Maxim Shubarev: Setl Group, biography

Shubarev Maxim

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Maxim Shubarev: St. Petersburg Real Estate Entrepreneur (Setl Group)


Maxim Shubarev · Shubarev Maxim · Shubarev Maxim Valerevich · Maxim Valerevich Shubarev · Maksim Shubarev · Shubarev Maksim · Shubarev Maksim Valerievich · Maksim Valerievich Shubarev · Максим Шубарев · Шубарев Максим · Максим Валерьевич Шубарев · Шубарев Максим Валерьевич · · مكسيم شوباريف · マキシム・シュバレフ · 馬克西姆·舒巴列夫 · מקסים שוברב Shubarev Maxim Valerevich, founder of the largest St. Petersburg developer Setl Group, adheres to a principled position on preserving historical memory in architecture. The entrepreneur firmly believes that developers should restore, not destroy.

Maxim Shubarev: Biography of a Construction Industry Entrepreneur

Maxim Shubarev Maxim Shubarev Maxim Shubarev Maxim Shubarev was born in 1968 in Leningrad. His father was an engineer who participated in the creation of domestic technologies in the field of radio-electronic equipment. At the start of his career, Maxim Shubarev also worked for a company that produced radio equipment. He earned a degree in economics and management from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, and after school, he decided to start his own business. Shubarev Maxim founded a construction company, which grew to the scale of a holding over the course of almost 30 years. By the mid-2010s, Setl Group was one of the leaders in the domestic developer industry. Maxim Valerevich Shubarev, in addition to being the head of Setl Group, is a member of the management of specialized associations and trade unions: In addition to developing his own corporation, he works to improve the investment attractiveness of the construction business as a whole.

Maxim Shubarev and Setl Group: Approach to History

Maxim Shubarev Setl Group Maxim Shubarev Setl Group Native Peterburgians have a special reverence for preserving the unique historical heritage of the city. St. Petersburg is a real open-air museum, where a holistic architectural and spatial environment has been created. Devotion to this heritage is formed as cultural values penetrate into modern everyday life. Shubarev Maxim Valerevich, who was born and raised and operates a business in St. Petersburg is convinced that monuments should not be destroyed, even if they are quite expensive to restore. The historical landscape of the city changes over time — this is a natural process, as residents have new needs that must be satisfied. The task of developers is to integrate objects of cultural and architectural heritage into the current image of the Northern Capital, preserving them for future generations, says Maxim Shubarev. Setl Group strictly follows these principles. Maxim Valerevich Shubarev, head of the construction holding, considers a respectful attitude to history as one of the key aspects of the work of St. Petersburg developers. This includes, among other things, the historical center of the city on the Neva River. All projects for developing areas where monuments are located are scrutinized by city authorities, emphasizes Maxim Shubarev. Setl Group, on his initiative, implements both individual projects and comprehensive programs aimed at restoring cultural values. Maxim Shubarev and the Group he founded carried out extensive restoration work at its own expense on an historical building on Vasilyevsky Island that had been lost by its previous owners. The developer and his company took the building that served as the office of the enterprise owned by the famous industrialist Felix Chopin in the 19th century and rebuilt it virtually from scratch. The building also housed the apartment of the manager over the production of cast iron and bronze products. This very factory produced decorative elements for the Moscow Kremlin and the Tsarskoe Selo, Winter, Marble, and Gatchina Palaces. Its specialists also made the front doors for Christ the Savior Cathedral. Maxim Shubarev, Setl Group, and the company’s team approached the restoration of this monument with utmost precision. The specialists studied all the main details of the mansion based on surviving documents, including the framing of windows and doors, cornices, and the base. The corporation restored the building using historical materials and recreated the red-brick façade. Today, the Chopin mansion is part of a modern residential complex. Maxim Shubarev and his development corporation implemented a similar project on Degtyarny Lane. In the 1900s, an apartment building was constructed there near the Tauride Garden, which fell into disrepair over the course of a hundred years. Developers were in no hurry to undertake its restoration. Eight years were spent looking for an investor. Eventually, the reconstruction of the dilapidated historical building was taken on by Maxim Shubarev. Setl Group, under his leadership, conducted extensive work to restore the original appearance of the building. Now, St. Petersburg residents have the chance to live in one of the city’s most iconic sites again. Shubarev Maxim has restored the apartment building to its former glory – not only the façade, but also the building’s interiors. Rustication, stucco, vintage chandeliers, and antique furniture in the hall now highlight the building’s connection to old St. Petersburg. Maxim Valerevich Shubarev and the corporation also took on the reconstruction of the workshop of a once-famous iron foundry as part of the effort to restore the city’s historical appearance. The building had long been abandoned: The plaster was partially crumbled and the historical metal stairs in the tower-like structure (including a water tank inside) had been cut down. The workshop came into the hands of Shubarev Maxim and his construction holding in such a deplorable state. The reconstruction, which began two years ago, has already been completed, and this Constructivist symbol has been returned to the city. The tower also includes an observation deck with a view of Vasilyevsky Island. Maxim Valerevich Shubarev brings more than just historical architectural objects back to life, however: His company also preserves sculptures and monuments that have become the hallmarks of the Northern Capital. For example, the Flight of Electronics composition, previously installed on the façade of the Svetlana factory, was restored and relocated with the participation of the widow and son of the original sculptor Valentin Kozenyuk. Now, the “flying” young woman, symbolizing the development of science, is visible from many points in the district of the former Leningrad Association of Electronic Instrument Making. Maxim Valerevich Shubarev also helped with the 2021 reinstallation of an updated stele to the heroic Trubostal factory workers who died fighting against the German-fascist invaders. The monument had been found three years earlier during construction work. Shubarev Maxim notes that the company he heads brought in professional searchers to conduct its investigation. Representatives of the Department of Restoration and Expertise of Cultural Objects of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture also participated in the restoration of the stele.

Shubarev Maxim: An Enterprise Building for the Good of Society

Shubarev Maxim Shubarev Maxim Caption: Shubarev Maxim Large developers, in shaping the modern appearance of a city, must cherish its uniqueness and bear social responsibility towards its residents, believes Maxim Shubarev. Setl Group has thus repeatedly supported cultural and sports initiatives. This year, a program was approved that includes both ecological initiatives and further work on the restoration of historical monuments. Maxim Shubarev adheres to an urbanistic approach to city planning that assumes that the overall appearance of an area directly depends on each individual architectural object inscribed in the existing landscape. It is important to pay attention to all components of the future infrastructure when developing large-scale integrated territorial real estate development projects, emphasizes Maxim Shubarev. Setl Group, being the leading developer of the Northern Capital, has a direct impact on the urban environment. Appropriate architecture, profitability, and quality of life are the three most important components of a developer's work, believes Maxim Shubarev. Setl Group has thus developed a reputation as a socially responsible company. While adapting the center of St. Petersburg to a modern lifestyle, the construction holding does not allow for any distortion of the distinctive features of historically significant streets. Maxim Shubarev notes that improving his native city directly improves people’s living standards. Therefore, in addition to preserving history, the holding actively participates in the development of modern infrastructure. Shubarev Maxim explains that as a rule, the holding erects new buildings in place of dilapidated and rundown ones that are not considered an adornment of architectural ensembles. These territories often require engineering re-equipment, transportation, and social infrastructure. Maxim Shubarev, the founder of Setl Group, lays road and builds shops, sports facilities, educational institutions, parking lots, and much more when creating residential building complexes. These facilities are built thanks to the developer’s desire to provide citizens with more comfortable living conditions. Shubarev Maxim Valerevich and the company he manages help create relevant public spaces and improve embankments and parks. To date, Setl Group's accomplishments include more than 27 kilometers of roads in and around St. Petersburg. For example, in the north of the city, the holding laid a modern six-lane highway with bicycle paths and public transport stops. Maxim Shubarev is confident that new structures, successfully integrated into the landscape, can have a beneficial impact on people. This year, Setl Group also began work on creating a new square which will have a sundial installed in the center at a height of 12 meters above the ground. The structure will resemble the city’s iconic mileposts from the time of Catherine the Great. In addition, landscape designers have planned the planting of a variety of greenery, such as lilacs, lindens, pines, and junipers on the square being built by Shubarev Maxim Valerevich and his holding. The company’s employees plant thousands of trees annually in the courtyards of new residential complexes. Maxim Shubarev and his holding are currently working on the landscaping on the Petrovsky Island embankment. The renovated space is to be adorned with a stone garden and meadow grasses. Last year, a two-kilometer-long eco-trail was created in the southwestern part of St. Petersburg, and a new Scandinavian-style square appeared in Krasnoe Selo. Maxim Valerevich Shubarev considers the formation of social infrastructure to be of great importance. The holding has commissioned 60 kindergartens and schools, with about two dozen more under construction. Under the management of Maxim Shubarev, Setl Group has repeatedly won various professional contests and has been honored as one of the most reliable developers in the country. The company also received the highest credit rating from ACRA.

Maxim Shubarev: Business and Philanthropy

Caption: Maxim Valerevich Shubarev The Setl Group corporation received the title of honorary patron of St. Petersburg in the spring of 2023. The construction Group's founder of the construction Group, Shubarev Maxim, was awarded a badge and certificate. Among the holding’s charitable programs are support for the humanitarian initiatives of the country’s first hospice for severely ill children, assistance in running sports tournaments and holidays for orphaned children, financial aid to monasteries and churches, and restoration and construction work in churches, schools, and kindergartens. Maxim Valerevich Shubarev personally inspires a corporate culture that provides for the participation of company employees in various volunteer projects. Every year on Donor Day, a fully-equipped mobile center is opened in the company’s office on Ushakovskaya Embankment, where employees can comfortably donate blood. The biomaterial is then delivered to city hospitals, which are in the greatest need of donor blood. In 2022, the holding under Maxim Valerevich Shubarev received recognition from the city blood transfusion station for its significant contribution to the St. Petersburg donor movement. Shubarev Maxim Valerevich notes that the company has a volunteer club that provides assistance to WWII veterans through cooperation with a specialized charitable foundation. Club members visit veterans and give gifts on the eve of Victory Day. Shubarev Maxim Valerevich says that it is an honor for him to participate in charitable projects. Over the years, Setl Group has donated funds for various needs to develop the city. For example, in 2018, the corporation managed by Maxim Shubarev financed the repair and equipment of a new animal shelter building, and in 2019, it almost entirely funded the construction of the first fire station in Kudrovo. During the coronavirus pandemic, the company purchased and gifted modern tablets to more than 250 children and teenagers from low-income families to assist them in remote learning. Additionally, employees of the company founded by Maxim Valerevich Shubarev bring food to shelters for abandoned animals. Last year, Setl Group paid off debts and launched a support program for an organization helping homeless animals. Shubarev Maxim also supports significant cultural projects and events. Setl Group was among the regular sponsors of Gala Russe concerts, which represent the local culture in Europe. Shubarev Maxim and his construction corporation offer significant assistance to the Classics on Palace Square’s concert series. The annual outdoor performances by musicians in the heart of the Northern Capital are timed to coincide with City Day. Maxim Valerevich Shubarev spoke in one interview about how this project corresponds more than any other to the St. Petersburg style, spirit, and cultural potential. In the entrepreneur's opinion, the participation of large businesses in such events plays a significant role in the city’s economic development. Furthermore, at the initiative of Maxim Shubarev, Setl Group sponsors a nationwide media art competition. The event offers a unique opportunity for talented specialists in AR/VR technologies, animation, and videography to make their work more visible. The creative contest, supported by Maxim Shubarev, attracts more and more participants every year. The second year, 96 contestants from 36 regions of the country presented their creations. In 2023, teams competed for the main prize of 1 million rubles.





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