The North End Drainage Project was awarded through City Council on December 28, 2017 to the contractor L. Feriozzi Concrete Co. As a result of the city letting the contractor work during the summer, the contractor has made tremendous progress and is moving significantly faster. Allowing the contractor to work during the summer has also resulted in rapid response time from the utility companies. This is especially true with South Jersey Gas, since gas can’t be shut off without the homeowner present after October 1.
If everything goes according to plan and weather permitting, this project will be complete by the end of the year. The contractor has two (2) pipe crews and a concrete crew actively working. The following is a status update of work by street:
2nd Street
- Pipe installed and connected West Ave to Bay/Simpson alley.
- 100 Block Simpson Ave paved.
- 200 Block Simpson Ave partially paved.
- 100 Block of Haven Ave paved.
- Westside of 200 block of Haven Ave paved.
- Eastside of 200 Block Haven Ave paving pending, for water service to be installed at residential property.
3rd Street
- Contractor currently working on 3rd Street.
- Pipe installed West Ave to Bay Ave.
- Elevation of the south side of 3rd Street has begun.
- During the elevation of 3rd Street, temporary tie-ins in the alley and street between West Ave and Haven Ave have been created at current elevation to ensure drainage until final elevation is complete.
- Concrete work on the 300 Block of Simpson Ave has just begun. When they are done Simpson Ave, they will move to 3rd Street.
4th Street
- Pipe work is complete, including tie-in to 5th Street pipe.
- Concrete has been installed.
- Street is not paved yet.
5th Street
- Contractor currently working on 5th Street.
- Pipe is complete and tied in to the drainage system, which will eliminate the flooding that was experienced over the weekend of 7/20/18.
- 500 Block of West Ave concrete and base pave complete. It will be top paved at a later date in conjunction with 5th and 6th Streets.
- Concrete work has not begun as of yet. Concrete work will begin after 3rd Street concrete work is completed.
6th Street
- Drainage work has just begun on 6th Street.
7th Street
- Drainage work will begin on 7th street after the completion of 6th street.
- Bay Avenue & Pumping Stations
- Work to begin after all other road work (drainage, concrete, elevation and paving) is completed on the numbered streets.
- Project Design
See Design Presentation for Detail
Updated 1:43 p.m. July 24, 2018