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Beach Update April 3: Pipe Sections Stacked at 34th Street

From left, John Armato, Vince Mazzeo and Margate Commissioner John Amodeo at Lucy's birthday party last summer.

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Beach replenishment in Ocean City, NJ An Army Corps of Engineers contractor moves sections of pipeline from a flatbed truck to a stack on the beach at 34th Street on Friday, April 3. Check here for regular updates on the progress of work on an Army Corps of Engineers project to rebuild eroded beaches between 36th and 59th streets. The work is scheduled to be completed between April and July. Visit daily once the project starts to see which beaches are complete and which beaches are closed for work. Sections of pipe stacked at 34th Street Beach will be added to a line as a beach replenishment project moves northward from 42nd Street to 36th Street. Sections of pipe stacked at 34th Street Beach will be added to a line as a beach replenishment project moves northward from 42nd Street to 36th Street. DATE: Friday, April 3 PROGRESS: A pipeline connecting an offshore "borrow area" on the ocean floor has landed on the beach just south of 42nd Street. The contractor, Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Company, is stacking new sections of pipeline on the beach at 34th Street. WHAT'S NEXT: Staging work will continue until sand-pumping begins about April 14. Work is expected to begin at 42nd Street and proceed northward to 34th Street in the first phase of the project. Army Corps of Engineers representatives are expected to provide an update at a public City Council Meeting on April 9.
READ MORE: Beach to Close 1,000 Feet at at Time for Summer Dredging in Ocean City _____ Sign up for free e-mail updates from Ocean City. _____