Club members enjoy the event for a good cause.

The Key Clubs of Ocean City High School and Mainland Regional High School, the Northfield-Linwood Kiwanis Foundation and Club, Stockton Circle-K and the local Aktion Club joined forces for the inaugural Key Club Scholarship Walk.
The multi-Kiwanis Family walkathon on May 22 was a fundraiser for the Northfield-Linwood Kiwanis Foundation. The purpose was to award scholarships to Key Club members at Ocean City and Mainland Regional High Schools, promote the education and independent living of young people and adults with disabilities, and fund other charitable causes to help meet the needs of the community, according to a news release.
“There was a great turnout of over 70 walkers. The walkathon successfully raised over $3,500,” Ashley Schmid, advisor to the Ocean City High School Key Club, said in the release. “Though the planning process was short, only two months, everyone went above and beyond to put this event together.”

Key Club members from Ocean City and Mainland Regional High Schools participate.
The event was planned by a sponsors, marketing and leadership committee comprised of selected Ocean City and Mainland Regional High School Key Club members, along with the Kiwanis Foundation, Stockton University Circle K, and local Aktion Club.
The Marketing Committee, made up of Madeline Heng, Sophia Batioja, Isabella Pero, Colleen Fahy, Lilly Teofanova, Ray Brophy and Ellie Granieri, met weekly and created a detailed event packet, an active event Instagram account with updates for walkers, along with a variety of posters and flyers to advertise.
The Sponsors Committee, which included Diya Patel, Natalie Spollen, Nijal Shah, Emily Crawford, Erika Ruiz, Karina Sheldon, Supiya Manley and Patsy Guerrina, also met weekly and contacted over 115 businesses and corporations through in-person visits, emails and phone calls to sponsor the walkathon.

Club members enjoy the event for a good cause.
Finally, the Leadership Committee made up of John Capasso, Olivia Heng, Luke McSorley, Sarah Harvey, Andi Parker, Lisa Lehne-Gilmore, Rev. Dr. Frank Reeder, Ashley Schmid and Jen Makowski oversaw and guided the high school committees each week and worked together to organize the logistics of the event, which included assigning jobs, obtaining permits and insurance and acquiring materials such as registration tables and club banners.
“This event would not have been possible without the support of local businesses, many of which donated over $150,” Schmid said. “While reaching their financial goal was important, the overarching benefit was the opportunity for service, and for personal growth through the exercise of cooperation, responsibility, and leadership."

The Aktion Key Club was part of the walkathon.