PhaloBoost Reviews and Complaints

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PhaloBoost is a doctor-recommended nutritional supplement designed to get rid of ED. By taking two capsules of PhaloBoost’s performance-boosting formula daily, you can purportedly stay harder for longer, regain erections, and regain sexual stamina, among other benefits. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about PhaloBoost and how the male sexual performance supplement works today in our review.

What is PhaloBoost?

PhaloBoost is a nutritional supplement marketed primarily to men with ED. Available exclusively online, the supplement aims to help any man feel young again by reversing ED and giving you harder, longer-lasting erections. Most ED supplements are backed by dubious science and little formal medical justification. According to the creator, PhaloBoost is “doctor recommended,” giving it extra legitimacy over other ED supplements available today. Additionally, the makers of PhaloBoost describe their formula as “the #1 all-natural ED supplement” on the market, claiming it’s “trusted by hundreds of men.” PhaloBoost is priced at $69 per bottle and comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. Click here to check out the official website for PhaloBoost >>>

PhaloBoost Benefits

Some of the benefits of PhaloBoost, according to the manufacturer, include:
  • Get rid of erectile dysfunction
  • Enhance overall bedroom performance
  • Stay harder for longer
  • Safe, natural formula with zero known side effects
  • A blend of science-backed herbs and plants – including horny goat weed and fenugreek
  • 60-day satisfaction guarantee

How Does PhaloBoost Work?

PhaloBoost is a sexual health supplement designed primarily to address erectile dysfunction, or ED, by boosting blood flow to the penis. By taking two to four capsules of PhaloBoost daily, men of all ages can purportedly reverse ED using a blend of natural ingredients. The formula, according to the official website, “helps cure and reverse erectile dysfunction symptoms.” To do that, PhaloBoost uses a blend of plant extracts, herbs, and other natural ingredients. These ingredients work in different ways to target ED. Some help with blood flow, while others target libido. Some interact with the nervous system, while others address inflammation in the reproductive system. In addition to taking two to four capsules daily for ED, the manufacturer recommends taking one extra capsule before sex, suggesting the formula provides short-term and long-term effects.

Who Should Use PhaloBoost?

PhaloBoost is marketed to anyone who wants extra help in bed – from solving performance issues to reversing ED at any age. Here are some of the people who should use PhaloBoost, according to the official website:
  • Men with erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Men with premature ejaculation (PE)
  • High achievers who want to perform their best every time
  • Overworked, stressed, or anxious men who struggle to perform
  • Men over 50 who may have noticed natural changes due to age
Whether dealing with ED or simply struggling with libido, you could experience transformative changes using the natural ingredients in PhaloBoost. Get PhaloBoost now while it's on sale - limited time only!

PhaloBoost Ingredients

The two most significant ingredients in PhaloBoost are fenugreek and horny goat weed. The two plant extracts have a long history of use in testosterone boosters, ED supplements, and male vitality aids. The individual dose of fenugreek (300mg) and horny goat weed extract (300mg) is more significant than all other ingredients combined (230mg). Here are all of the ingredients in PhaloBoost and how they work for erectile dysfunction:
  • Fenugreek Seed Powder (300mg): Fenugreek is one of the best-known ingredients in the male enhancement supplement space. Some take it for testosterone, others for general libido and sexual performance, and some even for prostate health and general hormonal balance. According to the makers of PhaloBoost, the fenugreek in the formula contains compounds like “furostanolic saponins” that could stimulate male androgens (sex hormones) like testosterone.
  • Horny Goat Weed Extract (300mg): Horny goat weed had legendary effects in ancient China for boosting sexual health and virility. Today, researchers have traced those effects to a natural molecule within horny goat weed called icariin. That molecule may work similarly to PDE-5 medications, inhibiting an enzyme linked to weak erections and poor blood flow. Studies show taking icariin and horny goat weed daily could promote blood flow for better erections, helping horny goat weed live up to its name.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Powder (50mg): Ginkgo biloba leaf powder has a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine as a brain booster – not strictly as an ED supplement ingredient. Nevertheless, the makers of PhaloBoost claim the ginkgo biloba in their formula can help with blood circulation, stress and anxiety, and general antioxidant effects, among other benefits. Some researchers believe ginkgo biloba impacts cognition by promoting blood flow – and that those same effects could help with ED.
  • L-Arginine (50mg): Out of all of the ingredients in PhaloBoost, L-arginine may be the one most closely connected to blood flow. Many people take L-arginine before a workout to boost blood flow. Others take L-arginine daily for ED. Today, we know L-arginine gives your body the molecules it needs to produce nitric oxide, a molecule linked to vasodilation – or the natural dilation of your blood vessels. Many ED supplements work by providing you with nitric oxide (NO) boosters like L-arginine.
  • Tribulus Terrestris (50mg): Tribulus terrestris, also known simply as tribulus, may be the best-known ingredient in the testosterone booster space. Like fenugreek, it’s found in a wide range of formulas marketed to men who want higher testosterone levels and better erections. According to the makers of PhaloBoost, tribulus terrestris is popular among athletes and bodybuilders “for its ability to boost testosterone levels.”
  • Tongkat Ali (30mg): Tongkat ali, also known as Eurycoma longifolia or longjack, traces its roots to traditional medicine practices in Southeast Asia. Today, it’s found in a variety of sexual health formulas, testosterone boosters, and other natural remedies. Tongkat ali has been shown to promote testosterone production in some small studies, although more research is needed to confirm its effects on sexual health and performance.
  • L-Carnitine (20mg): L-carnitine is an amino acid in certain foods. It’s crucial for hundreds of processes in the body – including physical performance, endurance, and muscle recovery. L-carnitine is also closely involved in energy metabolism, and it may help your cells create energy, thereby boosting metabolism. If your ED is caused by poor stamina and endurance, then L-carnitine could help.
  • Catuaba Bark Powder (10mg): Catuaba bark extract, like muira puama powder, is a natural remedy sourced from the Amazon rainforest. It’s been historically used in traditional medicine as a remedy for sexual health woes. Some modern research has connected Catuaba bark powder to nervous system stimulation, blood flow, antioxidant effects, and mood.
  • Muira Puama Powder (10mg): Known as “Amazonian Viagra,” Muira Puama is found in convenience stores in Brazil for its purported effects on virility, erections, and overall sexual prowess. Some take it daily for sexual performance or libido. Muira puama translates to “potency wood,” and it’s been used for male vitality for centuries in traditional remedies. The makers of PhaloBoost added muira puama bark powder extract to the formula to help with libido, blood flow, nervous system activity, and hormone balance.
  • Black Pepper Extract (5mg): Black pepper extract is one of the few active ingredients in PhaloBoost that are not explicitly linked to ED or sexual performance. Instead, it’s connected to absorption: studies show your body absorbs certain plant extracts more effectively when mixed with black pepper extract. Black pepper extract contains piperine, a natural molecule that boosts bioavailability. The black pepper extract in PhaloBoost is standardized to contain 95% piperine by weight.
  • DHEA (5mg): PhaloBoost rounds out the formula with a minimal dose (5mg) of DHEA. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a natural hormone in your body and adrenal gland. It’s commonly taken as a supplement for its purported effects on testosterone. Some even describe DHEA as a “prohormone” because it can increase levels of androgens like testosterone.
Other inactive ingredients within the formula include gelatin (to form the capsule), brown rice flour, magnesium stearate, and silicon dioxide. Buy PhaloBoost Before it's SOLD OUT >>>

What Does PhaloBoost Do?

According to the official website, PhaloBoost primarily works on three areas of male health and vitality, including: Effect #1: Increased Blood Flow: Many of the ingredients in PhaloBoost work by boosting blood flow. Supporting healthy blood flow makes it easier to get and maintain an erection. Ingredients like horny goat weed, in fact, even act in a similar way to PDE5 inhibitors, according to the manufacturer, helping to promote blood flow into the penis and the penile chambers. In many men, blood flow issues (like high blood pressure and diabetes) are linked to ED. Effect #2: Increased Testosterone: If you have low testosterone levels, then you’re more likely to experience ED. Some of the ingredients in PhaloBoost are known for their ability to support testosterone production naturally. Fenugreek and tribulus terrestris, for example, are frequently found in natural testosterone boosters. Effect #3: Increased Nitric Oxide Production: Finally, some of the ingredients in PhaloBoost work by promoting the production of a molecule called nitric oxide. Also known as NO, nitric oxide helps to promote vasodilation or the natural widening of your blood vessels. Your body naturally produces NO on its own based on the foods you eat. However, taking a NO booster supplement could help promote additional NO production. There’s some evidence suggesting the amino acids in PhaloBoost, including L-arginine and L-carnitine, promote NO production. Learn more on the official website >>>

What to Expect After Taking PhaloBoost

According to the manufacturer, the supplement primarily works by boosting blood flow, helping to reverse ED. However, according to the manufacturer, continuing to take two capsules of PhaloBoost daily could promote other benefits beyond blood flow, including “more length and girth” and “improved erection control.” Here are some of the results you could experience by taking PhaloBoost daily:
  • Get Rid of Erectile Dysfunction: PhaloBoost is primarily advertised as a way to “get rid of erectile dysfunction” and “get erections back.” If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, then PhaloBoost could help without forcing you to use prescription drugs or dangerous medication. Instead, PhaloBoost contains natural ingredients to help with blood flow, libido, and other areas impacting ED.
  • Increase Length & Girth: PhaloBoost claims their formula “can help improve penis length & girth,” giving you longer, harder, thicker erections. Like most ED supplements, PhaloBoost doesn’t claim to permanently increase the size of your penis or impact the size of your flaccid penis; instead, it simply claims to give you harder, thicker erections. Increasing blood flow can give you a bigger erection.
  • Enjoy Harder Erections for Longer: PhaloBoost also claims to “improve erection strength and duration,” giving you harder, longer-lasting erections.
  • Boost Stamina & Overall Erection Control: Testosterone is crucial for stamina, endurance, and male vitality. If your body isn’t producing enough testosterone, then you could feel physically weak. PhaloBoost claims to solve performance problems inside and outside the bedroom.
  • Enhance Sexual Performance: Enhancing libido, raising testosterone, and boosting erection quality can all enhance sexual performance. Low testosterone makes it difficult to perform in bed. By taking PhaloBoost daily, you could supercharge sexual performance by targeting multiple areas – from erection size to longevity.
  • See a Difference in As Little As One Week: Some men who take PhaloBoost see a difference in as little as one week, including a change in libido and erection quality.
  • Short-Term & Long-Term Results: PhaloBoost has both short-term and long-term effects: the manufacturer recommends taking two tablets twice daily and then an additional tablet one to two hours before sex. Whether you’re looking for an immediate boost to sexual performance or you’re interested in solving ED long-term, PhaloBoost aims to be the best formula on the market.
  • No Side Effects, Invasive Treatments, or Dangerous Drugs: The makers of PhaloBoost claim their supplement is “like the blue bills, but without the side effects,” suggesting the effects are comparable to Viagra. Some men inject synthetic hormones to raise testosterone. Other men take dangerous, unlabeled supplements with unproven ingredients. PhaloBoost aims to provide powerful effects without side effects, helping men reverse ED naturally.
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Scientific Evidence for PhaloBoost

The makers of PhaloBoost cite 11 studies on the supplement’s references page as proof the formula works as advertised. Those studies include double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals covering individual ingredients within PhaloBoost. We’ll evaluate the scientific evidence behind PhaloBoost below. Fenugreek is the first listed ingredient on the PhaloBoost website, and it appears to be one of the most essential ingredients in the formula. The plant extract has a long history of use in traditional remedies for ED and sexual performance. In a 2016 study, researchers found fenugreek glycoside supplementation improved performance as men followed a strength training routine. Researchers also tested the testosterone of men before and after completing the strength training program. They found those in the fenugreek group had significantly higher serum testosterone levels than men in the control group. Overall, fenugreek significantly improved performance while appearing to boost testosterone. Horny goat weed has been proven to live up to its name in multiple studies. In a 2013 trial, researchers found icariin, a natural molecule within horny goat weed, had erectogenic and neurotrophic effects. The study took place on rats – not humans. However, researchers found rats taking horny goat weed had significantly better arterial pressure during cavernous nerve stimulation, leading to better erections. Some men take tribulus terrestris daily for testosterone, performance, and overall male health. In one study, a group of 86 men with ED took tribulus terrestris or a placebo. Researchers found men in the tribulus terrestris group experienced a “significant improvement in sexual function” over 12 weeks, including a noticeable improvement in International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) scores. L-arginine could help treat ED, according to some studies. It’s an amino acid frequently taken for athletic performance, sexual health, and overall wellness. One study found arginine supplementation could help with mild to moderate ED. In that study, researchers analyzed ten randomized controlled trials on arginine covering 540 healthy adult males and found a correlation between arginine supplementation and improved IIEF scores. Overall, PhaloBoost contains a blend of science-backed ingredients linked to ED, sexual performance, and overall male vitality. Save on PhaloBoost when you order now!

PhaloBoost Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

According to the official PhaloBoost website, the supplement is the #1 rated formula available online today, and it’s trusted by “hundreds” of men to help with ED. Here are some of the reviews shared by verified PhaloBoost purchasers online today: Some customers claim they felt bigger while using PhaloBoost. One customer, for example, claims his “girlfriend noticed that I was bigger” after taking the supplement for just two weeks. One man claims he stopped having sex for years because he couldn’t get hard. After taking PhaloBoost, however, he can have sex “sometimes even a few times a night.” Other men like PhaloBoost for helping them reverse the effects of aging. For example, one customer found PhaloBoost “turned back 20 years” on the clock. Some men last longer while taking PhaloBoost, helping to solve premature ejaculation. One man claims he’s “larger, harder, and lasted longer” after taking PhaloBoost. Many men notice a difference within days of taking PhaloBoost for the first time. One man claims he saw a “huge improvement” in bedroom performance within just “a week” of taking the supplement, for example. Some men have started using PhaloBoost after being disappointed by other ED supplements. For example, one man claims he tried similar products before but “haven’t really worked” for him. Many men have greater overall confidence, mood, and emotional well-being thanks to PhaloBoost, finding it works as advertised to boost performance inside and outside the bedroom. One man claims he had ED “for 12 years” before PhaloBoost “gave me my erections back.” Some customers had previously tried Viagra and other ED medications but disliked the side effects. One man claims he was able to easily get erections without side effects thanks to PhaloBoost. Some men combine PhaloBoost with medication. One man claims he’s “taking some statin and blood pressure,” for example, at 63 years of age, which has him concerned about bedroom performance. However, his “wife [is] very satisfied now” thanks to PhaloBoost. Don't wait, read the reviews today!

PhaloBoost Pricing

PhaloBoost is priced at $69 per bottle when ordering directly online today. However, you qualify for bulk discount pricing when ordering multiple bottles of PhaloBoost at once. Here’s how pricing works when ordering PhaloBoost online today:
  • 1 Bottle: $69 + Free Shipping
  • 3 Bottles: $53 Per Bottle + Free Shipping
  • 6 Bottles: $44 Per Bottle + Free Shipping
Visit the official website to get discounted prices! Each bottle of PhaloBoost comes with 60 capsules or 30 servings (a 15-day supply). You take one serving twice daily to promote ED relief. You can also take one additional capsule (half a serving) one to two hours before sex. The makers of PhaloBoost ship the supplement in discreet packaging – it arrives in a plain, brown envelope. If you want to receive multiple orders of PhaloBoost and ensure a steady supply, you can sign up for the PhaloBoost autoship subscription and save 10%.

PhaloBoost Refund Policy

PhaloBoost is protected by a 60-day, 100% satisfaction guarantee. You have 60 days to try the supplement, decide if you like it, and request a refund if you’re unhappy.
  • Returns Address: Jetpack Shipping 285 Northeast Ave, Tallmadge, OH 44278

About PhaloBoost

PhaloBoost is made by a supplement company that does business under the same name. The company provides limited information about where it’s based or what type of medical or scientific team created the formula. However, PhaloBoost appears to be manufactured in Tallmadge, Ohio, a suburb of Akron. The company also describes its formula as “doctor recommended,” which means at least one doctor has recommended using it. The manufacturer of PhaloBoost partnered with a man named Jake Bridges to promote PhaloBoost online. You can contact the makers of PhaloBoost via the following:
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Online Form:
  • Telephone: +1-877-241-3431

Final Word

PhaloBoost is an erectile dysfunction (ED) supplement marketed to men of all ages who want to boost sexual performance. By taking two to four capsules of PhaloBoost daily (and an extra capsule before sex), men can purportedly boost sexual performance within as little as one week using a blend of L-arginine, horny goat weed, and tribulus terrestris, among other active ingredients. To learn more about PhaloBoost or to buy the ED supplement online today, visit the official website.





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