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Water Safety: Key Strategies for Preventing Drowning and Ensuring Safe Enjoyment

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Water Safety Presentation

  • Show your youngster that playing with water can be fun, however it can likewise be dangerous.
  • Regulate youngsters when they are playing with water or around water, like a pool, bath, lake, stream or some other waterway.
  • You are liable for your kid's security when they are near or in water.

Information session on water safety and drowning prevention

Swimjim and Swimjim Texas is proud to offer a 20-minute complimentary information session on Water Safety and drowning prevention. These sessions are conducted by our experienced expert staff and include:

  • For before school/daycare families and staff
  • For mothers' groups
  • For PTA groups
  • Church/Temple/Masjid for Fleet Family Groups
  • Contact us to schedule a water safety information session

Contents of the session

 Drowning and Water Safety

  History and Statistics

  A drowning period or near-drowning event

Where can drowning and near drowning occur?

  • The expected 
  • The unexpected
  • The event results in near-drowning without fertilities


Protect yourself and your family


* indicates required
  • Devices
  • Education
  • Monitoring

Education is important

  • What to look for water education

Water Safety Tips


Start slowly with children


You can start introducing your baby to water at the age of six months.  Make sure to use a waterproof diaper and change it frequently.


Teach your child about swimming safety

  • Take swimming lessons
  • Swim only in designated areas
  • Tell your children not to swim in the absence of an adult
  • Take time to learn CPR
  • Learning CPR is easy, and finding where to take classes is also easy.  Hospitals, fire stations and other such places often hold classes on CPR.
  • Teach your child CPR. This is a skill they can use throughout their lives
    You can save your child or someone else's child.


Tips for Water Safety at Home

  • Never leave your baby alone in the bathtub
  • Infants can suffocate in as little as an inch of water
  • Keep the latrine cover shut and protect it with a seat lock
  • Keep basin buckets tips and other receiving containers empty
  • Lock bathroom and laundry room doors securely.


General safety measures

  • Enroll for swim lessons conducted by qualified instructors
  • Always swim with someone and make sure that the adult supervisor has full knowledge of CPR, first aid and rescue techniques.

Pool rules

  • Be careful with glass containers and running near pools, and only allow diving in designated areas 
  • Be careful not to eat or chew bubbles while floating, and use a Coast Guard  Approved Life Jacket for boating.

Emergency response

  • Use a flotation device to call for help someone in trouble
  • Clean the pool at the first sign of lightning or storms

A Comprehensive Safety Approach

  • Safer Water
    Secure the pool with proper fencing, gates, gate latches and alarms
  • Safer Kids
    Maintain adult supervision and continue the child's education for approximately six months at most from the beginning
  • Safer response
    Must have experience in CPR and rescue operations. Always have an emergency plan ready and keep your phone close to you


Preventive measures and early education about water safety 


Basic swimming lessons and knowledge of water safety fundamentals can greatly reduce the risks of drowning. Parents and adults must be active in educating their children about Water Safety.

What to do in an emergency situation


  • Call for help in loud and make sure it's safe before assisting
  • If a child is involved, carefully move to the deck
  • Check for unconsciousness and breathing, and start rescue breathing or CPR if necessary
  • Dial 9-1-1 immediately if someone else is present or a minute later if you are alone

Emphasis on water safety

  •   Life saving skills: Teaching essential skills to avoid drowning
  •   Drowning Prevention Workshop: Educating children and families about water safety
  •   Community Outreach: Engaging with the community to promote water safety awareness


The Curriculum of Swimjim gives a very strong emphasis on water safety.  We show life-saving abilities that can forestall suffocating, furnish suffocating counteraction studios and draw in with local area effort to advance water security mindfulness. Our point is to ensure that each student sorts out some way to swim as well as handles the meaning of water security.







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