The Best Semen Booster Supplement for Improved Orgasms

Tired of seeing massive money shots in porn, only to barely squeeze out a thimble when it’s your turn? It’s not that these porn stars are freaks of nature. They know a few trade tricks to produce massive amounts of baby-batter. One of those tricks is taking semen-boosting supplements.

If you want to experience massive orgasms that’ll put a smile on your face (as well as your girl’s), do what many of the pros do: buy the best semen booster supplement on the market without delay. Within a few weeks, you’ll start to notice bigger, more intense, and longer-lasting orgasms. Just what you and your girl are looking for.

So, how do you know which of the 100s of semen boosters on the market is best for you? Easy, keep reading. We’ve researched dozens of these supplements and found three that stand out best. These are:

  • Semenax - Our Featured Pick for the Best Semen Booster Supplement

  • Volume Pills - The Best Semen Booster Supplement for More Semen and Improved Sexual Health

  • VigRX Max Volume - The Best Semen Booster Supplement for Boosting All 3 Stages of Orgasm Intensity

Below, we’ll discuss each in detail and explain why we consider them the best semen volume enhancers available.

Criteria We Used to Pick the Best Semen Booster Supplement

Before we discuss our top three picks, let’s review the criteria we used to distinguish these quality supplements from the many inferior ones we researched.


* indicates required
  • Zinc - This powerhouse ingredient is a must in any semen-boosting pills. If a supplement didn’t include zinc, we didn’t include it on this list.

  • Guarantee- For a product to make our top semen booster supplement list, it must offer a hassle-free money-back guarantee.

  • Made in the USA - Each supplement on our list has been manufactured in the USA in a Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) compliant facility.

  • Natural Ingredients - Boosting semen volume is best done naturally. No supplement with synthetic or harmful ingredients made our list.

  • Discreet Shipping and Billing - The last thing we want is a box labeled “semen enhancer” sitting on our porch all day. We bill and ship each supplement on our list discreetly.

  • Clinically Proven - To make our list, the supplement or its ingredients should be clinically proven to boost semen volume.

Now that you know our criteria to choose the best semen boosters, let’s get to our top three picks.

The Best Semen Booster Supplements - Our Top 3 Picks

While we believe there is a clear winner when it comes to the best of the best semen boosters, all three of our picks below are solid choices. Let’s get into each pick and determine which is best for your needs.

Semenex - Our Featured Pick for the Best Semen Booster Supplement

If we were to choose just one semen booster for this list, it would be Semenax. This powerhouse pill is the best semen booster supplement money can buy.

It’s loaded with 18 all-natural ingredients that use different methods to help boost all aspects of semen production, including:

  • Seminal vesicle fluids

  • Prostate gland fluid

  • Seminal plasma

  • Bulbourethral gland fluid

With a noticeable increase in these semen parameters, you may notice orgasms that are larger, longer lasting, and more intense than you’re used to.

Semenax - What Sets it Apart

Semenax is the only semen volume booster we could find that went to the expense (and potential embarrassment) of subjecting its formula to a third-party clinical study. The final results were more than even the manufacturer could hope for.

Men in this Semenax clinical study saw improvements in semen volume, as well as in orgasm intensity and length. Let’s take a closer look.

Semenax Clinical Studies

In 2011, Semenax was sent to an independent 3rd-party lab to study its efficacy. In this double-blind study, 63 men were split into two groups. One group took Semenax daily, and the other took a placebo. Neither group knew which they were taking.

After two months, both groups were re-tested. The researchers found no change in semen parameters for the placebo group, while the men in the Semenax group fared much better.

These men saw an increase of at least 20% in their semen volume, and some men saw even more improvement than that. In addition, men in the Semenax group said that they felt their orgasms were more intense than before supplementation.

Other semen volume pills may claim to be the best. Semenax is the only semen-boosting supplement we could find that can prove it with a published clinical study.

Semenax Ingredients

Semenax isn’t just a semen enhancer. The all-natural ingredients in this elite supplement also help to boost blood flow for better erection quality and help to improve libido.

The vitamins, botanicals, and amino acids in Semenax include:

  • Zinc Aspartate

  • Zinc Oxide

  • Swedish Pollen Flower

  • Epimedium Leaf (Horny Goat Weed)

  • L-Arginine HCL

  • L-Lysine

  • L-Carnitine

  • Catuaba Bark

  • Pumpkin Seed

  • Maca

  • Vitamin E

  • Pine Bark Extract

  • Muira Puama

  • Hawthorn Berry

  • Cranberry

  • Wild Oat Straw

  • Sarsaparilla

Of all the semen volume enhancers we’ve reviewed, Semenax has the most comprehensive list of ingredients. These ingredients work individually and synergistically to help boost semen volume and overall sexual health. That’s one of the many reasons we consider Semenax the best semen booster supplement on the market.

Semenax Dosages

The manufacturer recommends taking four Semenax pills daily—two in the morning with your first meal and two in the evening with your final meal.

Semenax Reviews

Another reason we think Semenax is the best semen booster supplement is its user reviews. We’ve gone back nearly a dozen years, and most reviews have been glowing. Let’s take a look at just a few:

"My orgasms are way more intense, and the increase in semen volume has more than doubled!"

- Neil W.

"I noticed a difference in my load sizes after about 2 weeks. Imagine load sizes in the next 2 to 3 months!"

- Terence B.

"I originally bought Semenax to improve semen volume, which it has hopefully. Semenax has actually (also) improved my libido."

- James A.

"I am super pleased with this product. After two weeks of using Semenax, I can tell a big difference in the way I climaxed and the volume of semen I produced. This stuff works."

- Tim R.

As with all products, there are some less positive reviews out there. Most of these mention not seeing immediate results, which the manufacturer never claims.

Semenax - Where to Buy

Semenax is not available in brick-and-mortar stores. While it can be found in different places online, we always recommend buying all of your supplements directly from the manufacturer’s website.

By purchasing Semenax directly online, you can take full advantage of bulk discounts, free shipping, and a money-back guarantee (minus shipping and handling).

Volume Pills - The Best for More Semen and Improved Sexual Health

Volume Pills is a very close #2 on our list. Considered by many to be the best semen booster supplement available, Volume Pills has been helping men achieve peak orgasms for over 20 years. If a supplement has stood the test of time like this, it has to be doing something right.

The manufacturer of Volume Pills prides itself on understanding cutting-edge research. If new science emerges about boosting semen volume, Volume Pills will consider that scientific breakthrough in its updated formula.

Volume Pills - What Sets it Apart

Unlike inferior semen volume enhancers, Volume Pills aims to improve men’s overall sexual health. As well as giving you some of the best orgasms of your life, Volume Pills is formulated with ingredients that may help:

  • Boosts blood flow for improved erection quality

  • Boosts libido to get you in the mood

  • Boosts testosterone levels for improved overall sexual health

Volume Pills is a well-rounded, doctor-approved male enhancement pill. We’re proud to recommend it to men who are looking for the best orgasms of their lives.

Volume Pills Clinically Studied Ingredients

Volume Pills uses advanced sciences and traditional medicine to formulate the second-best semen booster supplement. In our opinion, it’s the perfect supplement for men who feel that their orgasms, libido, and sexual health have been declining as they age.

The doctor-approved ingredients in the Volume Pills formulation include:

  • Zinc Gluconate - Numerous clinical studies have shown that zinc can help improve sperm production and motility. It’s also a very efficient testosterone booster.

  • Solidilin - This proprietary compound includes L-Dopa, which can help boost dopamine levels. This helps to increase libido, sexual pleasure, and mood.

  • Rou Gui - AKA Cinnamon Bark, this botanical helps boost semen volume by protecting sperm from oxidative stress. It may also help increase blood flow for improved erection quality.

  • Ku Gua - AKA Bitter Melon, contains potent antioxidants that can help protect and improve sperm health and quality.

  • 4, 5, 7 Trihydroxyflavone - Another antioxidant that may help boost semen volume by protecting healthy sperm from oxidative damage. Studies have also suggested that this flavanoid can inhibit the conversion of healthy testosterone into estrogen.

  • Arjuna - This botanical is known to help improve blood flow to the genitals and improve erection quality.

  • Dong Chong Xia Cao - AKA Cordyceps, is another antioxidant that may help to improve sperm production and quality. Some clinical studies also indicate that it can help enhance sexual function and boost testosterone levels.

  • Ling Zhi or Reishi Mushroom: This is known for its immune-boosting and stress-reducing effects. It also has antioxidant properties that may protect healthy sperm from damage and support healthy semen production.

  • Xian Mao - This traditional medicine has been used for centuries to improve sexual health and boost sperm count. Preliminary studies also indicate that it can help to increase testosterone and enhance libido.

  • Tian Men Dong - This adaptogen has been used traditionally to support hormone balance and improve overall sexual health.

  • Drilizen—This proprietary blend contains L-arginine. Some studies have shown that this amino acid helps improve blood flow for better erections and testosterone production for improved semen parameters.

  • Fucus Vesiculosus or Bladderwrack: This type of seaweed has numerous health benefits. The iodine in bladderwrack has been shown to indirectly improve hormonal balance and semen quality through improved thyroid function.

  • Hong Hua Fen - AKA Safflower, can help with improved blood circulation to the genital area. This may result in firmer, longer, and more spontaneous erections.

  • Embilica Officinalis - Another antioxidant rich in Vitamin C, AKA Amla, this botanical can help improve semen quality and quantity by protecting healthy sperm from oxidative stress.

This potent blend of proprietary ingredients, botanicals, and amino acids can help turn even the most lackluster sex life around in just a matter of a few weeks.

Volume Pills Dosages

Volume Pills recommends taking two pills daily with breakfast and 8oz of water. You can take extra pills daily until you reach the desired results but don’t exceed six pills in 24 hours.

Volume Pills Reviews

One of the best ways to judge a supplement’s efficacy is to ask those already taking it. If they’re unhappy with it, they’ll have no problems telling you so.

This doesn’t seem to be the case with Volume Pills. Out of all the reviews we’ve read, most users seem very happy with their results. Here are just a few user reviews we came across:

"Not only have I gained confidence in the bedroom, but Volume Pills has brought me back to when I was cumming, like when I was a teenager."

- Gerald Y.

"When my girlfriend saw the amount of semen, she was in awe. Volume Pills are the best because I also feel harder and have more sexual desire."

- Weldon K.

"After just ten days of using Volume Pills, I already see and feel the difference! I’m looking forward to seeing how much improvement is to come."

- Jon P.

"I have used Volume Pills for about five months and am delighted with the results. I have experienced a noticeable increase in the volume and intensity of orgasms."

- Jason Q.

If you decide that Volume Pills is the best semen booster supplement for your needs, you’ll be as happy as these guys are.

Volume Pills - Where to Buy

As with all men’s sexual health supplements we review, we recommend buying Volume Pills directly from the manufacturer. This ensures you’re buying a product that hasn’t been counterfeited or expired.

Purchasing Volume Pills from their website also means you can buy in bulk for reduced pricing, take advantage of the free shipping to the Continental USA, and use their generous money-back guarantee should you not be impressed with your results.

VigRX Max Volume - The Best for Boosting All 3 Stages of Orgasm Intensity

VigRX Max Volume comes in at an impressive third on our list. This may be the best semen booster supplement for your needs if you truly want to focus on massively increased money shots.

These powerhouse pills focus on boosting three different stages of your orgasms:

  • Stage 1 - Fluids Boosted - This is the stage before you ejaculate, where your seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral gland release fluids that help carry your sperm to its destination.

  • Stage 2 - Semen Boosted - This is where the fluids in stage #1 carry the boosted sperm levels out of the body.

  • Stage 3 - Orgasm Boosted - This is the “feel good” stage of your orgasm. This is when pleasure sensors are sent to your brain to let you know the ejaculation is complete. The smaller the load, the fewer pleasure sensors are sent to your brain.

VigRX Max Volume focuses on all aspects of your orgasm to ensure that when the time “cums”, you have the biggest, wettest, most pleasurable orgasms of your life.

VigRX Max Volume - What Sets it Apart

VigRX Max Volume is one of the few semen boosters we researched and formulated with a bioenhancer. Whether it’s through food or supplementation, very few of the nutrients you consume are absorbed by your body. Most of it passes through and is flushed down the toilet.

By adding a bioenhancer, VigRX Max Volume ensures that the semen-boosting nutrients in its formulation are absorbed and used. This is one of the main reasons we consider VigRX Max Volume the third-best semen booster supplement on our list.

VigRX Max Volume Clinically Studied Ingredients

While the ingredients in VigRX Max Volume may be few, each ingredient has been clinically proven to help boost all aspects of orgasm quality and quantity. The ingredients include:

  • Zinc—Many studies have shown that zinc can improve sperm health and semen volume.

  • Sunflower Lecithin - The phosphatidylcholine in sunflower lecithin has been shown to boost the production of seminal fluids. This can lead to a significant increase in overall semen volume.

  • L-Arginine HCL—Clinical studies have shown that this amino acid improves men’s sexual health. It may boost sperm production and motility and help increase blood flow to the genital area for improved erection quality.

  • AstraGin is the bioenhancer we discussed above. This proprietary blend holds numerous patents and has been shown to significantly boost the availability of nutrients in over 20 different clinical studies. In particular, AstraGin has been shown to increase the bioavailability of the L-arginine in VigRX Max Volume by up to 67%.

If you’re looking for more frequent, more intense, and more pleasurable orgasms, VigRX Max Volume might be the best semen booster supplement for you.

VigRX Max Volume Dosages

VigRX Max Volume recommends taking four pills with a glass of water each morning. You can take these right after your morning meal if you have a sensitive stomach.

VigRX Max Volume - Where to Buy

As always, we suggest buying VigRX Max Volume directly from its website. They have customer support should you need it; you can buy in bulk for discounted pricing, they offer free shipping to the lower 48 states, and there is a hassle-free 67-day money-back guarantee of the purchase price should you not be 100% satisfied with your results.

A Note on Buying and Using Male Enhancement Supplements

If you’re new to using nutritional supplements or you’ve found they haven’t worked well for you in the past, we should note a few things.

Supplements Take Time

The results of the best semen booster supplement, or any supplement for that matter, aren’t immediate. You’re not going to take one of these semen boosters and then see an increase in your jizz volume the next day.

All supplements take time for the ingredients to build up in your system. Only once the nutrients have built up can they affect how your body reacts to them. The amount of time this takes depends on numerous factors, not the least of which is how deficient you were in those nutrients.

As a general rule of thumb, you’ll not see any results for at least a few weeks. Results start slowly and steadily progressing as the nutrients build in your system. Desired results may take up to 6-8 weeks to become apparent.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is vital with all nutritional supplements. You should take all supplements as directed by the manufacturer. If they say to take four pills a day, that’s four pills a day, every day.

If you skip days or are inconsistent with the times of day you take your supplements, your results will most likely take longer to realize. The best semen booster supplement is meant to be taken daily, not when you think you might be in the mood for a giant load.

Long-Term Investment

Supplements should be considered a long-term investment in your health. Once you’ve achieved your desired results, you must continue supplementation.

Once you stop supplementing, the nutrients in these supplements will slowly dissipate over a few weeks, and you’ll return to where you were before you started. Keep with it, and you should see the results you’re looking for. You can keep them for as long as you like.

Natural Tips to Improve Semen Volume

Are you not quite ready to purchase the best semen booster supplement? There are some natural ways to improve your semen output. These tips may take a bit longer, and the results may be less noticeable, but they boost semen volume.

Let’s check out a few of them:

  • Change Your Diet - First, you’ll have to cut down on most processed foods and foods that affect testosterone production. These include soy products, dairy, excess sugar, and trans-fats. In place of those foods, eat a diet rich in zinc, selenium, and antioxidants.

  • Get Lots of Exercise - Weightlifting and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) have efficiently boosted testosterone levels and semen volume.

  • Drink Lots of Water - The vast majority of your semen volume consists of water. If you’re dehydrated or not drinking enough water, you’re going to have smaller, less impressive cumshots.

  • Cut Out the Bad Habits - Habits like smoking, drug use, and heavy drinking can have a detrimental effect on your semen volume. These habits are also terrible for testosterone production. So, in addition to weak orgasms, you may eventually lose your sex drive and ability to get an erection.

  • Cut Down on the Stress - Both physical and mental stress can kill your semen production. Prolonged stress is responsible for elevated cortisol levels, which kills testosterone production and boosts estrogen levels.

  • Keep Your Jewels Aerated - Wearing tight-fitting undies can raise the temps in the area where the vast majority of semen production takes place. Keep your scrotal area cooler with looser-fitting clothes for increased semen production.

These lifestyle changes may help boost your semen production. However, these changes alone will take a lot of work and considerable time to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Combining these tips with the best semen booster supplement may result in better results than supplements alone.

A Final Word on The Best Semen Booster Supplements

If you’re ready to take charge of your sexual health and achieve some of the best orgasms you’ve had in your life, any one of the pills on our best semen booster supplement list can help.

As men, we know how weak orgasms can wreak havoc on our self-esteem. Giant loads project a sense of manliness, masculinity, and sexual health. Not to mention, they feel amazing.

And, to make matters worse, we’re not the only ones who notice our less-than-impressive cumshots. Women watch porn, too. They see these men, whose only job in the world is to be great at sex, unleashing torrents of jizz on their partners.

They’ve got to be wondering why some men can produce this massive amount of semen while others can’t.

Is a weak cumshot the lasting impression you want to leave your partners with? If not, buying the best semen booster supplement today could help you experience the most significant, wettest, most prolonged orgasms of your life. Who wouldn’t want that?


Chris Bates






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