Christopher Peyton Crawford of Mississippi on Pickleball for Beginners: Understanding the Basics and Getting Started

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Christopher Peyton Crawford of Mississippi is so thankful he found the sport of pickleball. For those unfamiliar, pickleball is a paddle sport that has been gaining immense popularity in recent years. It combines elements of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong to create a fun and exciting game that can be played both indoors and outdoors. The game involves two or four players using solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball back and forth over a net. One of the reasons pickleball has become so popular is that it is a relatively easy game to learn. It is accessible to players of all ages and skill levels, making it a great way to get some exercise, socialize, and have fun. Pickleball can be played as singles or doubles, and the rules are straightforward and easy to understand. If you're new to pickleball and looking to get started, Christopher Peyton Crawford of Mississippi notes there are a few things you'll need to know. The first thing you'll need is a pickleball paddle. These paddles come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, so it's important to choose one that feels comfortable in your hand. You'll also need a pickleball, which is a lightweight ball with holes in it. When it comes to playing pickleball, the objective is to hit the ball over the net and into your opponent's court without them being able to return it. The game is played to 11 points, and you must win by a margin of two points. There are also a few other rules to keep in mind, such as the fact that you can't step into the non-volley zone (the area near the net) and hit the ball.

Christopher Peyton Crawford of Mississippi on The Equipment


Pickleball paddles are larger than ping-pong paddles but smaller than tennis racquets. They are made from various materials like wood, composite, or graphite. Beginners can start with a basic wooden paddle and upgrade as they progress.


Pickleball balls are similar to whiffle balls, but slightly smaller. There are two types: indoor and outdoor balls, with the latter being harder and having smaller holes.


A pickleball court is 20 feet wide and 44 feet long, divided into two equal sides by a net. The court has a non-volley zone (7 feet from the net, also known as the kitchen), service squares, and baseline.

Christopher Peyton Crawford of Mississippi on Basic Rules and Gameplay


  • The serve must be underhand, and the paddle must contact the ball below the waist level.
  • The service is made diagonally crosscourt and must clear the non-volley zone.
  • Only one serve attempt is allowed, except in the case of a let (the ball hits the net on the serve and lands in the proper service court; then the serve is replayed).


  • Points are scored only by the serving side and occur when the opponent faults (fails to return the ball, hits the ball out of bounds, etc.).Games are typically played to 11 points and won by a 2-point margin.

Double-Bounce Rule

  • Each side must make at least one groundstroke after the serve before volleys are allowed. This means the receiving side must let the serve bounce, and the serving side must let the return bounce before playing it.

Non-Volley Zone

  • Players cannot volley the ball (hit it before it bounces) while standing in the non-volley zone.

Getting Started with Pickleball

Christopher Peyton Crawford of Mississippi on Learning the Basics

Start by familiarizing yourself with the rules and practicing basic strokes, like the serve, forehand, backhand, and volley.

Practice Drills

Engage in drills to improve your accuracy, control, and movement on the court. You can practice with a partner or join beginner clinics.

Play Regularly

The best way to learn pickleball is by playing regularly. Join a local club or group where you can play with different partners and learn from more experienced players.

Stay Safe and Have Fun

Wear appropriate athletic shoes to prevent slips and falls. Stay hydrated and apply sunscreen if playing outdoors. Most importantly, enjoy the social and fun aspects of pickleball. Christopher Peyton Crawford of Mississippi believes pickleball is a wonderful sport that offers a perfect blend of physical activity, strategic gameplay, and social interaction. For beginners, it's a relatively easy game to pick up, but it also offers depth and complexity for those looking to play at a more competitive level. Grab a paddle, hit the court, and you’ll soon find out why pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports in the world.





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