Jill Adamson discovered a secret about her new business not long after it was up and running.
“Once we clearly defined our mission statement, we began to meet like-minded people,” said Adamson, who partners with her husband Tom Adamson and Tyrone Rolls on the youth sports venture. “We began to meet those who were on our same path.”
That has made for a frantic few months of start-up activities for the partners, but it certainly is good news for youth sports in Ocean City.
Late last year the Adamsons and Rolls founded and launched RA Development Academy, a coaching and training business providing youth sports clinics and leagues, one-on-one and group training in specific sports.
RA, for Rolls and Adamson, hosts a wide range of such events for young athletes and local coaches, and will also design and deliver turnkey operations for clients wishing to stage such events.

Founders and organizers of RA Academy are (from left) Tyrone Rolls, Jill and Tom Adamson.
At the beginning of the startup process, Jill said she wasn’t sure exactly how the menu of services would expand and evolve. One thing she was sure of: community involvement would be essential – to the growth of the venture and to its identity.
What she found to be a pleasant surprise, particularly this early in the run, is the community embraced RA in return.
For instance, local lacrosse star Emily Culbertson, a former Division 1 player at the College of Holy Cross, near Boston, heard about RA Development’s need for equipment. Culbertson donated a large number of gently used lacrosse sticks to the cause.
“We were grateful to receive the equipment and Emily. was pleased they would be repurposed to be used by young players,” Jill said.
Such donations are helpful to parents who want their kids to try new sports without the investment in new equipment. “Sometimes kids need to try a couple different sports before they find the one they want to pursue,” Adamson explained, “and this way the parents don’t necessarily need to invest in equipment during that trial phase.”

A portion of recently donated field hockey and lacrosse equipment, including a large number of gently used lacrosse sticks donated by former Ocean City High School star Emily Culbertson.
Several Ocean City organizations donated the use of facilities for clinics, and the school district collaborated in a number of ways, including facility usage and inclusion in educational programs, Adamson noted.
One of the ways they will give back is with the establishment of a scholarship fund to help deserving participants. RA will be jump-starting that initiative with a Pancake Breakfast, Sunday, February 9, from 8 a.m. to 11 at Captain Bob’s Restaurant in Ocean City, 9 E. 55
th St. in Ocean City.
Participants and their families, friends and the general public are invited to enjoy a fine breakfast for the benefit of the scholarship fund.
The following are some of the events and activities already on tap:
- Indoor Volleyball Clinic for boys and girls, 3rd through 8th Grades. The clinic is ongoing, but there are still openings. Currently, no other volleyball program exists in O.C. for children of this age. The clinics ae held at St. John Lutheran Church, 1001 Central Ave. in Ocean City on Tuesdays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Through March 3. For more information or to register, call Jill at 609-214-2380.
- Boys and girls Basketball Clinics, also at St. John’s Lutheran on President’s Day, Monday February 17. First through 3rd grades from 9 to 10 a.m., cost $10; 4th through 8th grades, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon, cost $20. The clinic will teach skills, conduct drills and games award prizes and place an emphasis on fun. Call Jill to reserves a spot at the number above.
- Indoor Winter Girls’ Lacrosse Clinic, for 3rd through 8th graders, again at St. John’s. The clinics will focus on conditioning and skills and will take place from 5-6 p.m. Jan 20, 22, 27, and 29; February 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, and 27. Children may attend one, a few, or all of the clinics. Call Jill at the number above for more information.

RA Academy co-founder and coach Tom Adamson (right) works with a young player at a recent basketball clinic.
RA Academy co-founder and coach Tom Adamson (right) works with a young player at a recent basketball clinic.
Plans will soon be announced for the only girls softball program in Ocean City for grades 3
rd throuth 8
th. Currently, Ocean City girls in this age bracket must travel out of town to participate in organized softball games and activities.
Adamson said she is excited that the softball program for RA Academy will be run by former Ocean City, Penn State and professional softball player Ariana Segish.
In another startup milestone, RA Academy launched its new website, which went live earlier this week. Visit them on the web at
For more information about any of the RA programs, contact: RA Development Academy, PO Box 793, Ocean City NJ 08226; Phone 609-214-2380; email