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Best PCT For SARMs Revealed: When And How To Use Nolvadex & Clomid PCT

SAMRs PCT clomid and Nolvadex

Learn what the best PCT for SARMs is. I’ll also talk you through the SARMs that don’t require PCT, and the SARMs that do in this easy guide.

We will cover all of the main PCT supplements, and in easy terms tell you how they work as well.

Plus, I’ll talk about the best PCT cycle to keep gains, how to cycle to bump your testosterone fast, and discuss whether you can use PCT on cycle.

Unless you get PCT right, then it can cause problems of its own, and you can make it worse if you don’t understand how SARMs work properly either.

Throughout this guide, I’ll be referring to generic forms of the brand names Nolvadex and Clomid, and if you want to check out pricing and details in advance, you can here:

Why Do SARMs Deplete Testosterone? 

SARMs is an acronym for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. It means that they bind to androgen receptors selectively and modulate the messages sent to them. 

SARMs target androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue selectively. That’s why you get larger and denser muscle tissue, and stronger bones. The androgen receptors in these tissues are given strong messages to work harder, grow stronger, and the body to allocate more resources to their repair and growth.


* indicates required

The problem is that mimicking the signals of testosterone in the body fools it into thinking it has too much free testosterone. So it starts to cut back its own production.

By the end of the SARMs cycle, your body can have almost totally cut out its testosterone production. You start to feel awful, and when you come off the SARMs, it can be totally debilitating for several weeks.

How Do PCT Supplements Work?

There are two types of these chemicals which are used for PCT:

  1. SERMs work the opposite way to SARMs. They are Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators. They block estrogen working at receptor sites, and they encourage the release of male hormones instead. Nolvadex and Clomid are classic examples.
  2. Aromatase inhibitors block the conversion of testosterone into estrogen (a natural process that is enhanced by higher levels of artificial testosterone in SARMs) via an enzyme called aromatase. Therefore, there is less estrogen, and testosterone gets a break to proliferate. Anastrozole is a classic example of this type.

PCT supplements were never designed for SARMs. They are mostly designed to help women with problems such as fertility, stop cancer re-occurrence, and problems with bones.

However, for more than 20 years, men have been using both type successfully to bounce testosterone levels right back up, and sometimes improve them, after cycles of SARMs and steroids.

SARMs That Require PCT

Not all SARMs are actually SARMs, meaning that they don’t work androgen receptors at all, or only in a very minor way that won’t affect your T levels.

These are the SARMs which are true Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators:

  • RAD-140 Testolone
  • LGD-4033 Ligandrol
  • S-23
  • S-4 Andarine
  • MK-2866 Ostarine

They all work in exactly the same way, with the only difference being the potency and the way that the muscle tissue develops due to the way they interact.

Although individual people make individual results, basically RAD-140, LGD-4033, and S-23 will just pump huge and heavy muscle tone. S-4 Andarine pumps less volume but the muscle tone that develops is usually much more hardened and sculpted.

A word about Ostarine. Many people claim in online guides that it’s one of the SARMs that don’t require PCT, because it’s so mild in its androgenic effects.

Although that may be true to an extent, and certainly at doses of below 30 mg effects on your testosterone levels will be minor unless you have a particularly sensitive response, a lot of people use doses of up to 60 mg, and I’m telling you, at those levels it will be notably androgenic and your body will cut down its own production.

SARMs That Don’t Require PCT

Some “SARMs”, meaning other types of chemical sold alongside SARMs which work in different ways, can build muscle and energy levels without touching your androgen receptors at all.

This is great news, because it’s actually possible to bulk up significantly without hitting an androgen receptor at all.

These are the research chemicals called SARMs that aren’t androgenic SARMs at all:

  • GW-501516 Cardarine
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic
  • MK-677 Ibutamoren
  • YK-11 Myostatin

Cardarine and Stenabolic are not muscle builders at all. Through different mechanisms, they will release significant increases in energy so you can work out harder and longer though. They are great for underpinning any SARMs cycle, whether it’s for bulking or cutting because they allow you to push yourself harder and longer.

MK-677 works as a growth hormone secretagogue, mimicking its action in producing relevant effects in the body to stimulate significant muscle growth (and appetite).

A word about YK-11 though. Although it works as a myostatin inhibitor, limiting the signals that tell the muscles not to grow so that they don’t grow too fast and unevenly, there is some evidence it is a partial agonist of the androgen receptor generally in the body.

At higher doses, some people may notice testosterone drop using YK-11 so please be careful if you are new to using it, don’t assume you won’t need PCT.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy PCT Supplements <<<<<

After Cycle PCT Supplement Options

Let’s take a look now at the main after cycle PCT supplement options that you have.

1. Nolvadex PCT (SERM)

Nolvadex is a brand name for the generic compound tamoxifen. It works as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (although it’s actually a prodrug of the compounds which do the heavy lifting, blocking the action of estrogen primarily at estrogen receptors in breast tissue).

2. Clomid PCT (SERM)

Clomid is another SERM, although it seems to target breast tissue and the hypothalamus. It’s not as good for gyno as Nolvadex in that respect. It’s much more aggressive initially than Nolvadex, but not as aggressive with long-term use as Nolvadex. It’s also better at initially encouraging increased hormone production.

3. Raloxifene (SERM)

Raloxifene is also another more modern SERM that’s primarily used to stop osteoporosis. In terms of PCT, many guys find it to be the best for attacking problems in breast tissue, countering the symptoms of gyno. But generally, it’s not that strong compared to Nolvadex or Clomid, although it has fewer side effects.

4. Aromatase Inhibitors (Anastrozole And Similar)

Aromatase inhibitors work differently to SERMs. They actually work by blocking the action of an enzyme called aromatase, which is the facilitator in the conversion of testosterone into estrogen.

This is a natural process that supercharges when you start hitting the body with artificial testosterone in SARMs. The result is lower testosterone production, and higher amounts of estrogen production. Aromatase inhibitors block this conversion and allow your body return to balance.

How To Use SARMs PCT Supplements Safely

Let’s talk you through how to use Clomid and Nolvadex safely now.

You’ve just finished a cycle of androgenic SARMs, and you can feel the symptoms of testosterone drop:

  • Low mood
  • Low energy levels
  • Muscle development decreasing
  • Lower sexual desire
  • Lower sexual ability
  • Less determination
  • Tiredness
  • Higher estrogen levels
  • Comfort food hunger
  • Workouts get harder

Only you will know how low you have gone. If you really think you’ve hit the bottom and you feel truly awful, then you’ll need to use Clomid.

Clomid has been found to be more potent initially, although it’s effects over several weeks are not as good as Nolvadex. That’s why it’s the nuclear weapon that is often used for the first week of bounce back during PCT.

During that first week, hit things at 100 mg for a couple of days, then 75 mg for a couple of days, then 50 mg of Clomid for three days.

In the second week, switch to Nolvadex. Dose it at around 75 mg if you still feel bad, or 50 mg if you feel slightly better. Keep that 50 mg dose for a week, and then taper down to 25 mg for another two or three weeks.

How Long Should You Do Post Cycle Therapy For?

The obvious answer to how long you should use after cycle PCT, is for as long as you need to return your testosterone to its original levels.

If it’s your first SARMs cycle then I would strongly advise you have blood work done before and after the cycle so that you know what’s happening with your testosterone levels.

Then you’ll know how long you should do PCT for, how you feel, and you’ll start to be able to manage it intuitively. If you’re working blind, then you just throwing more drugs that the war in the hope they work.

Generally though, you should be feeling a lot better after two weeks, and most people’s testosterone levels returned to normal within four weeks.

>>>>> Click Here To Buy PCT Supplements <<<<<

Best PCT Cycle To Keep Gains & Bounce Back T Levels Fast

The only way that PCT can help you keep your gains is by doing it at the right time. That way, your testosterone hasn’t dropped so far that it can no longer fuel muscle growth, or even maintain your current muscle structure.

These are the things you need to think about:

  1. Starting PCT before the end of your SARMs cycle. This could only be one or two weeks, but it can help. But it also creates more side effects and problems, and isn’t best for your body.
  2. You could end the SARMs cycle early. You can minimize this happening by learning about dosing and balancing androgenic and non-androgenic SARMs in your stack. If you really feel the symptoms of T drop, then you should be just stopping the SARMs cycle and starting PCT.
  3. You could use small doses of Ostarine post cycle. This can help to maintain your muscle tone while you bounce your testosterone levels back. Don’t go above 20-30 mg though, or this could contribute to further erosion of testosterone production.

So the best PCT cycle to keep gains is not some formula or type of PCT supplement. It’s about managing your symptoms as early as possible, and reacting as soon as they become noticeable and before they get significant.

Using PCT Supplements On Cycle

Let’s give you a little more detail on using PCT supplements on cycle.

Some people consider Ostarine a PCT supplement because it helps to protect your gains. However, as I’ve said already, it’s key to understand that the higher the dose, the more it will deplete your testosterone.

Nolvadex is the best to use on cycle if you feel you have to at all, or go for something like raloxifene, or a small dose of an aromatase inhibitor if you want something milder.

If you’re going to take Nolvadex on cycle, I wouldn’t go higher than a dose of 25 mg per day, and probably lower than that. If you need more than that, you should be stopping the cycle, which is what I advise anyway.

The reason I advise it isn’t just for fun. If you keep hammering your testosterone production and messing it up, it can go into complete shutdown. Sometimes, only occasionally, but it happens and it can be irreversible.

So my advice is to go very low on dose and only for a week at most before just taking the decision to stop your SARMs cycle.

Problems & Side Effects When Using PCT Supplements

As long as you don’t go crazy on dosing, then you should have minimum problems and side effects when you are using PCT supplements.

As I’ve said, Nolvadex is the best all-round supplement. For most situations you can use it alone. Doses of around 75 mg for the first few days, then down to 50 mg for a week, and then down to 25 mg, are typical.

Clomid is your nuclear option. But only really consider using it in your first week, because it’s great for not only attacking levels of estrogen interaction, but it also stimulates higher production levels of the hormones GnRH, FSH and LH.

But after the initial spike, Clomid drops in efficiency to be worse than Nolvadex. That’s why I recommend you then switch to Nolvadex as it can better counter ongoing effects of high levels of estrogen and start to attack them.

If you’ve got gyno symptoms, then Nolvadex is better because it’s affinity with estrogen receptors in breast tissue is higher. But as I also said earlier, raloxifene seems to have the best affinity in breast tissue, which could make it best for gyno.

Aromatase inhibitors stop the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. So early on in your PCT cycle, a small dose of an AI alongside your SERM could work wonders, but keep that dose very low, because you still need estrogen, and you should understand the levels of estrogen men need because it affects muscle tissue, sex drive, and many other things.

In summary:

  • With heavy levels of testosterone drop start with Clomid for a week
  • Nolvadex is your best all-round PCT weapon
  • Raloxifene is usually best for gyno symptoms
  • A small aromatase inhibitor dose can work well
  • Understand your baseline and post cycle testosterone levels
  • End your cycle early rather than doing PCT on cycle
  • Best PCT cycle to keep gains is to start early and hard

Where To Buy The Best Quality Clomid & Nolvadex

I really hope this quick guide on the best PCT for SARMs, and how to use them, has been helpful to you.

I can’t emphasise enough, if you’ve never done SARMs before, go low on your doses of androgenic SARMs, and get blood work done pre-and post cycle so you start to gain knowledge on your own body.

It always amazes me that companies who sell SARMs don’t usually sell generic Nolvadex or Clomid. Very few companies sell the whole range of PCT supplements that bodybuilders use.

One company that does though, is called Swiss Chems. At Swiss Chems, you can get the following:

  1. 1200 mg of tamoxifen (Nolvadex), dosed in 20 mg capsules, will cost you just $81.95.
  2. 1500 mg of clomiphene, dosed in 25 mg capsules, costs just $69.95.
  3. 60 capsules of anastrozole, each dosed at 0.5 mg, will cost you just $63.95.

Note that you can also get raloxifene and letrozole for great prices as well, should you want to explore those PCT options.

They are also one of the few sellers who sell Enclomiphene. This is a more modern version of Clomid (clomiphene) that isn’t widely tested, but has shown very strong early results as being more tolerable than Clomid, and producing more rapid testosterone bounce back.

Please also stay away from claimed PCT supplements such as Alchemy Labs After Cycle. The truth is they simply don’t have the potency to bounce your levels back, and you are playing with fire by not doing so.

Overall though, grab yourself tamoxifen and clomiphene, and maybe some anastrozole (take it only at a maximum of one quarter of a 0.5 mg capsule every three or four days), and you will have in your hands the best after cycle set of PCT tools.


Chris Bates






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