Friday evening was the climax of Ocean City's Theatre Camp's second session, which was open to students from 3rd - 8th grade. They performed the play"Rumpelstiltskin, Private Eye" to a large crowd at the Bill and Nancy Hughes Performing Arts Center in Ocean City.
The two week camp exposed the children to a taste of what the Greater Ocean City Theatre Company is all about. The smiles on their faces said it all. In just two short weeks, these theatrical newbies learned and executed the play flawlessly.
Rumpelstiltskin, Private Eye
Directed By DON TOAL
Camp Counselors
Shannon Cattie, Morgan Kirner
Cast of Characters
RUMPELSTILTSKIN…………………………………..………….…….Alexis Rendel
UGLY DUCKLING………………………………………..…...……Natalie Harrison
MAMA BEAR/FAIRY GODMOTHER……………………..…Giovanna Evans
PAPA BEAR/FAIRY GODFATHER…………………....…….Jonathan Marino
BABY BEAR………………………...…………………………..………Frank Tedesco
GOLDILOCKS/PERKY…………………………………………….……Haley Dukich
GINGERBREAD MAN/DROWSY…………......………………..Asher Sindoni
WORRIED PIG/SNOW WHITE……………...………..…….……… Molly Haak
SMART PIG/ NERDY………………………….….………..…..Reagan DeVlieger
BIG BAD WOLF…………………………………………….…………..Julia Newman
VIRGINIA WOLF/BOSSY…………………………………..……… Mia Gallagher
LITTLE RED………………………………………………………………Megan Panter
CLUMSY……………………………………………………….……...….Colin Schwein
GLOOMY/HORTENSE……………………………..…………..…Elena Weychert
HUNGRY/MINERVA…………………………..……………….…Brynn Gallagher
PENELOPE/GRANNY………………………………………….Ashley Bollenbach
CINDERELLA………………………..………….…………Carmiya Morris-Lincoln
Special Thanks to
City of Ocean City, Mr. Steven Trauger
Administration and Staff for Ocean City High School