Ocean City High School Graduates 323 in Class of 2015

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[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="6" gal_title="OCHS Graduation 2015"] Ocean City High School graduated 323 students in the Class of 2015 in a commencement ceremony Friday (June 19). The graduation took place at Carey Stadium, adjacent to the beach and boardwalk, and the setting served as a reminder of the school’s unique oceanfront location. A breeze took the edge off the heat of a sunny June afternoon. As with all recent classes, the members of the Class of 2015 provided a mind-boggling array of achievements in academics, athletics and the arts. The valedictorian and salutatorian — who each attained about 4.9 grade-point averages  — delivered commencement speeches, but they spoke not of their ability to conquer the world. Instead, they asked their peers to remember  to live in the moment and to be kind. And each paid tribute to a classmate was not with them at graduation, Maliha Chowdhury. "We live in a society where so much is expected of us: to take as many honors courses as possible, to fill up our resumes, to choose a profession that will fill our wallets, instead of fulfilling our happiness," salutatorian BriarRose Ginn said. "Why not take a few moments to live in the now and experience life in the present?" "Frankly, when I think of the accomplishments I want to achieve and the person I aspire to be, I don’t think of the the first man who walked on the moon or the millionaires on Wall Street—but rather the parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and friends who have impacted our lives, the people who have supported us and are much of the reason we are standing here today," Ginn said. "I strive to be like all of you." Ginn said she'll also strive to be like "our friend Maliha who always warmed the halls and taught us just how important it is to be there for each other." Valedictorian Laura McKinley noted that members of the class all will experience pressures, burdens and expectations but that one thing in life stays constant: "the need and importance of kindness." "There is someone missing here today who would go out of her way to live by this philosophy of kindness, a young woman who concealed her struggles behind a beautiful smile that will forever be engraved in our hearts. Maliha Chowdhury graduates with us tonight," McKinley said of the young woman who took her own life in December and received a diploma posthumously on Friday. "Before her light was stifled away too soon, Maliha made even strangers feel the warmth of her genuineness. Through her ability to teach and to listen, to booty pop like no one had ever seen, and to put others before herself, Maliha’s memory not only pushes us to care for others, but to care for ourselves." "I understand that there is tranquility in silence, but there is also an undeniable power in words and in compassion. " The ceremony included a tribute to the members of the Ocean City High School Class of 1965 — with 24 in attendance. The ceremony included the school choir singing the national anthem, the alma mater and "Here Right Now." School Superintendent Kathleen Taylor delivered brief remarks. And the ceremony began with the traditional processional to "Pomp and Circumstance" and concluded with the turning of the tassels and tossing of the mortarboards. See list of the Class of 2015’s Top 10 scholars. A complete list of graduates in alphabetical order follows: OCEAN CITY HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2015 **Highest Honors – Gold
*Honors – Silver +Honor Society °STEM ~Exchange Student
  • *Madelyn Gail Adams
  • *Adina Kristina Ahlstrom
  • *Zachary David Altieri
  • Adrian Patrick Alvarado
  • *Shelby Carol Alvord
  • +**Amber Leigh Angelucci
  •    *Zachary Robert Archer
  • °+**Matthew Chelsea Aromando
  • Courtney Elizabeth Attenborough
  • Charles Andrew Atwell
  • *Angeline Karen Avila
  • °*Lucas Daniel Baker
  • *David Savo Balic
  • Kevin Michael Barnes
  • Kimberly Ann Barnes
  • Sergio David Barragan-Diaz
  • **Ryan Jeffrey Beebe
  • *Russell Nicholas Belz
  • Joseph Peter Berenato, IV
  • *Mia Isabelle Bergmann
  • Cori Anne Berman
  • Andrew John Beseris
  • Laura Marie Blaine
  • +**Brooke Lindsay Blumenstock
  • Michael Scott Bobb, Jr.
  • Chad Frank Bodenschatz
  • Megan Elizabeth Bologno
  • Sebastian Gabriel Bond
  • +**Justin Stephen Booth
  • +**Karissa Shea Bourbeau
  • +**Lauren Elizabeth Bowersock
  • *Madeline Ann Brady
  • *Gabrielle Breazeale
  • **Emily Elizabeth Breed
  • Brian William Britton, Jr.
  • Anthony Christopher Broker
  • Cree Elizabeth Brown
  • Kevin Andrew Burcaw
  • Julia Marie Burrows
  • Zachary Stephen Busam
  • +**Noel Renee Butler
  • Lauren Elise Camp
  • Dominic Michael Campisi
  • Avonlea Cambria Canizzaro
  • Kyra Dawn Carlin
  • Dylan James Carr
  • +**Savannah Danielle Carter
  • +**Edward James Carter, Jr.
  • *Lucia Marie Casaleno
  • *Dana Lynn Cates
  • Cheadra J. Chheth
  • Frank Vincent Christy
  • Bianca Theresa Cisternino
  • **Teresa Maria Citera
  • *Kylie Marie Clearkin
  • Dion Scott Clemmer
  • Zachary Alexander Colao
  • Kyle Christopher Conrad
  • +**Madeline Grace Crowell
  • Shayne Conner Crowley
  • Felicia Anne Cullen
  • Elizabeth Marie Cunningham
  • Luke Anthony Cuomo
  • +**Michael Anthony Daddi
  • *Nicholas Konstantin Dagrosa
  • Alexandra Leigh Daly
  • **Allison Maria Daly
  • °*Matthew Jacob Daquila
  • *Maria Allison Dattilo
  • David Richard DeCredico
  • **Jenna Marie DelVescio
  • Luke Timothy Demore
  • Andrew Clarence DeVaul
  • +**Fiona Rose Devine
  • John Lawrence Deyoung
  • Paul DiAngelis
  • Owen Michael Dierolf
  • °**Sean Thomas Dougherty
  • *Julia Sistek Dragon
  • Eric Phillip Easterly
  • *Ashley Hunter Edgell
  • Jonathan Henry Edwards
  • Russell William Eggert, IV
  • *Hannah Lynne Eiler
  • *Anna Leigh Elmer
  • Olivia Lynn Ensminger
  • Juliet Maegan Evans
  • Dylan Patrick Fahy
  • Timothy Richard Ferrier
  • +**Joseph Roberto Ferrilli
  • +**Benjamin Jackson Fischer
  • *Rachel Elizabeth Fosbenner
  • Brian Patrick Foster
  • *Katilynn Marie Foster
  • Jonathan William Foulke
  • Patricia Jane Fox
  • Elaina Brooke Frankel
  • Anthony Kurt Fredrick
  • *Annamarie Freedman
  • Andrew Paul Gallagher
  • *Carlo Joseph Gallelli
  • Joseph Cameron Gardner
  • °*Antonio William Gentilini
  • Dillon Michael Gerber
  • *Ambrosia Pierce Gibboney
  • Jacob Hawk Gibson
  • Lara Irene Gieza
  • Yuri Gieza
  • Jonathan Benton Gift
  • Joseph Spina Gildea
  • +**Kevin Magee Gill
  • Mikala Jordan Gillespie
  • +**BriarRose Aurora Ginn
  • *Ryan Nathaniel Givens
  • *Madison Andrea Goucher
  • +**Emily Elizabeth Grant
  • +**Madeline Ann Greaser
  • *Mackenzie Leigh Greene
  • Olivia Francis Greene
  • +**Raquel Elizabeth Gresham
  • +**Mercy Ann Griffith
  • *Maggie Elizabeth Grimes
  • *Epiphany Devon Grisbaum
  • Jeremy Eric Grund
  • +**Zachary Ethan Hackett
  • Brendan Patrick Haddon
  • +**Brandon Charles Hadtke
  • **Kelly Ann Hanna
  • Matthew Austin Harper
  • Dillon Arthur Haskins
  • *Christian Avagian Heist
  • +**Alec Stephen Helm
  • Rebecca Hai Si Henry
  • David Edward Hinckley, Jr.
  • +**Malia Rae Kawailani Hindle
  • Marisa Statler Hoffman
  • Sarah Elizabeth Hoffmann
  • °*Scott Everett Hogan
  • Brianna Michelle Holder
  • *Nicholas Mark Hornick
  • John Louis Houston
  • *Kyle Anthony Howey
  • Mary Hubbi
  • *Krista Elizabeth Iannone
  • +**Benjamin John Jargowsky
  • **Austen Trofa Johnson
  • *Dean Austin Jones
  • Patric Jeffrey Jones
  • +*Augustus Michael Jurasinski
  • *Elizabeth Patricia Kazanjian
  • +**Kira Wilson Kelly
  • Matthew James Kennedy
  • *Jacqueline Marie Ker
  • Gretchen Toshiko Keyser
  • **Allison Caitlin Kirkpatrick
  • *Allyson Nicole Klinger
  • **Madison Rae Knapp
  • Kelsey Ann Kosturko
  • William Matthew Kosturko
  • Steven Marzorati Kramer
  • Brian Adam Kuperstein
  • Katelyn Brianna Laine
  • Eric Tin Yao Lam
  • *Sarah Laux
  • *Sean Thomas Laux
  • *Maya Rae Laws
  • Jamie Anna Lea
  • Katie Elle Leadbetter
  • *Sofiya Romanivna Lebedeva
  • Christopher Cory Lechner
  • +**Emma Jean Leeds
  • Yeoryia Dimitriou Lemoniotis
  • ~Fanny Marie Anne Le Rumeur
  • Vincent John Levin, Jr.
  • *Ryan Joseph Lewandowski
  • Matthew Ryan Lewis
  • *Daniel Guido Loggi, III
  • Mary Katherine Lokken
  • Gabrielle Angela Lombardo
  • Jason Colton Lord
  • Cassidy Glenn Louvin
  • Kelsey Marie Lovette
  • Richard Gregory Lowther
  • Hannah Katherine Lucey
  • Aiden Malcolm MacDonald
  •  *Robert Douglass Macom, Jr.
  • +**Kristin Elizabeth Marshall
  • +**Patrick Joseph Martin
  • *Rosa Lani Martinez
  • °**Luke Weston Martino
  • Amanda Rinee Martyn
  • Claire Ruth Matera
  • +**Thomas Robert Matera
  • Tara Michelle Mathers
  • °Steven Robert May, Jr.
  • Joshua Randolph Mazzoni
  • Samantha Jane McCardell
  • Patrick Hugh McCarron, Jr.
  • *Christian Stephen McDermott
  • Kevin Michael McDermott
  • +**Laura Brice McKinley
  • Erin Shawn McMurray
  • **Lauren Marie McNally
  • Evan William Megargee
  • +**Alison Elizabeth Miles
  • *Kyle Robert Millar
  • Mary Devlin Millar
  • Jonathan Mills
  • *Abigail Pauline Montemurro
  • Jonathan David Monzo
  • Thomas Justin Moore
  • +**Corey Nicole Mounce
  • Delia Emily Moylan
  • Allysa Victoria Mullins
  • Bryana Lynn Murphy
  • +**Stephanie Marie Murray
  • *Anna Grace Myers
  • *Erin Lee Myers
  • Raine Marie Myers
  • Glen Alan Nagle, Jr.
  • *Tatiana Regina Neely
  • +**JoHannah Grace Newman
  • +**Mary Catherine Ney
  • **Collin Theodore Noble
  • +**Macy Lucretia Oteri
  • *Alexxa Maria Pastore
  • Jeffrey John Payne
  • °**Evan Kristopher Pearce
  • Jonah Christian Penney
  • *Emily Nicole Pensa
  • Philip William Pente, Jr.
  • McKayla Rian Perry
  • Lauren Elizabeth Phifer
  • +**Amy Elizabeth Phillips
  • +**Robert Morgan Phillips
  • *John Joseph Piccinino, III
  • Travis John Pierpoint
  • *Rebecca Marie Piotrowski
  • °*Jenner Reed Pomeroy
  • *Christina Marie Porreca
  • *Lauren Spencer Prettyman
  • Brianna Danise Margaret Ramos
  • Shane Thomas Rauner
  • **Miranda Nicole Rausch
  • *Samantha Lynn Ravelli
  • Bailey Elizabeth Reading
  • +**Kristina Leigh Redmond
  • *Sara Elizabeth Redmond
  • Ryan Allen Reeve
  • **Rosemary Domenica Reidy
  • *Amy Lauren Reinhold
  • Michael Jack Ricchi
  • Brandi Nicole Richards
  • *Rachel Ann Rinck
  • Nelly Paola Rivero-Ontiveros
  • Erika Sacramento Rodriguez
  • Nathaniel James Rodriguez
  • +**Kristi Jean Rohrer
  • *Erin Margaret Rundall
  • Juan Arturo Sanchez, Jr.
  • °**Jared Michael Savino
  • **Logan Harris Schettig
  • Tyler Gene Schlam
  • Sierra Belle Schoenewald
  • +**Miranda Jane Schumacher
  • *Melissa Sophia Scott
  • *Arianna Faith Segich
  • Ryan Michael Segin
  • Douglas Thomas Shallcross
  • Ryan Thomas Shannon
  • *Andrea Joy Sharp
  • Martin Thomas Shaw
  • *Pierce James Shellhorn
  • Konnor Bryant Sherman
  • Gretchen North Shirk
  • *Samantha Jo Shulde
  • Brandon Lawrence Charles Sibitzky
  • *Samantha Jean Sleister
  • +**Justin Robert Smith
  • *Kayleen MacKenzie Snyder
  • Eric Conrad Soens
  • *Noah Michael Spear
  • *Rachael Marie St. Clair
  • Joseph Stewart
  • +**Rachel Marie Stremme
  • *Jessica Eileen Sykes
  • Julian Taylor Szwanki
  • Shannon Laura Townsend Tarves
  • +**Jamie Marie Taylor
  • +**Devon Carly Terwilliger
  • *Jessica Marie Therrien
  • Philip Joseph Trapani, II
  • **Nathaniel Francesco Trofa
  • Oliver Stephen Trout
  • Jacob Michael Tuso Kelly
  • +**Maura Catherine Twiggs
  • °*Matthew Emsley Unsworth, IV
  • **Christina Rose Urban
  • +**Mikayla Eileen Utley
  • Donald Ryan VanMeter
  • **Mary Theresa Wagner
  • +**Danielle Marie Walawender
  • *Shannon Mary Wallace
  • +**Lindsey Rui-Rong Wan
  • *Henry Frederick Weigel
  • Imam Angel Weiler
  • *Celena Cai White
  • Owen Wesley Wilde
  • +**Zachary Scott Williams
  • Trevor Marc Guy Williamson
  • Courtney Brianna Wilson-Johnson
  • John Brennan Wintz
  • David Paul Woolley, III
  • *Kaitland Elizabeth Wriggins
  • Keith Joseph Wright
  • *Gabriella Louise Wyand
  • Zachary Adam Wyman
  • **Ivan Yang
  • *Mason Aloysius Yeager
  • *Sean Edward Yeats
  • +**Caliope Elaine Yiannos
  • Zachary Christopher Zellers
  • Matthew Michael Zennario





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