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OCEAN CITY, NJ (April 18, 2016)- Ocean City Schools have wrapped up their second year of the Afterschool Drama Club program with their partner, The Ocean City Theater Company (OCTC). The program, funded by the Sea Isle City Board of Education and the Ocean City Board of Education, stems from an idea by Superintendent Dr. Kathleen Taylor. There was a desire from Dr. Taylor, as well as the Ocean City School Board to provide the younger students in the district with the chance to participate in theater and to learn more about the arts. The program allows students in grades 2nd-5th the opportunity to appreciate theater by interacting with one another and through various activities such as improvisation, short skits, basic stage direction, creative writing, imagination activities, memorizing lines, and more. The program’s curriculum was formed by Michael Hartman, the Artistic Director of OCTC, who used the Core Curriculum Standards for the State of New Jersey. Each grade met for one hour afterschool for the duration of a week. A different style of musical theater was assigned to each grade, where they would learn a song and dance to match. The grades were also able to focus on a specific acting emphasis. Second graders worked on Reader’s Theater and 3rd
graders created monologues, while 4th graders performed fairytale scenes and 5th graders had to advertise a certain product using commercial monologues. “Knowing of the work that OCTC has been doing with the City of Ocean City in their summer theater camps for children, it seemed like it would be a perfect partnership to have them operate a week long camp for each of these grades. We believe that visual and performing arts are important, as children have a wide variety of interests and talents and we want our students to have ways to discover and act on these interests and talents.”- Dr. Kathleen Taylor At the end of each week, the students performed an informal showcase of what they learned for their family, friends, and staff. Parents and other audience members were even asked to take part in some of the theater games. The hope is that by giving young children the opportunity to get involved in such programs, they will gain a greater sense of comfort in the future when speaking or performing in front of an audience. It will provide them with the confidence to join more afterschool clubs, sports, and theater groups. In the program, students have learned to build a safe environment and have created a community built around respect. “The most rewarding thing is seeing the growth each year. It was amazing to see how much the kids remember from the previous year. Also, it is very special to encounter kids who are being exposed to theater for the first time. We have literally seen the theater bug bite kids right before our eyes!”- Michael Hartman OCTC Kids2.4 The participation in theater groups at a young age has also had an impact on students as they reach high school level. Ocean City High School has a fantastic drama program, that continues to grow in size every year. Each production shows a heavy return of students, as well as an entirely new group. This year’s spring musical, Young Frankenstein, has around 80 students involved between the cast, crew, and pit band. No matter how different students may be outside of practice, they come together on stage and create an unbreakable comradery that keeps them coming back. “I have been extremely fortunate as a director to work with many students that have been involved in the arts since their elementary and middle school years, and the effect it has had on their character is tremendous. Students who participate regularly in theatre arts activities learn crucial skills, such as self-discipline, teamwork, and empathy.”- Donald Toal, OCHS Drama Guild Director In its second year, the Afterschool Drama Club has almost tripled in size for all four grades. Ocean City Schools are thrilled to see such involvement from their students and staff, hoping next year will be even bigger and that it will continue to show the kids the importance of theater. Giving them this taste for the arts is ideal for keeping the contribution in local theater groups and OCHS’s Drama Guild a growing success. The Afterschool Drama Club is perfect for kids with an interest and passion for theater, as well as those with no experience. If your child would like to get involved with theater, there is no need to wait until the next school year! For more information on OCTC’s summer theater program, visit their website at or call (609) 398-1118!