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Best Synthetic Urine Brands in 2024: How To Use Fake Pee To Pass A Modern Drug Test

A box of quick luck

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If you’re going to pass a drug test then you can’t just grab any fake urine and expect to pass. You need to find the best synthetic urine for the job, and you need to know exactly how to use fake pee for drug test success.

I’m going to tell you everything you need to know right now. I’m going to do three fake urine reviews for you that give you all the details you need to know about the best three products out there.

You’ll learn everything you need to know in the three synthetic urine reviews I’m going to do on them.

But more than reviews, I’m going to cover all the practical basics of using fake urine to pass a drug test, things like submitting it within the correct temperature range, how to smuggle it in, and which types of drug test you won’t be able to use fake urine for.

Plus, I’ll explain about the biocide (preservative) problem, how to spot and avoid low quality synthetic urine products, and where to buy high-quality synthetic piss.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy The Best Synthetic Urine Brands <<<<<

How To Spot The Best Synthetic Urine Brands

When it comes to spotting the best synthetic urine, there are several key traits you need to look out for:


* indicates required
  1. It must be as close to resembling human urine as possible. That means looking like it. But it should also mean smelling like it and frothing like it if possible.
  2. It’s rare, especially nowadays due to digitalized testing and lower levels of training, but some lab assistants are still curious. They will shake the sample to see if it froths like human urine, and then very occasionally if they are suspicious, will sniff the sample as well.
  3. Top quality fake urine will contain a variety of chemicals found in human urine. That way, when it’s put through validity checks it will pass.
  4. The best fake urine will also be balanced for pH and specific gravity, meaning it will be within the correct ranges for human urine.
  5. High-quality synthetic piss will come with a reliable heat source. If you don’t submit it within the correct temperature range, then very simply it couldn’t be from the human body.
  6. I’ll talk about this in detail later, but the fake urine can’t contain biocide preservatives either, as these are a significant detectable footprint.

Synthetic Urine Reviews: Top Three Best Products

Now you understand what the composition of the best synthetic urine has to be, let’s talk you through the top three best products.

I used Sub Solution to pass a drug test 18 months ago. If I have another one for my job, I’ll be using Quick Luck though, as it’s a slightly better variant of it.

Test Clear synthetic urine is another option, and it’s a fantastic but affordable option should you want another choice.

However, my advice is always spend as much as you can. You shouldn’t be cutting corners on something as important as passing a drug test.

Best Synthetic Urine Kit #1: Quick Luck Pre Mixed Urine Kit

Quick Luck is actually an evolution of Sub Solution. It’s ever so slightly more complex in its composition, but in real terms it doesn’t matter that much for passing validity checks.

Both of these fantastic quality fake urine products are made by the same company, called Clear Choice. Clear Choice also make Rescue Cleanse, the absolute top detox drink for masking toxins.

The big difference between Quick Luck and Sub Solution, which was the bestselling and most recommended brand of fake urine for more than a decade, is that Quick Luck is a liquid, whereas Sub Solution is a powder that you have to hydrate using filtered water in order to use.

Quick Luck has the following characteristics:

  • The most complex fake urine on the market
  • Perfectly blended for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains a total of 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad to keep it within the correct temperature range
  • Looks, froths, and even smells like urine

Using Quick Luck is an absolute dream. It’s perfect for on the spot drug testing because of the fact that you can use it in two minutes.

Because it’s premixed, you don’t need to mix it. It’s a small vial of premixed urine that is ready to go in moments.

To get it within the correct temperature range, you’ll use the accompanying vial of heat activator powder. No heatpad, no microwave, no hot water needed.

You’ll tap in about one third of the activator powder, shake it gently until it dissolves, and then watch the temperature strip on the side of the urine bottle carefully for one minute.

If you don’t get a good reading near the top of the range (between 90°F and 100°F) then tap in a little bit more until you do.

Especially with practice, so you know how much heat activator powder to use, you can get Quick Luck to within the correct temperature range, and viable as a sample to submit, within two minutes.

That makes Quick Luck perfect for on the spot drug testing, short notice drug tests of any type, and if you just want the absolute best fake urine on the market with the minimum fuss.

Quick Luck is expensive though. It costs $100 for a bottle. But, if you’re going for a drug test, you’ll want to pass, and $100 is very affordable to pretty much guarantee you do just that.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy Quick Luck <<<<<

#2 Sub Solution Powdered Urine Kit

For more than 10 years, Sub Solution was the best synthetic urine on the market. The only reason is not now, is because Clear Choice introduced Quick Luck which is slightly easier to use.

But at $20 cheaper, Sub Solution could be perfect for your needs if you want to just save a few dollars but still get the same sort of level of high-quality fake urine to use in your drug test.

I’ve used Sub Solution to pass a drug test and it’s really easy to do. If you are thinking about using fake urine, hesitate no more, just buy it and do it.

These are the qualities that Sub Solution has:

  • Highly complex formula
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in real human urine
  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Looks, froths, and even smells like urine
  • Comes with heat activator powder rather than a heatpad

You’re going to get through the dreaded validity checks with ease using Sub Solution. Validity checks look at the composition of the urine, checking the sample for adulteration, whether it’s a diluted sample, search for the presence of things like nitrates, or anything else unusual (including pH and specific gravity outside the normal range).

With automated testing nowadays, the eCup system that LabCorp and others are starting to introduce, the look, smell, and frothing isn’t as important as it was. But you can’t always tell what sort of test you are facing.

Plus, if it fails the initial analysis (immunoassay), then it will go to allow for a full lab analysis instead. So it still pays to have fake urine that can pass human scrutiny.

However, if it faces that human scrutiny, then Sub Solution will pass with flying colors. Urinate into one cup, poor Sub Solution and the other, then get someone else to switch them round. I defy you to tell them which one is real and which one is fake when you look, shake, or froth it!

Also, just like Quick Luck, Sub Solution comes with that incredible heat activator powder which makes heatpads redundant. You don’t have to rely on the variable heat of the heatpad, or even the complete failing of the heatpad, to keep it within the correct temperature range when you submit the sample.

Just before you go into the building to submit your sample, just tap in about one third of the powder and shake it gently until it’s completely dissolved. Then carefully watch the temperature strip for a reading over about one minute.

Repeat the process with a little more if necessary, until you get a reading as close to 100°F as possible, but without going over that level. Then, just tuck into your underwear, and go and confidently submit your fake sample to pass your test.

Just be careful you don’t tap into much at one time, in case the temperature goes above 100°F, because you wouldn’t get a reading and could then think it was still cool, add more, and overheat it further.

Sub Solution is available for around $85, and is a complete bargain because of the guarantee on passing the test it gives you.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy Sub Solution <<<<<

#3: Test Clear Powdered Urine Kit

Quick Luck and Sub Solution are the premium products in the fake pee for drug test marketplace.

If you’re looking for synthetic piss that’s a little more affordable, but almost as good to pass a drug test, then the little-known high-quality synthetic urine from Test Clear is a great option.

It only costs $50, so significantly cheaper than Sub Solution or Quick Luck. You’re compromising quality a little because of that, but not a lot.

Here’s what you need to know about Test Clear synthetic urine:

  • Powder that must be mixed with filtered water
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains all the basic chemicals found in human urine
  • Looks and froths like urine
  • Comes with a pair of high-quality heatpads

Now there are a few issues with Test Clear urine which have to be overcome, which is why it’s a slightly cheaper product.

Firstly, it’s a powder. Now, Sub Solution is also a powder so it’s not that bigger problem. But it does mean you’ll have to hydrate it with filtered water (don’t use tap water) which will slow down preparation process.

Secondly, it doesn’t use heat activator powder. The heatpads alone won’t warm it quickly, meaning you’ll need hot water or a microwave to get the sample within the correct temperature range.

Thirdly, heatpads kick out a more variable heat, and can be a bit of a gamble on keeping the sample within the correct temperature for several hours.

However, the heatpads included are really good quality. There are two of them, and they are very slim. They are also self-adhesive, so you activate them then stick them to either side of the sample container to wrap it up completely and deliver a steady heat into that sample.

This also means that if one of the heatpads fails then there is a second that can still keep the temperature warm enough to only need minor adjustment.

Put all together, and the conclusion of this review is that Test Clear is an OK budget brand, but I would not use it for modern lab test and it requires a little more preparation and care because of the heatpads.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy Testclear Urine Kit <<<<<<

Avoid These Low Quality Synthetic Urine Products

I’ve talked you through the top three best synthetic urine products to pass a drug test with.

For a variety of reasons I’ve outlined in the synthetic urine reviews that you’ve just read, they are the only brands that I recommend.

Therefore, you should avoid all of the following low quality fake urine products because they simply do not match up in terms of quality:

  • Quick Fix
  • Urine Luck
  • U Pass
  • Monkey Whizz
  • Synthetix5
  • Ultra Klean Ultra Pure
  • X Stream

There are others out there, but those at the main ones you will come across. You’ll see tons of positive reviews about them, but most of those reviews are fake, outdated, or simply parroting what’s been written elsewhere.

None of those have the composition to fool modern drug testing, and all of them use poor quality heat pads that are unreliable.

There’s also the problem of biocide preservatives. It’s important to understand what they are, so let’s talk through it in a little detail now.

The Biocide Problem Explained

Several years ago, people on sites like Reddit started to report failing drug tests using fake urine products that had previously been seen as reliable.

Over a year or so the problem got worse. It became obvious that the drug test companies were screening the samples to somehow find the fake urine, something which they previously hadn’t been able to do, because nothing common between the brands was thought to exist.

However, it became clear that several brands used biocide preservatives to extend the shelf life. These can be detectable, and it’s thought that the presence of these preservatives was the common footprint that was found.

This has been further reinforced because some brands, who have all confirmed they don’t use biocide preservatives, still pass and at a much higher rate.

Sub Solution, Quick Luck, and Test Clear’s powdered urine do not contain biocide preservatives, with both Clear Choice and Test Clear stating that they do not use this type of preservatives in their fake urine products.

This is the #1 reason why people fail A drug test when submitting Fake Urine

This might shock you, but the real reason people fail drug tests when submitting fake urine isn’t because of the quality of the urine.

To be clear, all it has to do is pass the validity checks. The sample doesn’t go through a rigorous analysis of its composition unless it fails the immunoassay (by testing positive). As a fake sample can’t test positive, it’s never going to go through that full analysis, called a gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis, though.

Most fake samples fail at the first hurdle because they are submitted outside the legal temperature range of between 90°F and 100°F.

There are several ways to counter this:

  1. Carefully prepare the sample to ensure it’s within the correct temperature range.
  2. Always use synthetic urine with a high-quality heatpad.
  3. Use Sub Solution or Quick Luck is possible to take advantage of the heat activator powder.
  4. Always check the temperature before you go into the building to register.
  5. If using a heatpad then take a flask of hot water with you in case the sample cools.

These are the simple things you can do to ensure that you don’t fail at the first hurdle, and in combination with high-quality synthetic urine, it gives you the best chance of passing.

The Three Types Of Drug Test Scrutiny You Could Face

Urine drug testing is only suitable for unsupervised drug tests. There are three terms used for drug testing, and they can be confusing, so let’s explain the right now.

  1. Unsupervised drug testing is where you will be behind a screen, or in a completely different room when you submit your sample. No one will be observing you, so it’s easy to pull out the sample bottle, check the temperature, and pour it into the sample container to hand over.
  2. I’ll also mention that there’s a new type of unsupervised drug test called the digital eCup drug test. Sometimes in big cities, this means you’re checking in electronically by scanning your ID, then urinate into the sample cup, put it into the machine, and it’s then analyzed, all without a human even being present with you. You’ll even be told if you have failed, and the results are automatically texted or emailed to the parties involved.
  3. Supervised drug testing, sometimes used interchangeably with the term observed drug testing, is where someone will be in the room with you. Not directly looking at you, but there is a deterrent. You obviously cannot be messing around with bottles of fake urine with someone in the room.
  4. Observed drug testing is the worst type, although it sometimes interchangeably called supervised drug testing as well. This is where someone will literally observe you urinating, whether male or female, literally watching it come out of your body. This is rare though, and only done with permission under certain circumstances.

So as you can see, you can only safely use fake pee for drug test success if it’s an unsupervised test.

If it’s a supervised test, then you’ll have to try and get clean using a natural detox, and accelerate it using high-quality Toxin Rid detox pills.

Alternatively, for supervised test you could mask the toxins for a couple of hours using Rescue Cleanse. It’s a high-quality detox drink from Clear Choice, which will mask the toxins by speeding up the removal of toxins, creating a gap during which you can submit a clean sample.

Should You Buy Synthetic Urine Locally (Smoke Shops, Gas Stations)?

Lots of people search for “synthetic urine near me”, looking for cheap fake urine to grab to pass a drug test, usually at short notice.

The problem is that all the poor quality brands that contain biocide as I mentioned earlier are the main ones you will find in local gas stations, drug stores, smoke shops, and independent retailers.

They buy the cheapest fake urine at the lowest price, and then they mark it up to sell it at the highest price. They go for the recognizable brands because they know people will have heard of them.

If you’re in that position, it’s far better to not rely on these fake urine products, because they simply don’t have the quality to fool modern drug testing.

A better strategy is a detox drink if you can get your hands on one, and if you can’t get a good quality one, then try and delay the test by 24 hours to allow the chance for drug toxins to be removed from the body.

Best Places To Buy Fake Pee Online 

None of my top three best fake pee for drug test products are available in stores locally. You can only buy them from the specialist retailers they are made by.

So, if you’re facing a drug test anytime soon, I’d recommend you buy a box of your choice right now, so that you can never be caught out. They all have a shelf life of at least a year, and should be good for longer than that.

Quick Luck synthetic urine is definitely the best of the bunch, and the #1 recommendation. It’s expensive at $100, but you get what you pay for. You can only get it direct from Clear Choice, through their webstore at Test negative.

Sub Solution fake urine is the best all-rounder that sits in the middle pricewise. It has a great track record over a decade, and currently it only costs $85. Again, you can buy it from Clear Choice through the test negative webstore.

Fake Pee FAQ

Can vitamins affect a drug test?

Vitamins themselves can’t influence a drug test. However, vitamin B7 (a high dose of biotin) has been known to rarely lead to a false positive for THC. Also, an adulterated sample, usually through dilution or dehydration, can lead to there being an unnatural level of waste products related to vitamins in your urine, that could lead to a failed or flagged sample.

How long does it take for a urine test to come back from DOT?

Your drug test isn’t coming back from DOT. It’s not even coming back from your employer regulated by the DoT. It’s coming back from the drug testing company used by your employer. Under normal circumstances, it’s back within 24 hours or less, but it can be longer if there is a problem with the sample or they are busy.

Do all drugs show up in urine test?

The drugs that will be detected during a urine test will depend on the number of panels on the drug test. So, a five panel test will look for five common types of drug, while the 14 panel test will look for those main 5 + 9 less common. Even then, not all drugs appear in a drug test, but the major ones always do.

What Temperature Does Synthetic Urine Need To Be

Fake urine needs to be submitted at a temperature of between 90°F and 100°F to be a legal sample.

How To Heat Synthetic Urine Without Microwave

Just place the vial of synthetic urine into your underwear next your skin. This will bring it within about 5°F of the required temperature anyway. To get it a little warmer, simply run it under a hot tap for a few seconds and watch the temperature strip, or attach a specialist heatpad that you get with synthetic urine will raise the temperature by a few extra degrees when you put it and the sample close to your skin.

Can Synthetic Urine Replace Authentic Urine?

Yes, synthetic urine can replace real human urine. Good quality urine such as Quick Luck which contains 14, chemicals found in urine, looks, froths, smells like it, and is perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity, stand a great chance of passing. It is so close to human urine in composition that even a lab technician would struggle to spot it without running a full gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis on it.

Can We Make Artificial Urine?

Yes, you can make artificial urine. It requires about seven chemicals to do so. But these cannot be bought in small quantities, and must be mixed exactly in a sterile environment with the right equipment. Although it’s not overly hard in terms of doing it, the money spent, the time, and the risk of getting it wrong can prove very expensive.

What are the fatal flaws in urine drug screen?

In terms of failing a drug test, obviously the presence of drugs is the main fatal flaw. When using synthetic urine to try and pass drug test, the main issue is submitting it within the correct temperature range. Not doing so is the reason most people fail a drug test when using synthetic urine.

What is the penalty for falsifying a drug test in Illinois?

The penalty for falsifying a drug test in Illinois is a fine of up to $1000. It’s a class 4 felony in the state of Illinois. Note that other states have different penalties, and it’s important to understand those you face locally. It’s also important to understand that failing a drug test through trying to falsify it for employment or other everyday circumstances is not going to land you in court, this usually only relates to probation and law enforcement drug test avoidance attempts.

What temp should Quick Fix Plus synthetic urine be?

Legally, your sample has to be between 90°F and 100°F when tested within two minutes of the sample being done. Therefore, any synthetic urine has to be handed over within that narrow temperature range. That’s why it’s important to ensure that your sample is within that temperature range with confidence.

Can A Lab Tell If It's Synthetic Urine

A lab cannot tell if its synthetic urine unless it goes for a full gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis which looks as the entire composition. However, this is very expensive, and isn’t usually done. Other than that, validity checks tend to just look for the basic composition, which good quality synthetic urine will mimic easily.

Which Synthetic Urine Works Best

The most complex brand on the market is called Quick Luck. It contains 14 chemicals found in urine, so it will far exceed the complexity needed to pass any standard drug testing validity checks. It also looks, froths, smells like urine, so will fool even a trained human eye. The biggest reason people fail a drug test is because they submit a sample outside the correct temperature range, but Quick Luck gets around this by using heat activator powder which raise the temperature to the correct level in as little as one minute.

Who Sells Synthetic Urine

Although there are dozens of synthetic urine products online to buy, there’s only one I can recommend. It’s called Quick Luck. It’s the most expensive, but it’s the most complex brand on the market. It mimics human urine so closely physically and chemically that it’s virtually impossible to spot. Plus it doesn’t rely on a heatpad, and instead use something called heat activator powder which is far better for giving you exact temperature control.


Chris Bates







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