Atlantic City Electric will improve reliability in Ocean City by installing special equipment to reduce the number of customers affected by power outages.Reclosers will be installed for areas serving every 500 customers or fewer, so when an outage occurs outside of a substation area, fewer homes and businesses will be affected. Instead of having a couple of thousand customers without power because of a pole accident, for instance, 500 or fewer customers will be affected until repairs are made.Installation of these reclosers will require service interruptions this winter as crews replace existing poles, transformers and wire. Contractors will notify customers before these outages occur. The work also will require road closings and detours around the blocks where work is taking place.
For the week of Feb. 11 to Feb. 15, the tentative schedule (weather permitting) of service interruptions will be as follows:
Monday:27th Street and West Avenue; and Ninth Street and Ocean Avenue
Tuesday:Ninth Street and Ocean Avenue; and 11th Street between Ocean Avenue and Wesley Avenue
Wednesday:11th Street between Ocean Avenue and Wesley Avenue; and Central Avenue between 10th and 12th Streets.
Thursday: 17th Street between Asbury and Wesley Avenues.
Friday:17th Street between Asbury and Wesley Avenues; and Central Avenue between 17th and 19th Streets.