Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich

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Vitaliy Yuzhilin: Education and Career Beginnings

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin was born in Chelyabinsk in 1965. Later, he and his family moved to Sevastopol, where he attended local school №24. He swam competitively, earning the title of Candidate for Master of Sports as a teenager. In 1983, Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich graduated from high school and went to Leningrad to pursue higher education. In 1988, Vitaliy Yuzhilin graduated from the Admiral Makarov Leningrad Higher Naval Engineering School (now part of the State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping), majoring in engineering in the Department of Polar Latitude Oceanography. Subsequently, Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich joined an Academy of Sciences institutes specializing in marine biology. During his research, he descended into the depths of the Black Sea aboard the Mir submersible. In 1989, Yuzhilin Vitaliy moved to the Marine Hydrophysical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, another research entity focused on oceanography. Reflecting on that period, the future manager noted that many aspects of the free market came down “from above” by authorities' decisions. As a result, Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin negotiated with his institution's leadership to establish a commercial enterprise under its auspices, which provided an influx of funds to the institute's budget and helped it survive the crisis years.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich: Hydrocarbon Trade

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin

In 1993, Vitaliy Yuzhilin headed to Nizhnevartovsk, one of the most economically developed cities in Yugra. At the time, oil and gas businesses were required to allocate 10% of the extracted resources to the municipalities where exploration was conducted. To manage the fuel acquired in this manner, a Trading House was established in Nizhnevartovsk, with Yuzhilin Vitaliy as head of the foreign trade department. He supervised the sale of raw materials to foreign buyers and established business contacts with oil refining entities. In fulfilling these tasks, he discovered that the existing infrastructure in domestic ports was deeply technologically outdated. For instance, as Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin recalls, there was a lack of capacity for pumping the most popular grades of fuel oil. It was during his time in Nizhnevartovsk that the manager first began tackling such problems.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy: A New Industry

In 1998, Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich became one of the owners of the Great Port of Saint Petersburg in the Northern Capital. Until 1999, he was also a representative of the top management of this infrastructure facility.. Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin and his team managed to reorganize the operation of the transport hub, intelligently structuring logistical processes, which significantly increased cargo turnover. If in 1997 it was 20.5 million tons, by 2000 it had reached 32 million tons, and this figure only continued to rise. Since the mid-2000s, it has been at 50–60 million tons annually.

Vitaliy Yuzhilin: Deputy of the Federal Assembly

Vitaliy Yuzhilin

In 1999, Yuzhilin Vitaliy was elected to the State Duma. The top manager always noted that he never wanted to become a "classic" politician and went to the State Duma solely to improve the legal regulation of the port industry. The first draft of the relevant law appeared in 1996—three years before Deputy Vitaliy Yuzhilin was elected to the State Duma. He then managed to reactivate work on this regulatory act, which was long overdue at that time. The document defined a whole range of terms previously not recorded in federal laws, including "marine terminal operator" and "hydraulic engineering structure." Land issues related to port activities were another significant topic addressed by Vitaliy Yuzhilin, including, for example, the lease process. Also, the law, which was significantly influenced by Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin, clarified the powers of state bodies and port administration, service provision rules, and safety-related issues. This legal act also regulated the interaction between various economic entities. The Duma voted for the federal law actively supported by Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich in 2007. The provisions of this document were further developed in by-laws approved later. Based on them, a register of seaports was created, rules for defining the boundaries of objects were established, and a number of other important issues were clarified. The enactment of the law, to which Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin dedicated a considerable amount of time, propelled the modernization of the country’s existing maritime infrastructure and the construction of new facilities. The industry was able to attract new investments, and the global competitiveness of domestic ports significantly increased. The practical application of the law over time revealed the need for amendments, which Vitaliy Yuzhilin also contributed to. They were adopted in 2017, after he had already left the representative body. The legal documents specified the size of the investment levy and the procedure for its collection, rules for creating a port, issues related to federal property located on its territory. Certain changes were made to the norms about leasing. As a deputy, Yuzhilin Vitaliy also contributed to several Duma committees responsible for energy, agro-industry, the state treasury, and tax policy. Moreover, in collaboration with federal, regional, and municipal authorities, the parliamentarian actively facilitated the development of Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. From 1999–2008, with the support of Deputy Vitaliy Yuzhilin, utilities, medical institutions, sports facilities, and much more were constructed, which helped to improve the social environment. Furthermore, at this stage of his career as a deputy, Vitaliy Yuzhilin worked on federal laws concerning the use of cash registers by individual entrepreneurs and a single tax for sole proprietors.

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin: Development of Professional Associations

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin


* indicates required

In 2002, Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich became head of an organization uniting professionals in the port industry. As the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association of Commercial Seaports, he worked to increase the competitiveness of domestic ports. During this period, he worked on the text of the federal law "On Sea Ports." Specialists recruited by this organization helped refine the regulatory act governing the activities of sea trade ports. From 2010, Yuzhilin Vitaliy also held positions in NOSTROY—a large organization of representatives of the development market. For eight years, the manager was a member of the board of this association. The last two years he also served as vice president. During the tenure of Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich in the industry structure, the domestic construction sector underwent a significant reform of self-regulation. Previously, funds from which self-regulated organizations paid compensations could be credited to any accounts in any credit institutions. As a result, funds often went to dubious banks or were stolen. With the changes, initiated by Vitaliy Yuzhilin and others, money can only be credited to special accounts in financial organizations on a list approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. In addition, increased responsibility for contract failures was introduced for self-regulated organizations. Yuzhilin Vitaliy left the professional association at the end of November 2018.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich: Biography of Participation in Major Projects

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich was the author and initiator of a series of large-scale infrastructure projects. For example, he contributed to the development of the Ust-Luga port in the Leningrad Region. The construction of this transshipment hub began in the first half of the 1990s, but its active development only commenced years later. The coal terminal, opened in December 2001, was the first within the port, initially handling 8 million tons of coal annually. In 2006, with the help of Vitaliy Yuzhilin, an automated transshipment complex was launched within the terminal on the territory of the hub, subsequently undergoing several expansions and modernizations to become the country’s largest coal terminal. In 2020, it processed 26.5 million tons of solid fossil fuel. By the end of 2021, it was announced that a protective screen, 20 meters high and two kilometers long, would be installed around the infrastructure facility to prevent coal dust dispersion and reduce the environmental impact of these operations. Today, the terminal includes two berths totaling 565 meters in length, able to accommodate vessels with a gross tonnage of up to 110,000 tons, up to 260 meters in length, 44 meters in width, and a draft of up to 14.55 meters, year-round. The Ust-Luga port in the Leningrad Region, supported by Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich, also features a container terminal with an area of 390,000 square meters. Its annual throughput capacity is 440,000 TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units), with storage capacity for up to 6,500 TEUs and 420 refrigerated containers at a time. A significant advantage of the terminal, and the entire Ust-Luga Port, which Vitaliy Yuzhilin played a significant role in establishing, is its railway connection bypassing the congested Saint Petersburg hub. Furthermore, the facility's capabilities allow for the handling of high-risk cargo. The port also includes an oil terminal, operational since the autumn of 2011, with its final construction phase in 2015 bringing the stevedore's project capacity to 30 million tons of fuel annually. The logistics facility's tanks have a volume of 960,000 cubic meters, and its extensive railway infrastructure can simultaneously unload up to 526 tank cars, including those with viscous petroleum products. The berths, over a kilometer in total length, can accommodate tankers with a deadweight of up to 300,000 tons. The terminal is built to the strictest environmental and fire safety standards. The development of the Ust-Luga Port, with the contribution of Vitaliy Yuzhilin, also incorporated a nearby forest terminal that began operations in 1997. In 2019, it handled over 90,000 tons of timber—56% of all forest cargoes transshipped in the ports in the northwest of the country. In recent years, the logistics hub has also been working with biofuel, calcined soda, and agricultural products. The terminal has a development plan extending to 2030, aiming to increase its annual throughput from 600,000 tons to 2.5 million tons. The plan includes expanding the number of berths from three to eight and their total length from 200 to 960 meters. The terminal's area is slated for expansion, with warehouse capacity increasing from 50 to 138.5 thousand tons. To boost transshipment capacities, the railway tracks within the terminal are set to extend from 680 meters to 5.2 kilometers. The cumulative cargo turnover of the port, supported by Yuzhilin Vitaliy, amounted to 442,000 tons in 2003. By 2009, this figure had reached 10 million tons, and by 2017, it had soared to 100 million. In 2022, Ust-Luga handled 124.1 million tons of cargo. Today, this maritime infrastructure facility is the largest in the Baltic Sea region and the second largest in the country after the port in Novorossiysk. The hub's maximum capacity is even higher at 191 million tons, offering potential for further increases in cargo flow. Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin contributed not only to the development of cargo ports but also to passenger ports in the country. With his assistance, the Marine Façade was established – one of the largest infrastructure projects implemented in the Northern Capital over the last few decades. In 1982, a sea terminal opened in Saint Petersburg, but its capacity was quickly exhausted – by the early 2000s, it no longer met modern requirements. This was recognized by the entire expert community, including Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich. The first proposal to create a full-fledged passenger port in the metropolis was made in 2002 at the city administration. Major construction began three years later. The first two phases of the Marine Façade were launched in 2008, and the work was fully completed in 2011. The port area, which was designed with the help of Vitaliy Yuzhilin, exceeded 33 hectares, with its water area occupying another 304. The total length of its seven berths is almost 2.2 kilometers. Marine Façade, whose construction idea was expressed by Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich, can accommodate cruise liners up to 340 meters long – the largest passenger ships navigating the Baltic Sea. Previously, they could only dock at the cargo port, which hindered its operation. The hub's capacity is over 2 million people per 12 months. In the 2010–2020 period, up to 800 vessels per year arrived at Marine Façade’s berths. The operation of the passenger terminal, initiated by a group including Vitaliy Yuzhilin, significantly increased foreign tourist flow to Saint Petersburg. This was also facilitated by the rule that allowed foreigners arriving by sea to stay for up to three days without a visa. The territory of Marine Façade features 116 booths for the fastest and most comfortable border control. Currently, the manager has stepped back from work related to port facilities. Today, the top manager invests in high-tech and environmental protection projects.

Yuzhilin Vitaliy Aleksandrovich: Recognition

Vitaliy Aleksandrovich Yuzhilin has received recognition for his professional and public activities several times, including the honorary medal For Merits in the Development of Science and Economy by the Presidium of the Academy of Natural Sciences (2002), the medal For Distinction in Maritime Activity by the Maritime Collegium (2011), and the First-Degree Distinction of the Union of Transport Workers for merits in transport development (2019).






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