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Leadership Swap on Board of Education

Retiring special education teacher Myron Jenkins addresses the board.

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By MADDY VITALE School Board President Joseph Clark and Vice President Patrick Kane switched roles during an Ocean City Board of Education reorganization meeting Wednesday night. Clark was appointed vice president and Dr. Patrick Kane became president for 2022. Dr. Kane, a medical doctor, was named vice president last year. Now he assumes the top post. He was the chairman of the COVID-19 committee that enacted safety protocols to protect students and school employees during the height of the pandemic. He continues to serve in that capacity, along with some of his medical colleagues.
Primary School Principal Cathy Smith speaks about retiring teacher Mikenzie Helpenstine. While Clark served as board president for six years, he has been a board member for a decade and became a certified member last year. During a phone interview after the meeting, he said that it was never his intention to stay in the role of president for six years, but did so at the prompting of the former administration for the sake of consistency. "I was ready for a different role and Patrick felt that he was ready,” Clark said. “I’m looking forward to working with Patrick. He will take the reins and do more of the day-to-day things." Also part of the reorganization meeting, were swearing-in ceremonies of the re-elected and newly-elected board members, incumbent board member Jacqueline McAlister and newcomers Chris Halliday and Disston Vanderslice, each to three-year terms. Retiring Special Education teacher Myron Jenkins addresses the board. McAlister, who was elected in November of 2012 and started her first term in January of 2013, said in an interview after the meeting that she is “so thrilled to volunteer my time in such a wonderful school district.” “I thank the community for allowing me to work with such an amazing group of students and teachers,” she added. The board also honored three retirees. They were Mikenzie Helphenstine, a Primary School teacher and coach who is battling cancer, Special Education teacher in the Intermediate School Myron Jenkins, and Kathy Sykes, secretary to the High School principal. During the meeting, Primary School Principal Cathy Smith spoke of Helphenstine's contributions to the district and that she will be missed. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 26. Kathy Sykes, the high school principal's secretary, retires after more than two decades of service.