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Can CBD Gummies Get You High?

There’s no doubt that CBD has become quite popular in recent years for its potential health benefits for pain, anxiety, and sleep-related issues. But there’s still a lot of stigma around it due to the negative connotation that comes with cannabis. 

So, can CBD gummies get you high? No! Absolutely not. Why? Because all legally sold CBD gummies are made using extract derived from industrial hemp plants, and as per law, they cannot have more than 0.3% THC in them. 

Plus, unlike THC (a cannabinoid known for causing high blood pressure), CBD doesn't have any intoxicating effects of its own. So even if you end up taking the best CBD gummies, it won’t make you high or stoned. 

Yes, you might feel a little bit more relaxed and laid back due to the high dose, but it won’t make you lose control of your senses. Let’s dig in a little more on this topic so that you can safely incorporate CBD gummies into your wellness routine. 

Can CBD Gummies Get You High

Why CBD gummies can’t get you high? 

To understand why CBD gummies won’t make you high, we’ll have to take a look at what goes into them during preparation. The main ingredient in CBD gummies is cannabidiol, which is a non-intoxicating plant compound found in cannabis sativa plants. 


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There are hundreds of cannabinoids in these plants, all of which have some unique healing properties. THC is the only most intoxicating cannabinoid, but its quantities are so low in hemp plants (used for making gummies) that it’s just not enough to cause "high.".

You’ll notice that most popular gummies have broad spectrum or full spectrum written on the label. The only difference between broad and full-spectrum gummies is that broad-spectrum gummies are completely free of THC, as it get completely removed through an additional extraction process. 

Other cannabinoids you’ll notice on the label are CBN, CBG, CBD, CBC, and more, all of which are non-intoxicating in nature, just like CBD. That does not mean that you cannot get your hands on higher THC concentrations, but for that, you’ll usually need to be a part of a medical marijuana program. 

This is usually for people with severe pain conditions only, and regular folks can’t really get them. So if your sole purpose is to get high recreationally, it’s better to stick with making some hash brownies or something at home. 

What about hemp gummies?

Same thing: hemp gummies cannot get you high. They simply don’t have any THC in them, so there’s no psychoactive compound in them to make you trip or hallucinate. They are made from hemp seed oil, which means that they don’t have even a single cannabinoid in them, let alone CBD or THC. 

That’s why you’ll notice that they are openly sold on popular e-commerce stores and offline retail chains. This also means that they won’t have any positive impact on your sleep, anxiety, pain, appetite, stress, or mood. 

People only buy them to supplement their diet with other essential nutrients like omega-3, vitamins, minerals, and more. You can also use them as toppings on smoothies and shakes to enhance their overall nutritional value.

What kind of gummies can get you high?

If getting high is your main goal, then you should be looking for THC gummies specifically instead of CBD gummies. THC gummies are usually made from marijuana plants instead of hemp and have much higher levels of THC in them as compared to CBD gummies. 

However, be careful and try not to buy them from roadside petrol pump stores because they might be carrying inferior and subpar products that can harm your health. Plus, in the majority of U.S. states, high THC concentrations are frowned upon and are not allowed in products. So your choices for buying THC gummies will remain quite low in the current legal landscape.

What are the effects of CBD gummies? How do they work?

When you consume CBD gummies, they take around an hour or two to kick in. Once they get metabolized by your digestive system, you’ll feel a sense of calmness taking over. 

This happens because CBD interacts with and enhances the functioning of our endocannabinoid system, which is responsible for controlling our pain perception, stress levels, anxiety, appetite, memory, mood, and more. 

CBD in these gummies also affects regions in our brains that are responsible for controlling our sleep cycles. 

That’s why gummies have become a popular pre-bedtime routine for people who suffer from bedtime stress, disturbed sleep cycles, and too much tossing and turning in bed. CBD helps the nerves in our body to calm down, and we feel more relaxed and in better control of our emotions and thoughts.

What if I eat too many CBD gummies? Are there any side effects? 

Studies have shown that CBD doesn't cause any severe side effects among humans, even at very high doses. So if you end up eating a bit more than normal, after all, they are delicious, nothing serious will happen. 

Still, some might feel a bit dizzy nauseous, or dehydrated, so it’s best to stick with the recommended dosage. You should try to increase your water intake and try to have gummies after food to reduce the chances of nausea. If the effects persist, then try to reduce the dosage or stop altogether for a few days.

The End Note

To sum it up, CBD gummies cannot get you high. The major ingredients used in it don’t have an intoxicating nature. Plus, as per the 2018 farm bill, CBD products cannot have more than 0.3% THC in them, which is simply not enough to make anyone high. 

The industry is still largely unregulated, so there’s always a chance of falling for marketing tactics and getting in touch with wrongly labeled products. So you should only buy CBD gummies from reputed and well-tested brands like Colorado Botanicals, which provides you with the latest lab test reports.


Chris Bates