Stem Cell Restore Reviews: Is This the Natural Antidote to Feeling Old?

Did you know that the effects of aging are most noticeable in your 40s and 60s? If you haven’t reached either of these stages yet, now might be a good time to consider supplements that support cell function. Even for those who have started noticing aging effects, it’s not too late to gradually reverse them. At the end of the day, wellness is dictated by how often old and dead cells are replaced with new and rejuvenated ones. The Green Valley Naturals™ team believes the secret to cellular youthfulness lies in a handful of antioxidant-rich nutrients. Keep reading to learn more!

What is Stem Cell Restore?

Stem Cell Restore is a healthy-aging dietary supplement formulated to boost stem cell levels in the body. Stem cells are a special group of cells that self-regulate, self-renew, and transform into other cells vital for our existence. They are present in most of our tissues, as they help your body recover from injuries. Stem cells are fascinating because they help regenerate and repair tissues and have been the center of testing for new drug development.

What makes Green Valley Naturals™ Stem Cell Restore unique is that it uses all-natural ingredients to stimulate the production of three specific stem cell types, which together support several health areas, including, but not limited to, the cardiovascular system, brain, and cognitive functions, joint health, and even kidney function. Green Valley Naturals™ subjected this supplement to stem cell culture testing and found that “it can boost stem cell counts up to five times over.”

Let’s take this opportunity to understand why this team selected three specific stem cell types and their precise role in one’s overall well-being.

Try Stem Cell Restore today and see the difference!

How does Stem Cell Restore work?

Stem Cell Restore increases mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), endothelial stem cells (ECs), and CD34+ stem cells. MSCs are multipotent stromal cells that convert into different types of cells, including osteocytes, adipocytes, and chondrocytes (or bones, fat, cartilage, and muscles). This special cell type has been linked to tissue regeneration and the treatment of immune-mediated diseases.

ECs are flattened epithelial cells found predominantly in “the inner luminal surface of blood vessels,” explains one group of researchers. Since they play a dominant role in our vascular system, which consists of arteries, veins, and capillaries, ECs are best known for their involvement in clotting, overseeing blood-tissue interactions, maintaining vascular permeability, secreting bioactive molecules for healthy blood flow and heart function, moderating immune response, and regulating the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

The last type of stem cell is CD34+. CD34+ is a marker of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). According to the Green Valley Naturals™ team, this group helps increase the production of healthy blood vessels in the brain, thereby improving memory and promoting sharp thinking. Among the CD34+ family are antigen, endo glycan, and podocalyxin proteins, all of which serve important roles in cellular processes. These include enhancing proliferation, blocking cell differentiation, improving lymphocyte adhesion to other cell surfaces, and promoting cellular development.


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This means that if Stem Cell Restore works as intended, it might promote wellness on a cellular level, which provides a far more permanent fix than a temporary Band-Aid. Given that, this is probably the right time to introduce the ingredients.

What ingredients are found in each Stem Cell Restore serving?

Each Stem Cell Restore serving boasts a rich source of:

CyanthOx™ 30 (500 mg)

CyanthOx™ 30 is a water-soluble extract derived from the Tibetan plant sea buckthorn. It has earned the title of potent antioxidant thanks to its combination of polyphenols, proanthocyanidins, and bioflavonoids, mainly quercetin, kaempferol, and isorhamnetin. In fact, it is deemed eight times stronger than grape seed extract. As for its benefits, one clinical trial of 12 participants investigated the anti-aging effects of CyanthOx™ 30. By the end, the researchers discovered that 500 mg increased progenitor stem cells, endothelial stem cells, and mesenchymal stromal stem cells.

In other words, the sea buckthorn extract supports “preventative health, regenerative health, and postpones the aging process.” Another source that briefly covered the properties of CyanthOx™ 30 also reported on its anti-inflammatory effects, pH-stabilizing capacities, cardioprotective effects, collagen-boosting effects, body temperature regulation, and increased lipid metabolism.

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Vitamin D (25 mcg)

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus. As such, ensuring adequate quantities is imperative for treating and preventing bone disorders, skin damage caused by sun exposure, and possibly managing kidney function, among other things. One review that covered the “shield-like” properties of vitamin D against aging underlined that the fat-soluble vitamin might shape cellular (or intracellular) processes and accelerate immune response to offset and protect against infections and age-related diseases.

Many consider it a “tool to tackle immunosenescence and oxi-inflamm-aging,” writes the same source. The former refers to the gradual decline of the immune system due to aging. In contrast, the latter term describes the effects of oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation on aging. Individuals must ensure they do not have a vitamin D deficiency, which might lead to reduced musculoskeletal functions, increase the risk of locomotive disabilities, and trigger cellular senescence.

Grape Seed Extract (150 mg)

Grape seed extract is a dietary supplement made from crushing grape seeds. Its rich source of polyphenols appears to be the main reason for its presence in Stem Cell Restore. Antioxidant activity is imperative for protecting the cells from free radical damage. These unstable molecules are known for increasing oxidative stress and inflammation, both developing into chronic health conditions. Interestingly, one study examining the effects of grape seed extract on endothelial function (responsible for vascular wellness) and endurance performance reported promising evidence.

More precisely, the researchers reported improved endurance performance, partially attributing to the ingredient’s ability to increase vasodilation in active skeletal muscles (or enhance endothelial function). A mice study investigating the extract’s properties pointed to the beneficial effects of procyanidin C1 (PCC1), namely its ability to increase longevity by inhibiting the implications of harmful senescent cells and leaving normal cells untouched. According to the researchers, this promising evidence must be explored further.

Bishop’s Hat Extract (120 mg)

Bishop’s hat extract is made from a versatile Chinese herb with a history of treating everything from cognitive dysfunction to impotence and everything in between. Its main active ingredient, icariin, is the star of Stem Cell Restore because of its potent cardiovascular protective functions. That’s not all; this bioactive compound has been shown to offset DNA damage, reverse endothelial function, prevent the multiplication and movement of smooth muscle cells (known to give rise to plaque formation), and ease inflammatory responses. These properties have led researchers to view icariin as an anti-atherosclerotic drug.

A mini-review that considered the anti-aging effects of icariin also pointed out that the bioactive compound has the potential to extend the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans, which in turn increases oxidative stress tolerance, slows locomotive decline, and promotes healthy genomic stability. As such, individuals can anticipate improvement in reproduction function decline, protection against age-related neurodegenerative disorders, enhanced bone metabolism (limiting the risk of osteoporosis), healthy intestinal tissues by way of increasing “youth-like features,” and possibly tending to the symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).

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Trans-resveratrol (40 mg)

Trans-resveratrol is an antioxidant compound and a type of molecule structure of resveratrol. It is derived from grapes and berries and is believed to contain high biological activity. As an antioxidant, this ingredient has been demonstrated to increase PGC-1 protein activities, critical for increased cellular energy and reduced cellular damage. Additionally, trans-resveratrol is believed to influence metabolic pathways to prevent damage to brain tissues, increase sirtuin production (which contributes to our survival and helps the body to respond to stress), and increase longevity.

Another source echoed a similar sentiment surrounding its anti-aging effects, emphasizing that trans-resveratrol might protect people against the risk of “neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, sarcopenia, cancers, infertility, and osteoporosis,” all linked to aging. These outcomes are attributed to its ability to suppress oxidative stress, inhibit inflammation, regulate mitochondrial function, and oversee cellular death (or apoptosis).

Black Currant Fruit Extract (60 mg)

Black currant, also known in the United States as “the forbidden fruit,” contains a high concentration of anthocyanins, polyphenolic substances, antioxidants, vitamin C, and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). These properties have led researchers to believe that the fruit can boost immune function, ease inflammation (possibly reducing feelings of pain, stiffness, and soreness), lower blood pressure levels by slowing platelet clumping, and improve skin health and eye function.

A review that looked at the effects of anthocyanins specifically also pointed out that the antioxidant group might prevent diseases associated with increased and persistent oxidative stress, including cardiovascular and neurogenerative diseases. Moreover, this ingredient might regulate the gut microbiota, which is literally a deciding factor for anti-aging effects. Interestingly, anthocyanins have been demonstrated to increase endothelial nitric oxide availability, thereby ensuring endothelial migration and survival.

Ordering Stem Cell Restore

The Stem Cell Restore formula is currently available via Green Valley Naturals™ “no strings attached” 30-day free trial. Individuals will receive a two-month supply (2 bottles) for a one-time price of $9.99 (to cover shipping fees). Individuals can return the used bottles if the formula does not provide satisfactory results within the first month. However, if the formula proves useful, the Green Valley Naturals™ team will charge the full price for both bottles after the trial period. Please contact customer service if you have any questions about the trial period or anything else.

  • Email: [email protected].

  • Telephone: 1-800-893-1694

  • Return address: Green Valley Naturals, P.O. Box 93, Lexington, VA 24450.

About Green Valley Naturals™

Green Valley Naturals™ is a health and wellness company founded by Lee Euler, whose journey into the natural world began in college. During that time, he was riddled with a series of health issues linked to poor gut health. At the time, health practitioners overlooked the gut and prescribed drugs, which did the bare minimum to his symptoms. Frustrated by the inefficiency of modern medicine, Lee sought after natural remedies. His research led him to becoming a leading writer and publisher in the natural health sector before launching Green Valley Naturals™. Here’s what Lee and his team had to share about the company today:

“At Green Valley Naturals, Lee applies scientific rigor to natural remedies. His team meticulously researches healing herbs and plant extracts. Their commitment to years of research ensures that their supplements are potent and pure, featuring clinically studied ingredients in precise doses, adhering to strict quality standards […] His goal is to empower others to take control of their health.”

Click here to learn more about Stem Cell Restore

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is Stem Cell Restore safe?

A: Stem Cell Restore appears to be safe for a number of reasons. First, it is manufactured in an FDA-registered cGMP facility in the United States. This normally indicates product integrity, purity, and safety. Next, the creators claim to have prioritized high-quality, all-natural ingredients sourced globally. Our research of the ingredients suggests this formula to be quite potent and tolerated by most users. Finally, each batch is subjected to rigorous quality control. This includes testing raw materials using a Fourier-Transform Near-Infrared (FTNIR) spectrometer and thoroughly screening for pathogens and contaminants.

Q: Is the certificate of analysis for Stem Cell Restore available for public review?

A: Yes, the certificate of analysis for Stem Cell Restore is available for public review on the Green Valley Naturals™ official website.

Q: What features does Stem Cell Restore have?

A: Stem Cell Restore is gluten-free, non-GMO, and dairy-free. In fact, the Green Valley Naturals™ team pledges to have processed all ingredients in a peanut-free and dairy-free facility. Finally, this formula is superior to existing anti-aging supplements because it can rejuvenate the skin, bones, and cartilage by stimulating natural stem cell production and replacing aged and dead cells.

Q: How should I take Stem Cell Restore?

A: The recommended serving size is 2 Stem Cell Restore capsules with any one meal of the day.

Q: What kind of results can I expect from taking Stem Cell Restore?

A: When taken as directed, individuals can expect overall well-being, including:

  • Increased energy levels

  • Reduced aches and pain and inflammation

  • Deeper sleep

  • Cleared thinking and cognitive function

  • Rejuvenated skin, bones, and cartilage

Don't wait, read the reviews today!

Q: What is the estimated arrival time for Stem Cell Restore shipments?

A: For now, Stem Cell Restore bottles are shipped to the contiguous United States. The estimated arrival time ranges between 5 and 7 business days. To see whether Green Valley Naturals™ facilitates shipments internationally as well, we encourage consulting with the customer support team.

Q: Is Stem Cell Restore protected by a refund policy?

A: Stem Cell Restore is protected by a 90-day money-back guarantee. If, after taking this supplement for 90 consecutive days from the purchase date, individuals do not experience any of the advertised benefits, a request for a full purchase refund can be initiated. For the particulars of the policy, consider one of the following communication channels:

  • Email: [email protected].

  • Telephone: 1-800-893-1694

  • Return address: Green Valley Naturals, P.O. Box 93, Lexington, VA 24450.

Final Thoughts

Drawing from the above review, it should be clear that Stem Cell Restore aims to target three stem cell types: MSCs, ECs, and CD34+. These cells work together to increase cellular expansion, reparation, and death where applicable. Our research on the ingredients does align with Green Valley Naturals™ mission for this supplement. At the core of Stem Cell Restore is the CyanthOx™ 30 patented sea buckthorn extract, which has been clinically proven to increase levels of the three stem cells. In turn, health areas affected by aging, such as bone and joint function, gut health, immune function, and skin health, might be reversed and protected.

A similar trend in the ingredients is their ability to increase antioxidant capacity in the body, which is imperative for protecting cells from free radicals. Not only that, but many of them also impact anti-aging factors, namely, lowering oxidative stress and inflammation and overseeing cellular function. In light of everything, Stem Cell Restore might be a worthwhile addition, especially with the free trial in place.

Visit the official website to learn more today!


Chris Bates






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