Mitch Vanhille of Singapore on Global Health and Wellness Trends

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Mitch Vanhille of Singapore tells his clients that everyone has a personal journey with health and overall wellness. Every person in excellent shape spent years dedicating themselves to wellness. Mitch Vanhille of Singapore is a multi-time participant in the Ironman World-Championship in Kona. After competing for years in different triathlons, Vanhille started his career in coaching. This path was not always clear to him. After moving to Taiwan for work in 2013, Mitch Vanhille found himself struggling to keep pace with a physically challenged older man through the jungle trails and mountains. That man became a friend and an inspiration. Finding people that were like-minded about running and getting fit proved to be lifechanging. This personal story is just a microcosm of a larger movement in the global wellness industry. Research shows that people are actively seeking their own wellness a-ha moment. Demand for wellness is leading to big opportunities for businesses and health and wellness professionals who can deliver the goods to the public. The global pandemic has changed many industries forever. Technology was required to evolve at a rapid pace as people stayed connected – at a distance – via the Internet. It also helped change the way people looked at fitness. Not only in a shift towards at home workout plans, but in what people considered important to their health and wellness. Mitch Vanhille of Singapore explain saying, “People are prioritizing every aspect of their health for their good and the good of their loved ones. If technology can help them achieve their health goals, they are going to seek it out to improve their quality of life. The market has seen an increase in different consumer medical devices as people look to keep track of their personal health and symptoms. There’s also been an uptick in technology purchased to organize doctor visits and prescriptions. To stay healthy and protect loved ones, people are willing to invest both time and money into their well-being. Maintaining pre-COVID fitness levels has been a struggle for people around the globe. There’s been incredible interest in at-home workout devices and communities. People need connection. Offerings like Peloton have sparked a movement as people cannot only exercise safely from the comfort of home, but they can still take lessons from a coach and get the human interaction that people need. As a health and wellness coach, Mitch Vanhille of Singapore is always looking to help his customers with their nutrition. It used to be that diets were focused on cutting out flavor and desserts and just trying to reduce the size of daily meals. Now, there are so many incredible advancements that people are finding that they can eat clean while still enjoying flavorful meals. There’s a lot of opportunity in the global market for companies that help people discover recipes or prepare meals that can help the shed weight while maintaining flavor and nutrients. Two of the biggest areas of growth in the global health and wellness industry are dedicated to better appearance and better sleep. As a health and wellness coach, Mitch Vanhille of Singapore believes that focusing on health for appearance can be dangerous. Vanhille preaches that getting in better shape can lead to a reduction in weight and an increase in self-confidence. Still, the market shows that people are spending more on nonsurgical aesthetic procedures to get the look they want. The focus on sleep is motivated both by a new generation that prioritizes mental health and an increase in stress levels due to a pandemic. Everything from sleep trackers that can be worn on the wrist to show the quality of sleep being achieved night after night or blackout curtains to ensure a bedroom remains an oasis for sleep have seen a surge in sales numbers. The health community at large is starting to pay more attention to mental health and mindfulness. People in areas of influence like celebrities and pro athletes have started to discuss their struggles with mental illnesses like anxiety or depression. This representation has helped lessen the stigma of discussing mental health issues publicly or seeking out assistance. As people grow more aware of how common these issues are, solutions to these problems have become more readily available. The industry has seen an increase in people educating themselves on how everything they do contributes to mental wellness. From the foods being consumed, to exercise levels, to time spent on a phone or sleeping, overall wellness can only be achieved when every aspect of a person’s life is considered.





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