Having erectile dysfunction or poor performance in the bedroom can ruin a man's self-esteem, crush their confidence, and leave their partner feeling empty and sexually unfulfilled.
Luckily, there are male enhancement pills on the market that can help you get your groove back. In fact, thousands of men all over the world rely on male enhancement supplements for bigger erections, increased libido, and improved sexual performance.
But with so many male enhancement pills to choose from, how do you know which product is best for your specific needs?
To help you decide, we've reviewed the top male enhancement brands and evaluated them on a variety of factors including ingredients, benefits, customer reviews, price, and value.
If you're ready to reignite your sex life and satisfy your partner like never before, here are the best male enhancement pills on the market.
Top 5 Best Male Enhancement Pills of 2024
#1 Performer 8: Best Overall

Performer 8 is our top choice for the best male enhancement pill of 2024. While women receive a "second peak" of sexual boost in their 40s, men tend to see their libidos decline. Some of Europe's most highly regarded scientists and industry experts are changing that with male enhancement pills. The result: Performer 8.
Performer 8 stands out as the best all-around supplement on the market. The natural and effective formula lets you please your partner like never before. That includes boosting your sexual stamina, providing firmer erections, and raising your sperm count.
The supplement works by increasing the nitric oxide (NO) levels in the blood. This molecule allows the blood vessels to relax and widen. The more nitric oxide you have in your body, the better your blood flow and the easier it is to achieve and maintain an erection.
The ingredients in Performer 8 include muira puama, ashwagandha, ferrous bisglycinate, maca root, panax ginseng, pine bark extract, horny goat weed, grape seed extract, and glucuronolactone.
Each bottle of Performer 8 has optimized dosage and powerful natural ingredients. All you have to do is take the recommended number of pills each day. Thanks to the organic formula, you'll have minimal chances of side effects.
Performer 8 offers an all-in-one boost to sexual performance. The pills can give you the best erection quality of your life while also improving your sexual stamina and sperm count. Best of all, this product comes with a lifetime money-back guarantee.
Click Here for the Lowest Price on Performer 8
#2 TestoPrime: Best for Bigger and Harder Erections
TestoPrime is the top male enhancement product for bigger and harder erections. This leading male enhancement supplement allows men to pack more heat than ever in the bedroom. Leading Edge Health Limited, the company behind TestoPrime, has sold more than 1.2 million boxes to date.
TestoPrime uses all-natural ingredients to elevate L-citrulline and L-arginine production in the body. The compounds influence a man's nitric oxide levels and his blood circulation. A single pill of TestoPrime generates more blood flow and harder erections within minutes.
Don't just take our word for it. Leading Edge Health has tested the supplement for nearly two decades to ensure that men will improve sexual performance on its product. The company found that 71.43% of people had increased satisfaction during intercourse, while 62.82% found it easier to penetrate their partner.
The natural ingredients in TestoPrime include damiana, horny goat weed, korean red ginseng, muira puama bark extract, hawthorn berry, catuaba bark extract, saw palmetto, ginkgo biloba, and bioperine.
TestoPrime is so powerful that you only need one pill per day. Take it with water in the morning and enjoy a tremendous boost in sex drive for hours. That way, you can produce fireworks in the bedroom all night long.
Leading Edge Health provides consumers with peace of mind when
purchasing TestoPrime. Not only does the top-of-the-line supplement deliver larger and firmer erections, but it also has a 67-day money-back guarantee. Users can even take advantage of its 24/7 customer support team and free shipping on purchases over $150.
#3 Virility 7: Best for Improved Sexual Performance
Virility 7 is the top-rated male enhancer for men over 40. Who doesn't want improved sexual performance? Now you can have it, too, with two sex pills per day. Virility 7 offers a simple and effective way to take your sex life to another level.
Virility 7 comes with a long list of benefits, including a higher sex drive, more sexual stamina, and more intense orgasms. It also improves the firmness and size of erections.
Silver Blade Nutrition Limited, the company that produces Virility 7, uses natural ingredients to formulate this best-in-class supplement. The pill contains Korean red ginseng, also known as Asian red ginseng, to reduce performance anxiety while increasing sexual endurance. Additionally, it has a gram of horny goat weed that heightens sexual arousal and sensitivity during intercourse.
The complete list of ingredients in Virility 7 includes maca, horny goat weed, korean red ginseng, cordyceps, bioperine, selenium, cyanocobalamin, riboflavin, niacin, iron, pyridoxine HCL, pantothenic acid, and zinc.
Virility 7 doesn't contain synthetic substances or artificial dyes. The clean and wholesome formula guarantees that you maximize your sexual performance without unwanted side effects. Make sure to take a week-long break every three months while using the male enhancement supplement to avoid developing an immunity.
Wow your partner with your sexual prowess!
Virility 7 delivers the increased blood flow, libido, and stamina you need to improve your sexual performance night in and night out. Silver Blade Nutrition also offers a 100% money-back guarantee if the male enhancement pills don't meet your expectations.
How Do Natural Male Enhancement Pills Work?
Many male enhancement pills work the same way. They elevate the body's nitric oxide production, increasing
blood flow to the penis as a result. Of course, this mechanism doesn't apply to all male enhancement supplements. Some products, like Semenoll, work because the ingredients tell the testes to create more sperm.
Nitric oxide is the key that unlocks superior sexual performance and health. It can make erections stronger and firmer within minutes. It's why erectile dysfunction products like Cialis, Levitra, and Viagra use elevated nitric oxide levels as a treatment. The compound serves multiple functions in the body. These include relaxing the muscles in the blood vessels. When the penis muscles relax, that act allows the body to circulate more blood through the main vein. In other words, nitric oxide works as a vasodilator.
While you can find nitric oxide in leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits, your body may not make enough of it naturally. The best male enhancement pills send signals to your system to produce more. This process is not the same as the supplements containing nitric oxide because, in this case, your body is making more of it.
Your blood vessels aren't the only things that benefit from nitric oxide. The biological messenger can combat inflammation and soreness, making it ideal as a post-workout supplement. Other benefits include improved memory, sleep quality, athletic performance, immune system, strength, and oxygen levels in the blood.
Older men stand to benefit the most from vasodilators. They tend to have an increased risk for erectile dysfunction and may suffer lower sex drive and testosterone levels. The right male enhancement supplement can combat aging, blood flow problems, and lifestyle factors such as high alcohol consumption and smoking.
Things to Look for When Buying the Top Male Enhancement Supplements
Quality Ingredients:
What you put in your body matters. Make sure your male enhancement pills have high-quality, potent ingredients that deliver optimized benefits with no side effects. Some performance-enhancing natural ingredients to look for include Ginkgo biloba, Tribulus terrestris, Panax ginseng, L-methionine, and L-arginine HCL.
Every ingredient has a distinctive purpose. When researching male enhancement supplements, double-check that the formula helps you achieve your goals. For example, Ginkgo biloba increases blood flow to the penis, while Tribulus terrestris can improve urinary tract health, reduce inflammation, and boost testosterone production for males over 40.
Clean Labeling:
Clean labeling is a must when purchasing male enhancement pills. You should know every ingredient that goes into your body. The last thing you want is to have an allergic reaction because a manufacturer claims to have a proprietary formula. While there's a time and place for proprietary formula, male enhancement supplements are not one of them. The discreet approach lets unscrupulous companies put fillers and synthetic compounds into the sex pills so that they can turn a quick profit. The best male enhancement pills have clean labels that list the ingredients in the supplement.
Money-Back Guarantee:
Money-back guarantees provide peace of mind to consumers. If a male enhancement pill doesn't deliver results, you can return it for a complete refund. All of the companies on our list let users try the supplement for two to three months risk-free. Money-back guarantees give you a chance to see how effective a product is. Do you notice changes to your testosterone levels or sexual desire? Do you have higher energy levels and lower rates of erectile dysfunction? The trial period allows you to answer those questions without financial risk.
Positive Customer Reviews:
Customer reviews provide a behind-the-scenes look at the consumer experience after people purchase male enhancement supplements. They let you know if products work for real people like they do in the commercials. Thorough and informative customer reviews can provide the push you need to select one pill over another.
We prioritized male enhancement pills that had glowing reviews. Products like TestoPrime and Virility 7 receive consistent critical praise and have scientific studies backing their efficacy. You can have confidence knowing that these pills will improve your testosterone levels, sexual desire, and penis size instead of only claiming that they can. You can also read detailed testo max review here.
Made in the USA:
It's never been more important to invest in American-made products. Instead of sending your hard-earned dollars abroad, you can bolster your local economy and support blue-collar jobs. Buying male enhancement pills that say "Made in the USA" ensures that your dollars will support American workers and their families.
You don't have to worry about quality when you buy pills produced in the USA. The Food and Drug Administration oversees manufacturing facilities, checking that they have up-to-date equipment and clean work environments. This oversight guarantees the highest-caliber working conditions possible.
Benefits of Taking Male Enhancement Pills
Most men take penis enhancement pills to improve their sex life. The supplements work for users of all ages as they overcome everything from erectile dysfunction to low libido. Products like Performer 8 deliver a wide range of benefits that amplify male sexual performance.
Some pills have narrowly tailored benefits, like Semenoll. This supplement magnifies orgasm intensity, making each climax more rewarding. It increases penile sensitivity during intercourse, making the experience more satisfying for you and your partner.
Other men want longer-lasting erections. TestoPrime prolongs erections by relaxing the blood vessels and generating more blood flow to their members. Men that take TestoPrime report stronger and more enduring erections.
Finally, penis enhancement pills can make men feel like "men" again. Some products increase testosterone levels, instilling guys with the strength and vigor they had in their youth. The supplements can seem to turn back time and, in the process, make sex more exciting and rewarding.
Male Enhancement vs. Penis Enlargement
Some people use male enhancement and penis enlargement synonymously, but they are different things. Male enhancement supplement products focus on boosting male sexual health, while penis enlargement tools involve lengthening the genitalia. Understanding the difference can help you make an informed decision when shopping for supplements and penis enlargement devices.
We've already touched on male enhancement products. Most of these oral supplements increase blood flow to the penis, resulting in firmer and thicker erections. Some pills provide a natural boost of testosterone production and energy, too.
Male enhancement products cater to individuals who want to upgrade their sex lives. Perhaps you struggle with erectile dysfunction or a low sperm count. These supplements resolve underlying issues, restoring your sex drive to that of a 20-year-old.
Penis enlargement comes in several forms. The three most common methods are penis pumps, traction devices, and penis surgery. While each option makes the genitalia longer, each does so in distinct ways.
1. Penis Pumps
A penis pump creates a high-pressure environment that increases blood flow to your penis temporarily. Men that use such a device can maintain a firm erection for half an hour or more. It makes penetrative sex with a partner more manageable and efficient.
A penis pump goes over your genitals, forming a tight seal with the skin around the base. If you haven't shaved your pubic hair, you should do so before using the device. It's no fun having stray hairs snag in the tube.
Once the device is in place, turn on the motor or use the hand pump to remove the air. As the chamber pressurizes, it draws blood toward the tip of the penis. The result is a thicker erection without the need for prescription medication or surgical intervention.
2. Traction Devices
Traction devices, also known as penis extenders, are medical products to correct Peyronie's disease. This condition involves an unnatural curvature of the penis due to plaque or fibrous tissue. Individuals have to wear the device for several hours per day to straighten and lengthen their penis.
A study from Live Science had 15 men use traction devices for six months. The men increased the amount of tension on the shaft from 1.3 pounds to 2.6 pounds midway through the experiment. The result was a 0.9-inch improvement in flaccid penis length.
Outside of surgery, traction devices are the only way to enhance penis size permanently. The products use carefully calibrated tension to lengthen the genitalia through micro-tears. However, men must wear them for roughly eight hours a day, making them painful and cumbersome at times.
3. Penis Surgery
Penis surgery serves as the most extreme form of penis enlargement. It involves a surgeon placing a silicon sheath underneath the skin to lengthen the penis. Insurance does not cover this procedure, so you will have to pay the approximately $15,000 medical bills out-of-pocket.
Penis surgery is simple and straightforward. A surgeon places you under general anesthesia and inserts the sheath. You'll have to go to a follow-up appointment two or three days after the operation.
According to Dr. James J. Elist, a Beverly Hills urologist specializing in penile treatments, penis surgery can improve penis length and girth. The average man stands to add 1.5 inches in length and one inch in girth while flaccid. People that have penis surgery have average erections of 7.7 inches after the procedure.
Who Should Take Male Enhancement Pills?
Erectile dysfunction is more common than you might think. According to
a Danish study from 2018, roughly one-third of men have some form of erectile dysfunction. The condition appears more frequently and becomes more severe the older you get.
Why do older men have higher rates of erectile dysfunction? There isn't one answer. Instead, erectile dysfunction is a byproduct of aging, with older men having lower energy levels, testosterone levels, and sex drive.
Male enhancement pills provide a safe and reliable way to combat aging. They can revitalize your sexual desire, giving you the stamina and erection quality you need to please your partner. The supplements let you fight back against Father Time and Mother Nature.
You don't have to be in middle age or retirement to need male enhancement supplements. Some men have poor circulation, making it challenging for them to achieve erections despite being in excellent health otherwise. Other individuals take supplements like Semenoll to raise their odds of conception since it can improve sperm count and motility.
Even the best male enhancement pills can't work miracles, though. If you want to overcome erectile dysfunction or low testosterone levels, you should use them with diet and exercise. The holistic approach ensures that your body is the fittest and healthiest version of itself.
Do Male Enhancement Pills Have Any Side Effects?
Most organic male enhancement pills have no side effects. The wholesome formulas deliver the increased sex drive and blood flow you want with minimal chance for an allergic reaction.
Note that you do have a slim chance of experiencing side effects, though. Some people have dry mouths, nausea, and low energy levels. These side effects should only last for a few hours. If symptoms persist for several days, you should contact your primary care physician.
People have used compounds like Asian red ginseng and Tribulus terrestris for centuries. These practical and reliable compounds give you the best chance of taking your sex drive up a notch.
Always make sure to read the label before purchasing supplements. Leading manufacturers include a complete list of ingredients on the label so that you can do your research ahead of time. If you're unsure about the formula, talk with your local doctor.
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Can You Buy Penis Enhancement Pills Over-the-Counter?
Yes, you can find over-the-counter natural male enhancement supplements. Most of these pills treat erectile dysfunction, like sildenafil. They stimulate blood flow to the penis, making it easier for men to achieve an erection.
The problem is that over-the-counter medications you can find at your local pharmacy don't have the same power as the stuff you find online. These penis enhancers have lower levels of key ingredients, making them less effective overall. Shop online if you want the best possible results for your erection quality and penis size.