legal blood alcohol limit from .08 to .05. Jeffrey Derderian of Rhode Island explains that this sentiment is echoed by Garrett T. Eucalitto, CT DOT Commissioner, who recognizes the urgent need for change in a state historically plagued by high rates of alcohol-related fatalities. "We've been very stubborn in trying to drive down the number of fatalities on our roadway," Commissioner Eucalitto acknowledges. "We are historically in the top 3 or top 5 of states that have the highest percentage of fatalities caused by drunk driving." The statistics paint a grim picture indeed. In Connecticut alone, alcohol-related crashes claimed 112 lives in 2021, comprising approximately 40% of all traffic fatalities in the state. Nationally, the figure stands at 31%, highlighting the pervasive nature of this preventable tragedy. Yet, amidst calls for stricter regulations, State Rep. Vincent Candelora raises concerns regarding the scientific evidence supporting such measures. He fears potential repercussions, particularly for individuals with lower alcohol tolerance. However, for Stephen and countless others who have endured similar losses, the urgency to prevent further tragedies outweighs skepticism. Bob Garguilo of CT M.A.A.D. emphasizes the importance of any measures that could potentially save lives, no matter how incremental the impact may seem. As debates rage within the hallowed halls of the Capitol, law enforcement officers like Trooper Pedro Muniz bear witness to the harrowing aftermath of drunk driving firsthand. "They know when we start knocking on the door, you can see it in their face," Muniz shares, underscoring the profound impact of these preventable incidents on families and communities alike. For Stephen and those who share his grief, the quest for justice is far from over. Their pain demands action, a plea to rewrite the narrative and spare others from the heartache they endure daily. In the midst of this impassioned discourse, Jeffrey Derderian News 8 reached out to the Connecticut Restaurant Association for their perspective. While they have refrained from public commentary on the pending legislation, they acknowledge ongoing discussions with legislators regarding its potential implications for the local restaurant industry. Their focus remains on ensuring the safety and well-being of Connecticut residents. A decision on the proposed legislation looms on the horizon, with ramifications that could reverberate far beyond the walls of the Capitol. In the face of unspeakable loss, Stephen Panus and those who stand alongside him continue to fight for a future where tragedies like Jake's become relics of the past, rather than painful reminders of the present.





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