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Council Agenda: No to Rolling Chairs? Yes to Corson's Boardwalk?

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Red line indicates existing rail trail at Corson's Inlet State Park. City Council has a full agenda
for its public meeting 7 p.m. Thursday (Aug. 14) at City Hall, but here are a handful of items that might be of special interest:
  • Boardwalk Rolling Chair Ban: Ocean City recently received an inquiry from a company interested in operating a rolling chair business like Atlantic City's. But Police Chief Chad Callahan recommended against adding rolling chairs to an already chaotic mix on the summer boardwalk. City Council will consider the first reading of an amended ordinance prohibiting the use of rolling chairs on streets, alleys and the boardwalk in Ocean City.
  • Corson's Inlet State Park Boardwalk: City Council will consider a resolution that would approve of Ocean City co-signing an application for permits to build a small boardwalk connecting paved streets at 59th Street and West Avenue with an existing gravel rail trail in Corson's Inlet State Park. The rail trail currently dead-ends in the marshes about 300 feet shy of Ocean City. The project would be on state property and funded by the state, but because it crosses rights of way controlled by Ocean City, the city's support is necessary.
  • Prettier Pilings: City Council will consider the first reading of an ordinance that would require "more aesthetically pleasing" screening of exposed structural pilings for elevated homes.
  • Zoning Flood Elevation: City Council will consider another change to required elevation for new or substantially reconstructed homes. An ordinance proposes to measure "zoning flood elevation" from the bottom of the floor joists (and not from the top of the finished first floor). The change would help the city comply with "Community Rating System" requirements that help determine flood insurance discounts for communities as a whole.
  • Return of the Community Services Department: City Council will consider re-establishing the Department of Community Services, which was merged last year into a new Department of Community Operations in a structural reorganization.
For supporting documentation on all agenda items, see the agenda packet below: [gview file=""]







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